今天看到一篇文章《使用 OpenCV 与 Face++ 实现人脸解锁》,感觉挺好玩,就照着作者的讲解,写了一下。详细内容还请看原作者文章。
1 # *^_^* coding:utf-8 *^_^* 2 from __future__ import print_function 3 4 __author__ = ‘stone‘ 5 __date__ = ‘16-4-13‘ 6 7 """ 8 http://www.cnblogs.com/asmer-stone/p/5389383.html 9 """ 10 11 import cv2 12 import numpy as np 13 import time 14 import requests 15 import os 16 import mimetypes 17 18 face_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier("haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml") 19 API_KEY = ‘xxx‘ 20 API_SECRET = ‘xxx‘ 21 BASE_URL = ‘http://apicn.faceplusplus.com/v2‘ 22 23 //用opencv检测人脸的函数,注释部分内容是检测并画出人脸区域。 24 def detect_face(): 25 cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) 26 next_capture_time = time.time() 27 faces = [] 28 29 if not cap.isOpened(): 30 print("Capture Opening ERROR!") 31 32 while 1: 33 ret, img = cap.read() 34 35 # img_gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) 36 # if next_capture_time < time.time(): 37 # next_capture_time += 0.1 38 # faces = face_cascade.detectMultiScale(img_gray, 1.3, 5) 39 # if faces is not None: 40 # for x, y, w, h in faces: 41 # img = cv2.rectangle(img, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (255, 0, 0), 2) 42 cv2.imshow("face_detect", img) 43 k = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF 44 if k == ord(‘s‘): 45 cv2.imwrite("image/face2.jpg", img) //打开摄像头按下‘s’键即可保存图片 46 if k == 27: 47 break 48 49 cap.release() 50 cv2.destroyAllWindows() 51 52 53 def update_img(file_dir, oneface=True): //上传图片到face++ 并返回face_id 54 url = ‘%s/detection/detect?api_key=%s&api_secret=%s&attribute=none‘ % (BASE_URL, API_KEY, API_SECRET) 55 if oneface: 56 url += ‘&mode=oneface‘ 57 files = {‘img‘: (os.path.basename(file_dir), open(file_dir, ‘rb‘), mimetypes.guess_type(file_dir)[0])} 58 r = requests.post(url, files=files) 59 faces = r.json().get(‘face‘) 60 if faces is None: 61 print("No face") 62 else: 63 return faces[0][‘face_id‘] 64 65 66 def compare(faceID1, faceID2): //比较两张图片中的人脸的相似度函数 67 url = ‘%s/recognition/compare?api_key=%s&api_secret=%s&face_id1=%s&face_id2=%s‘ % ( 68 BASE_URL, API_KEY, API_SECRET, faceID1, faceID2) 69 r = requests.get(url) 70 return r.json() 71 72 73 if __name__ == "__main__": 74 faceID1 = update_img(‘image/lena.jpg‘) 75 faceID2 = update_img(‘image/17-1m.bmp‘) 76 if faceID2 and faceID1: 77 compare_json = compare(faceID1, faceID2) 78 print(compare_json) 79 if (compare_json[‘similarity‘] > 90): //相似在90以上打印yes,否则no 80 print("yes") 81 else: 82 print("no") 83 else: 84 print("Something wrong with the pictures!")
参考文献:《使用 OpenCV 与 Face++ 实现人脸解锁》:http://python.jobbole.com/84666/