; 判断某一年是否为闰年,是则eax=1,否eax=0 ; ; author: wangguolaing ; date: revised 4/14 .386 .MODEL FLAT INCLUDE io.h includelib Kernel32.lib ExitProcess PROTO NEAR32 stdcall, dwExitCode:DWORD cr EQU 0dh Lf EQU 0ah .STACK 4096 .DATA prompt BYTE cr,Lf,‘Plase enter a year :‘,cr,Lf,Lf,0 number BYTE 16 DUP(?) year DWORD ? Leapyear BYTE ‘The year is a leap year‘,cr,Lf,Lf,0 Commonyear BYTE ‘The year is a common year‘,cr,Lf,Lf,0 .CODE _start: output prompt input number,16 atod number mov year,eax cdq mov ecx,4 idiv ecx cmp edx,0 jg common mov eax,year cdq mov ecx,100 idiv ecx cmp edx,0 je common leap : output Leapyear jmp quit common : output Commonyear quit: INVOKE ExitProcess, 0 ; exit with return code 0 PUBLIC _start ; make entry point public END ; end of source code