Move configuration information out of the application deployment package to a centralized location. This pattern can provide opportunities for easier management and control of configuration data, and for sharing configuration data across applications and application instances.
The majority of application runtime environments include configuration information that is held in files deployed with the application, located within the application folders. In some cases it is possible to edit these files to change the behavior of the application after it has been deployed. However, in many cases, changes to the configuration require the application to be redeployed, resulting in unacceptable downtime and additional administrative overhead.
Local configuration files also limit the configuration to a single application, whereas in some scenarios it would be useful to share configuration settings across multiple applications. Examples include database connection strings, UI theme information, or the URLs of queues and storage used by a related set of applications.
Managing changes to local configurations across multiple running instances of the application, especially in a cloud-hosted scenario, may also be challenging. It may result in instances using different configuration settings while the update is being deployed.
管理的应用程序的多个运行实例,特别是在云托管的情况下,本地配置的变化,也可能是具有挑战性的。这可能会导致在使用不同配置设置的情况下,而更新正在部署的情况下使用。In addition, updates to applications and components may require changes to configuration schemas. Many configuration systems do not support different versions of configuration information.
Store the configuration information in external storage, and provide an interface that can be used to quickly and efficiently read and update configuration settings. The type of external store depends on the hosting and runtime environment of the application. In a cloud-hosted scenario it is typically a cloud-based storage service, but could be a hosted database or other system.
The backing store chosen for configuration information should be fronted by a suitable interface that provides consistent and easy to use access in a controlled way that enables reuse. Ideally, it should expose the information in a correctly typed and structured format. The implementation may also need to authorize users’ access in order to protect configuration data, and be flexible enough to allow multiple versions of the configuration (such as development, staging, or production, and multiple release versions of each one) to be stored.
Many built-in configuration systems read the data when the application starts up, and cache the data in memory to provide fast access and to minimize the impact on application performance. Depending on the type of backing store used, and the latency of this store, it might be advantageous to implement a caching mechanism within the external configuration store. For more information about implementing caching, see the Caching Guidance.
Figure 1 shows an overview of this pattern. 图1显示了该模式的概述。
Figure 1 - An overview of the External Configuration Store pattern with optional local cache 图1 -一个可选的本地缓存的外部配置存储模式的概述
Consider the following points when deciding how to implement this pattern:
This pattern is ideally suited for:这种模式非常适合于:
In a Microsoft Azure hosted application, a typical choice for storing configuration information externally is to use Azure storage. This is resilient, offers high performance, and is replicated three times with automatic failover to offer high availability. Azure tables provide a key/value store with the capability to use a flexible schema for the values. Azure blob storage provides a hierarchical container-based store that can hold any type of data in individually named blobs.
The following example shows how a configuration store can be implemented over Azure blob storage to store and expose configuration information. The BlobSettingsStore class abstracts blob storage for holding configuration information, and implements the ISettingsStore interface shown in the following code.
下面的示例演示如何配置存储可以在Azure Blob存储实现存储和暴露的配置信息。的BlobSettingsStore类文摘的BLOB存储用于保存配置信息,并实现了在下面的代码所示的ISettingsStore接口。
This code is provided in the ExternalConfigurationStore.Cloud project in the ExternalConfigurationStore solution. This solution is available for download with this guidance.
public interface IsettingsStore { string Version { get; } Dictionary<string, string> FindAll(); void Update(string key, string value); }
This interface defines methods for retrieving and updating configuration settings held in the configuration store, and includes a version number that can be used to detect whether any configuration settings have been modified recently. When a configuration setting is updated, the version number changes. The BlobSettingsStore class uses the ETag property of the blob to implement versioning. The ETag property of a blob is updated automatically each time the blob is written.
此接口定义了在配置存储中检索和更新配置设置的方法,并且包括可用于检测最近已修改的任何配置设置的版本号。当配置设置更新时,版本号更改。的blobsettingsstore类使用BLOB的ETag属性来实现版本控制。一个blob ETag属性自动更新每次滴写。
Note that, by design, this simple solution exposes all configuration settings as string values rather than typed values.
The ExternalConfigurationManager class provides a wrapper around a BlobSettingsStore object. An application can use this class to store and retrieve configuration information. This class uses the Microsoft Reactive Extensions library to expose any changes made to the configuration through an implementation of the IObservable interface. If a setting is modified by calling the SetAppSetting method, the Changed event is raised and all subscribers to this event will be notified.
Note that all settings are also cached in a Dictionary object inside the ExternalConfigurationManager class for fast access. The SetAppSetting method updates this cache, and the GetSetting method that an application can use to retrieve a configuration setting reads the data from the cache (if the setting is not found in the cache, it is retrieved from the BlobSettingsStore object instead).
The GetSettings method invokes the CheckForConfigurationChanges method to detect whether the configuration information in blob storage has changed by examining the version number and comparing it with the current version number held by the ExternalConfigurationManager object. If one or more changes have occurred, the Changed event is raised and the configuration settings cached in the Dictionary object are refreshed. This is an application of the Cache-Aside pattern.
