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【波兰黑科技(持续更新)】Small-Space Multiple-Pattern Matching

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此前存在一个来自Aho and Corasick的算法,可以以O(n+m)的时间代价,O(m)的空间代价(除掉额外的用来储存模板串和文本串的空间代价)来解决这个问题.
这种算法的著名例子有Galil and Seiferas [8],Crochemore and Perrin [5],以及Karp and Rabin13

Multiple-pattern matching, the task of locating the occurrences of s
patterns of total length m in a single text of length n, is a
fundamental problem in the field of string algorithms. The algorithm
by Aho and Corasick [2] solves this problem using O(n+m) time and O(m)
working space in addition to the space needed for the text and
patterns. To list all occ occurrences rather than, e.g., the leftmost
ones, extra O(occ) time is necessary. When the space is limited, we
can use a compressed Aho-Corasick automaton [11]. In extreme cases,
one could apply a linear-time constant-space single-pattern matching
algorithm sequentially for each pattern in turn, at the cost of
increasing the running time to O(n · s + m). Well-known examples of
such algorithms include those by Galil and Seiferas [8], Crochemore
and Perrin [5], and Karp and Rabin [13] (see [3] for a recent survey).


It is easy to generalize Karp-Rabin matching to handle multiple patterns in O(n+ m) expected time and
O(s) working space provided that all patterns are of the same length [10]. To do this, we store the fingerprints
of the patterns in a hash table, and then slide a window over the text maintaining the fingerprint of the
fragment currently in the window. The hash table lets us check if the fragment is an occurrence of a pattern.
If so, we report it and update the hash table so that every pattern is returned at most once. This is a very simple and actually applied idea [1], but it is not clear how to extend it for patterns with many distinct
lengths. In this paper we develop a dictionary matching algorithm which works for any set of patterns in
O(nlog n + m) time and O(s) working space, assuming that read-only random access to the text and the
patterns is available. If required, we can compute for every pattern its longest prefix occurring in the text,
also in O(nlog n + m) time and O(s) working space.


In a very recent independent work Clifford et al. [4] gave a dictionary matching algorithm in the streaming
model. In this setting the patterns and later the text are scanned once only (as opposed to read-only random
access) and an occurrence needs to be reported immediately after its last character is read. Their algorithm
uses O(slog ) space and takes O(loglog(s +)) time per character where is the length of the longest
pattern ( m s ≤
≤ m). Even though some of the ideas used in both results are similar, one should note that
the streaming and read-only models are quite different. In particular, computing the longest prefix occurring
in the text for every pattern requires ?(mlogmin(n, |Σ|)) bits of space in the streaming model, as opposed
to the O(s) working space achieved by our solution in the read-only setting.

我们的算法作为对质数的一个应用, 我们展示了如何近似的计算一段长度为m的LZ77文本的编码,所用的空间与划分元素的数量成正比(我们再一次对文本串进行随机位置的读取操作).用较小的空间计算LZ77解析码是一个很重要的问题,空间是当今大多数算法的瓶颈所在.此外,LZ77不仅仅是在数据压缩方面十分有用,同时也是一个加速算法运行速度的手段.我们介绍一种通常的近似算法,使用O(z)的空间复杂度来将读入的文本转化成LZ77编码化并划分成z个元素.
我们的方法显然比产生精确解的方法有更加高效.一个由K¨arkk¨ainen et提出的最近的次线性空间的算法,对每个字符额外使用O(nd)的时间和O(nd)的空间(对一个任意的参数d).一个由Gasieniec提出的更早的在线算法对每个字符额外使用使用O(z2log2z)的时间和O(z)的空间.

As a prime application of our dictionary matching algorithm, we show how to approximate the Lempel
Ziv 77 (LZ77) parse [18] of a text of length n using working space proportional to the number of phrases
(again, we assume read-only random access to the text). Computing the LZ77 parse in small space is an
issue of high importance, with space being a frequent bottleneck of today’s systems. Moreover, LZ77 is
useful not only for data compression, but also as a way to speed up algorithms [15]. We present a general
approximation algorithm working in O(z) space for inputs admitting LZ77 parsing with z phrases. For any
ε ∈ (0,1], the algorithm can be used to produce a parse consisting of (1+ ε)z phrases in O(ε?1nlog n) time.
To the best of our knowledge, approximating LZ77 factorization in small space has not been considered
before, and our algorithm is significantly more efficient than methods producing the exact answer. A recent
sublinear-space algorithm, due to K¨arkk¨ainen et al. [12], runs in O(nd) time and uses O(n/d) space, for any
parameter d. An earlier online solution by Gasieniec et al. [9] uses O(z) space and takes O(z2 log2 z) time
for each character appended. Other previous methods use significantly more space when the parse is small
relative to n; see [7] for a recent discussion.


Structure of the paper. Sect. 2 introduces terminology and recalls several known concepts. This is
followed by the description of our dictionary matching algorithm. In Sect. 3 we show how to process
patterns of length at most s and in Sect. 4 we handle longer patterns, with different procedures for repetitive
and non-repetitive ones. In Sect. 5 we extend the algorithm to compute, for every pattern, the longest
prefix occurring in the text. Finally, in Sect. 7, we apply the dictionary matching algorithm to construct an
approximation of the LZ77 parsing, and in Sect. 6 we explain how to modify the algorithms to make them
Las Vegas.


