2、一般使用PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager 来管理连接池,默认每个route只创建两个connection,而且最大是20个连接,但是实际情况并不是。
If the connection gets closed on the server side, the client side connection is unable to detect the change in the connection state (and react appropriately by closing the socket on its end).
The only feasible solution that does not involve a one thread per socket model for idle connections is a dedicated monitor thread used to evict connections that are considered expired due to a long period of inactivity. The monitor thread can periodically call ClientConnectionManager#closeExpiredConnections()
method to close all expired connections and evict closed connections from the pool. It can also optionally call ClientConnectionManager#closeIdleConnections()
method to close all connections that have been idle over a given period of time.
public static class IdleConnectionMonitorThread extends Thread { private final HttpClientConnectionManager connMgr; private volatile boolean shutdown; public IdleConnectionMonitorThread(HttpClientConnectionManager connMgr) { super(); this.connMgr = connMgr; } @Override public void run() { try { while (!shutdown) { synchronized (this) { wait(5000); // Close expired connections connMgr.closeExpiredConnections(); // Optionally, close connections // that have been idle longer than 30 sec connMgr.closeIdleConnections(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } } } catch (InterruptedException ex) { // terminate } } public void shutdown() { shutdown = true; synchronized (this) { notifyAll(); } } }
The HTTP specification does not specify how long a persistent connection may be and should be kept alive. Some HTTP servers use a non-standard Keep-Alive
header to communicate to the client the period of time in seconds they intend to keep the connection alive on the server side. HttpClient makes use of this information if available. If the Keep-Alive
header is not present in the response, HttpClient assumes the connection can be kept alive indefinitely. However, many HTTP servers in general use are configured to drop persistent connections after a certain period of inactivity in order to conserve system resources, quite often without informing the client. In case the default strategy turns out to be too optimistic, one may want to provide a custom keep-alive strategy.
ConnectionKeepAliveStrategy myStrategy = new ConnectionKeepAliveStrategy() { public long getKeepAliveDuration(HttpResponse response, HttpContext context) { // Honor ‘keep-alive‘ header HeaderElementIterator it = new BasicHeaderElementIterator( response.headerIterator(HTTP.CONN_KEEP_ALIVE)); while (it.hasNext()) { HeaderElement he = it.nextElement(); String param = he.getName(); String value = he.getValue(); if (value != null && param.equalsIgnoreCase("timeout")) { try { return Long.parseLong(value) * 1000; } catch(NumberFormatException ignore) { } } } HttpHost target = (HttpHost) context.getAttribute( HttpClientContext.HTTP_TARGET_HOST); if ("www.naughty-server.com".equalsIgnoreCase(target.getHostName())) { // Keep alive for 5 seconds only return 5 * 1000; } else { // otherwise keep alive for 30 seconds return 30 * 1000; } } }; CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClients.custom() .setKeepAliveStrategy(myStrategy) .build();