——Interactive Widgets and Layout Containers
1 QPushButton(parent=None) 2 QPushButton(text, [parent=None]) 3 QPushButton(icon, text, [parent=None])
parent参数是一个QWidget,text是一个Python string或unicode,icon是一个QIcon。创建一个被some-form拥有的带有文字“Go”的按钮,可以这样:
go_button = QPushButton(‘Go‘, some_form)
go_button = QPushButton(‘&Go‘, some_form)
1 QLineEdit(parent=None) 2 QLineEdit(text, [parent=None])
他们的不同就是第二个允许用text参数设置包含的文本。QLineEdit对象有许多的方法,但是我们只关心几个最基本的。你可以使用text()方法取回文本,用setText(text)设置文本,使用setMaxLength(chars)设置最大可输入长度。它可以通过setReadOnly(True)设置为只读的,使用setPlaceholderText(text)设置占位文字(placeholder text,就是那种你输入前提示说明的字)。QLineEdit还有更多的高级属性:可以设置输入过滤器,处理选择和输入历史等等。
QComboBox widget是用来给用户提供多个文本或文本/图标的选择,用户必须选择其一。(多项选择参见QListView和QListWidget)它的构造器如下:
1 QComboBox(parent)
1 addItem(icon, text, [userData=None]) 2 addItem(text, [userData=None])
1 insertItem(index, icon, text, [userData=None]) 2 insertItem(index, text, [userData=None])
布局管理(Layout Management)
PySide和PyQt有两个可用的方法来管理布局:使用绝对位置,开发者必须明确设置每个widget和位置和大小;使用的布局容器(layout containers),自动安排位置和调整大小。我们将用两种方法构建上面提到的例子程序。
去设置widget的无力位置,你需要使用widget的move(x, y)方法;x和y是水平和垂直距离,这个距离是从外框(form)的左上角到widget的左上角。这是我们使用绝对距离创建的外形:
1 # Every Qt application must have one and only one QApplication object; 2 # it receives the command line arguments passed to the script, as they 3 # can be used to customize the application‘s appearance and behavior 4 qt_app = QApplication(sys.argv) 5 6 class AbsolutePositioningExample(QWidget): 7 ‘‘‘ An example of PySide absolute positioning; the main window 8 inherits from QWidget, a convenient widget for an empty window. ‘‘‘ 9 def __init__(self): 10 # Initialize the object as a QWidget 11 QWidget.__init__(self) 12 13 # We have to set the size of the main window 14 # ourselves, since we control the entire layout 15 self.setMinimumSize(400, 185) 16 self.setWindowTitle(‘Dynamic Greeter‘) 17 18 # Create the controls with this object as their parent and set 19 # their position individually; each row is a label followed by 20 # another control 21 22 # Label for the salutation chooser 23 self.salutation_lbl = QLabel(‘Salutation:‘, self) 24 self.salutation_lbl.move(5, 5) # offset the first control 5px 25 # from top and left 26 self.salutations = [‘Ahoy‘, 27 ‘Good day‘, 28 ‘Hello‘, 29 ‘Heyo‘, 30 ‘Hi‘, 31 ‘Salutations‘, 32 ‘Wassup‘, 33 ‘Yo‘] 34 # Create and fill the combo box to choose the salutation 35 self.salutation = QComboBox(self) 36 self.salutation.addItems(self.salutations) 37 38 # Allow 100px for the label and 5px each for borders at the 39 # far left, between the label and the combobox, and at the far 40 # right 41 self.salutation.setMinimumWidth(285) 42 # Place it five pixels to the right of the end of the label 43 self.salutation.move(110, 5) 44 45 # The label for the recipient control 46 self.recipient_lbl = QLabel(‘Recipient:‘, self) 47 # 5 pixel indent, 25 pixels lower than last pair of widgets 48 self.recipient_lbl.move(5, 30) 49 50 # The recipient control is an entry textbox 51 self.recipient = QLineEdit(self) 52 # Add some ghost text to indicate what sort of thing to enter 53 self.recipient.setPlaceholderText(‘world‘ or ‘Matey‘) 54 # Same width as the salutation 55 self.recipient.setMinimumWidth(285) 56 # Same indent as salutation but 25 pixels lower 57 self.recipient.move(110, 30) 58 59 # The label for the greeting widget 60 self.greeting_lbl = QLabel(‘Greeting:‘, self) 61 # Same indent as the others, but 45 pixels lower so it has 62 # physical separation, indicating difference of function 63 self.greeting_lbl.move(5, 75) 64 65 # The greeting widget is also a label 66 self.greeting = QLabel(‘‘, self) 67 # Same indent as the other controls 68 self.greeting.move(110, 75) 69 70 # The build button is a push button 71 self.build_button = QPushButton(‘&Build Greeting‘, self) 72 73 # Place it at the bottom right, narrower than 74 # the other interactive widgets 75 self.build_button.setMinimumWidth(145) 76 self.build_button.move(250, 150) 77 78 def run(self): 79 # Show the form 80 81 # Run the Qt application 82 qt_app.exec_() 83 84 # Create an instance of the application window and run it 85 app = AbsolutePositioningExample() 86