Model of computation. Our algorithms are designed for the word-RAM with ?(log n)-bit words and
assume integer alphabet of polynomial size. The usage of Karp-Rabin fingerprints makes them Monte
Carlo randomized: the correct answer is returned with high probability, i.e., the error probability is inverse
polynomial with respect to input size, where the degree of the polynomial can be set arbitrarily large. With
some additional effort, our algorithms can be turned into Las Vegas randomized, where the answer is always
correct and the time bounds hold with high probability. Throughout the whole paper, we assume read
only random access to the text and the patterns, and we do not include their sizes while measuring space



We consider finite words over an integer alphabet Σ = {0, … , σ ? 1}, where σ = poly(n + m). For a word
w = w[1] … w[n] ∈ Σn, we define the length of w as |w| = n. For 1 ≤ i ≤ j ≤ n, a word u = w[i] … w[j]
is called a subword of w. By w[i..j] we denote the occurrence of u at position i, called a fragment of w. A
fragment with i = 1 is called a prefix and a fragment with j = n is called a suffix.


A positive integer p is called a period of w whenever w[i] = w[i + p] for all i = 1, 2, … , |w| ? p. In this
case, the prefix w[1..p] is often also called a period of w. The length of the shortest period of a word w is
denoted as per(w). A word w is called periodic if per(w) ≤ |w|/2 and highly periodic if per(w) ≤ |w|/3. The
well-known periodicity lemma [6] says that if p and q are both periods of w, and p + q ≤ |w|, then gcd(p, q)
is also a period of w. We say that word w is primitive if per(w) is not a proper divisor of |w|. Note that the
shortest period w[1.. per(w)] is always primitive.



2.1 Fingerprints
Our randomized construction is based on Karp-Rabin fingerprints; see [13]. Fix a word w[1..n] over an
alphabet Σ = {0, … , σ?1}, a constant c ≥ 1, a prime number p > max(σ, nc+4), and choose x ∈ Zp uniformly
at random. We define the fingerprint of a subword w[i..j] as Φ(w[i..j]) = w[i]+w[i+1]x+…+w[j]xj?i mod p.
With probability at least 1 ? 1
nc , no two distinct subwords of the same length have equal fingerprints. The
situation when this happens for some two subwords is called a false-positive. From now on when stating the
results we assume that there are no false-positives to avoid repeating that the answers are correct with high
probability. For dictionary matching, we assume that no two distinct subwords of w = T P1 … Ps have equal
fingerprints. Fingerprints let us easily locate many patterns of the same length. A straightforward solution
described in the introduction builds a hash table mapping fingerprints to patterns. However, then we can
only guarantee that the hash table is constructed correctly with probability 1 ? O( s 1 c ) (for an arbitrary
constant c), and we would like to bound the error probability by O( (n+ 1m)c ). Hence we replace hash table
with a deterministic dictionary as explained below. Although it increases the time by O(s log s), the extra
term becomes absorbed in the final complexities.



Theorem 1. Given a text T of length n and patterns P1, … , Ps, each of length exactly , we can compute
the the leftmost occurrence of every pattern Pi in T using O(n + s
+ s log s) total time and O(s) space.



Proof. We calculate the fingerprint Φ(Pj) of every pattern. Then we build in O(s log s) time [16] a deter
ministic dictionary D with an entry mapping Φ(Pj) to j. For multiple identical patterns we create just
one entry, and at the end we copy the answers to all instances of the pattern. Then we scan the text T
with a sliding window of length while maintaining the fingerprint Φ(T[i..i + ? 1]) of the current window.
Using D, we can find in O(1) time an index j such that Φ(T[i..i + ? 1]) = Φ(Pj), if any, and update the
answer for P
j if needed (i.e., if there was no occurrence of Pj before). If we precompute x?1, the fingerprints
Φ(T[i..i +
? 1]) can be updated in O(1) time while increasing i.



A trie of a collection of strings P1, … , Ps is a rooted tree whose nodes correspond to prefixes of the strings.
The root represents the empty word and the edges are labeled with single characters. The node corresponding
to a particular prefix is called its locus. In a compacted trie unary nodes that do not represent any Pi are
dissolved and the labels of their incidents edges are concatenated. The dissolved nodes are called implicit as
opposed to the explicit nodes, which remain stored. The locus of a string in a compacted trie might therefore
be explicit or implicit. All edges outgoing from the same node are stored on a list sorted according to the
first character, which is unique among these edges. The labels of edges of a compacted trie are stored as
pointers to the respective fragments of strings Pi. Consequently, a compacted trie can be stored in space
proportional to the number of explicit nodes, which is O(s).
Consider two compacted tries T1 and T2. We say that (possibly implicit) nodes v1 ∈ T1 and v2 ∈ T2 are
twins if they are loci of the same string. Note that every v1 ∈ T1 has at most one twin v2 ∈ T2.

【波兰黑科技(持续更新)】Small-Space Multiple-Pattern Matching


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