The following code sample shows how the Changed event, the SetAppSettings method, the GetSettings method, and the CheckForConfigurationChanges method are implemented
public class ExternalConfigurationManager : IDisposable { // An abstraction of the configuration store. private readonly ISettingsStore settings; private readonly ISubject<KeyValuePair<string, string>> changed; ... private Dictionary<string, string> settingsCache; private string currentVersion; ... public ExternalConfigurationManager(ISettingsStore settings, ...) { this.settings = settings; ... } ... public IObservable<KeyValuePair<string, string>> Changed { get { return this.changed.AsObservable(); } } ... public void SetAppSetting(string key, string value) { ... // Update the setting in the store. this.settings.Update(key, value); // Publish the event. this.Changed.OnNext( new KeyValuePair<string, string>(key, value)); // Refresh the settings cache. this.CheckForConfigurationChanges(); } public string GetAppSetting(string key) { ... // Try to get the value from the settings cache. // If there is a miss, get the setting from the settings store. string value; if (this.settingsCache.TryGetValue(key, out value)) { return value; } // Check for changes and refresh the cache. this.CheckForConfigurationChanges(); return this.settingsCache[key]; } ... private void CheckForConfigurationChanges() { try { // Assume that updates are infrequent. Lock to avoid // race conditions when refreshing the cache. lock (this.settingsSyncObject) { { var latestVersion = this.settings.Version; // If the versions differ, the configuration has changed. if (this.currentVersion != latestVersion) { // Get the latest settings from the settings store and publish the changes. var latestSettings = this.settings.FindAll(); latestSettings.Except(this.settingsCache).ToList().ForEach( kv => this.changed.OnNext(kv)); // Update the current version. this.currentVersion = latestVersion; // Refresh settings cache. this.settingsCache = latestSettings; } } } catch (Exception ex) { this.changed.OnError(ex); } } }
The ExternalConfigurationManager class also provides a property named Environment. The purpose of this property is to support varying configurations for an application running in different environments, such as staging and production.
An ExternalConfigurationManager object can also query the BlobSettingsStore object periodically for any changes (by using a timer). The StartMonitor and StopMonitor methods illustrated in the code sample below start and stop the timer. The OnTimerElapsed method runs when the timer expires and invokes the CheckForConfigurationChanges method to detect any changes and raise the Changed event, as described earlier.
public class ExternalConfigurationManager : IDisposable { ... private readonly ISubject<KeyValuePair<string, string>> changed; private readonly Timer timer; private ISettingsStore settings; ... public ExternalConfigurationManager(ISettingsStore settings, TimeSpan interval, ...) { ... // Set up the timer. this.timer = new Timer(interval.TotalMilliseconds) { AutoReset = false; }; this.timer.Elapsed += this.OnTimerElapsed; this.changed = new Subject<KeyValuePair<string, string>>(); ... } ... public void StartMonitor() { if (this.timer.Enabled) { return; } lock (this.timerSyncObject) { if (this.timer.Enabled) { return; } this.keepMonitoring = true; // Load the local settings cache. this.CheckForConfigurationChanges(); this.timer.Start(); } } public void StopMonitor() { lock (this.timerSyncObject) { this.keepMonitoring = false; this.timer.Stop(); } } private void OnTimerElapsed(object sender, EventArgs e) { Trace.TraceInformation( "Configuration Manager: checking for configuration changes."); try { this.CheckForConfigurationChanges(); } finally { ... // Restart the timer after each interval. this.timer.Start(); ... } } ... }
The ExternalConfigurationManager class is instantiated as a singleton instance by the ExternalConfiguration class shown below.
public static class ExternalConfiguration { private static readonly Lazy<ExternalConfigurationManager> configuredInstance = new Lazy<ExternalConfigurationManager>( () => { var environment = CloudConfigurationManager.GetSetting("environment"); return new ExternalConfigurationManager(environment); }); public static ExternalConfigurationManager Instance { get { return configuredInstance.Value; } } }
The following code is taken from the WorkerRole class in the ExternalConfigurationStore.Cloud project. It shows how the application uses the ExternalConfiguration class to read and update a setting.
public override void Run() { // Start monitoring for configuration changes. ExternalConfiguration.Instance.StartMonitor(); // Get a setting. var setting = ExternalConfiguration.Instance.GetAppSetting("setting1"); Trace.TraceInformation("Worker Role: Get setting1, value: " + setting); Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)); // Update a setting. Trace.TraceInformation("Worker Role: Updating configuration"); ExternalConfiguration.Instance.SetAppSetting("setting1", "new value"); this.completeEvent.WaitOne(); }
The following code, also from the WorkerRole class, shows how the application subscribes to configuration events.
public override bool OnStart() { ... // Subscribe to the event. ExternalConfiguration.Instance.Changed.Subscribe( m => Trace.TraceInformation("Configuration has changed. Key:{0} Value:{1}", m.Key, m.Value), ex => Trace.TraceError("Error detected: " + ex.Message)); ... }
The following pattern may also be relevant when implementing this pattern:
This pattern has a sample application associated with it. You can download the "Cloud Design Patterns – Sample Code" from the Microsoft Download Center at
External Configuration Store Pattern 外部配置存储模式