布局容器(Layout Containers)
由于上述种种原因,布局容器比绝对位置更为常用,他们更加灵活,替程序员分担了计算确切位置的任务,并且他们可以调整布局去适应不同平台的GUI设置,如GTK+, KDE, Mac OS X等等。这有5个主要的布局容器,他们都是继承自QLayout:
盒子布局(box layouts)非常的直截了当。使用它作为最上层的布局,创建布局非常简单——它的构造器需要任何参数——并且使用望名知义的方法addWidget来添加widget。接下来你就可以设置它所属的窗口。例如:
1 win = QWidget() 2 3 # The three labels 4 lbl_1 = QLabel("We‘re") 5 lbl_2 = QLabel(‘stacked‘) 6 lbl_3 = QLabel(‘up.‘) 7 8 # A vertical box layout 9 layout = QVBoxLayout() 10 11 # Add the widgets to the layout 12 layout.addWidget(lbl_1) 13 layout.addWidget(lbl_2) 14 layout.addWidget(lbl_3) 15 16 # Set layout as the layout for the window 17 win.setLayout(layout)
1 layout = QVBoxLayout() 2 sub_layout = QHBoxLayout() 3 4 # ... Fill the layouts with widgets ... 5 6 layout.addLayout(sub_layout)
1 addRow(QWidget) 2 addRow(QLayout)
1 unicode, QLayout 2 unicode, QWidget 3 QWidget, QWidget 4 QWidget, QLayout
盒子布局的例子(Box Layout Example)
1 qt_app = QApplication(sys.argv) 2 3 class LayoutExample(QWidget): 4 ‘‘‘ An example of PySide/PyQt absolute positioning; the main window 5 inherits from QWidget, a convenient widget for an empty window. ‘‘‘ 6 7 def __init__(self): 8 # Initialize the object as a QWidget and 9 # set its title and minimum width 10 QWidget.__init__(self) 11 self.setWindowTitle(‘Dynamic Greeter‘) 12 self.setMinimumWidth(400) 13 14 # Create the QVBoxLayout that lays out the whole form 15 self.layout = QVBoxLayout() 16 17 # Create the form layout that manages the labeled controls 18 self.form_layout = QFormLayout() 19 20 # The salutations that we want to make available 21 self.salutations = [‘Ahoy‘, 22 ‘Good day‘, 23 ‘Hello‘, 24 ‘Heyo‘, 25 ‘Hi‘, 26 ‘Salutations‘, 27 ‘Wassup‘, 28 ‘Yo‘] 29 30 # Create and fill the combo box to choose the salutation 31 self.salutation = QComboBox(self) 32 self.salutation.addItems(self.salutations) 33 34 # Add it to the form layout with a label 35 self.form_layout.addRow(‘&Salutation:‘, self.salutation) 36 37 # Create the entry control to specify a recipient 38 # and set its placeholder text 39 self.recipient = QLineEdit(self) 40 self.recipient.setPlaceholderText("e.g. ‘world‘ or ‘Matey‘") 41 42 # Add it to the form layout with a label 43 self.form_layout.addRow(‘&Recipient:‘, self.recipient) 44 45 # Create and add the label to show the greeting text 46 self.greeting = QLabel(‘‘, self) 47 self.form_layout.addRow(‘Greeting:‘, self.greeting) 48 49 # Add the form layout to the main VBox layout 50 self.layout.addLayout(self.form_layout) 51 52 # Add stretch to separate the form layout from the button 53 self.layout.addStretch(1) 54 55 # Create a horizontal box layout to hold the button 56 self.button_box = QHBoxLayout() 57 58 # Add stretch to push the button to the far right 59 self.button_box.addStretch(1) 60 61 # Create the build button with its caption 62 self.build_button = QPushButton(‘&Build Greeting‘, self) 63 64 # Add it to the button box 65 self.button_box.addWidget(self.build_button) 66 67 # Add the button box to the bottom of the main VBox layout 68 self.layout.addLayout(self.button_box) 69 70 # Set the VBox layout as the window‘s main layout 71 self.setLayout(self.layout) 72 73 def run(self): 74 # Show the form 75 76 # Run the qt application 77 qt_app.exec_() 78 79 # Create an instance of the application window and run it 80 app = LayoutExample() 81
By Ascii0x03