硬件:pc机,ARM Cortex-A9开发板
软件:linux 操作系统
2.1安装交叉环境编译器 4.5.1,dnw软件
可以观察到 LCD1由45根线来控制,主要配置的寄存器是24根RGB以及TOU1 EINT10 以及VDEN VYNC HSYNC VCLK驱动;
第一步:配置 OUT1 EINT10 以及24根RGB
3.1 lcd控制器
由上图可知:LCD控制器的构成主要由VSFR,VDMA,VPRCS , VTIME和视频时钟产生器几个模块组成;
(3)VPRCS收到数据后组成特定的格式(如16bpp或24bpp),然后通过数据接口(RGB_VD, VEN_VD, V656_VD or SYS_VD)传送到外部LCD屏上。
(4)VTIME模块由可编程逻辑组成,负责不同lcd驱动器的接口时序控制需求。VTIME模块产生 RGB_VSYNC, RGB_HSYNC, RGB_VCLK, RGB_VDEN,VEN_VSYNC等信号。
3.2 lcd接口信号
(2)LCD_VSYNC: 帧同步信号,表示一帧数据的开始,LCD控制器在一个完整帧显示完成后立即插入一个LCD_VSYNC信号,开始新一帧的显示;VSYNC信号出现的频率表示一秒钟内能显示多少帧图像,称为“显示器的频率”
(5) LCD_VD[23:0]: LCD像素数据输出端口
VBPD(vertical back porch):表示在一帧图像开始时,垂直同步信号以后的无效的行数。
VFBD(vertical front porch):表示在一帧图像结束后,垂直同步信号以前的无效的行数。
VSPW(vertical sync pulse width):表示垂直同步脉冲的宽度,用行数计算。
HBPD(horizontal back porch):表示从水平同步信号开始到一行的有效数据开始之间的VCLK的个数。
HFPD(horizontal front porth):表示一行的有效数据结束到下一个水平同步信号开始之间的VCLK的个数。
HSPW(horizontal sync pulse width):表示水平同步信号的宽度,用VCLK计算。
VSYNC信号有效时,表示一帧数据的开始,信号宽度为(VSPW +1)个HSYNC信号周期,即(VSPW +1)个无效行;
VSYNC信号脉冲之后,总共还要经过(VBPD+ 1)个HSYNC信号周期,有效的行数据才出现; 所以,在VSYNC信号有效之后,还要经过(VSPW +1 + VBPD + 1)个无效的行;
随即发出(LINEVAL+ 1)行的有效数据;
最后是(VFPD + 1)个无效的行。
HSYNC信号有效时,表示一行数据的开始,信号宽度为(HSPW+ 1)个VCLK信号周期,即(HSPW +1)个无效像素;
HSYNC信号脉冲之后,还要经过(HBPD +1)个VCLK信号周期,有效的像素数据才出现;
最后是(HFPD +1)个无效的像素。
GPF0CON = 0x22222222;
GPF1CON = 0x22222222;
GPF2CON = 0x22222222;
GPF3CON &= ~(0xffff);
GPF3CON |= 0x2222;
/*max driver strength*/
GPF0DRV = 0xfffffff;
GPF1DRV = 0xfffffff;
GPF2DRV = 0xfffffff;
GPF3DRV &= ~0xff;
GPF3DRV |= 0xff;
VIDCON0 = (1 << 17)|(23 <<6)|3;
VIDTCONx:用来设置时序和长宽等参数,这里就主要设置VBPD(vertical back porch)、 VFBD(vertical frontporch)、VSPW(vertical sync pulse width)、HBPD(horizontal backporch)、 HFPD(horizontal sync pulse width)等参数
VIDTCON0 = (22 << 16) | (21 << 8) | (0);
VIDTCON1 = (35 << 16) | (209 << 8) | (9);
VIDTCON2 = (479 << 11) | 799;
WINCON0 = (1 << 22) | (1 << 15) | (11 << 2) | 1;
VIDCON0 |= 1 | (1 << 1);
下面是Tiny4412 LCD裸板驱动具体代码:
1 #define LCD_BASE 0x11C00000 2 3 #define VIDCON0 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0000)) 4 #define VIDCON1 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0004)) 5 #define VIDCON2 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0008)) 6 #define VIDCON3 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x000C)) 7 #define VIDTCON0 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0010)) 8 #define VIDTCON1 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0014)) 9 #define VIDTCON2 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0018)) 10 #define VIDTCON3 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x001C)) 11 #define WINCON0 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0020)) 12 #define WINCON1 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0024)) 13 #define WINCON2 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0028)) 14 #define WINCON3 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x002C)) 15 #define WINCON4 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0030)) 16 #define SHADOWCON (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0034)) 17 #define WINCHMAP2 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x003C)) 18 #define VIDOSD0A (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0040)) 19 #define VIDOSD0B (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0044)) 20 #define VIDOSD0C (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0048)) 21 #define VIDOSD1A (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0050)) 22 #define VIDOSD1B (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0054)) 23 #define VIDOSD1C (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0058)) 24 #define VIDOSD1D (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x005C)) 25 #define VIDOSD2A (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0060)) 26 #define VIDOSD2B (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0064)) 27 #define VIDOSD2C (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0068)) 28 #define VIDOSD2D (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x006C)) 29 #define VIDOSD3A (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0070)) 30 #define VIDOSD3B (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0074)) 31 #define VIDOSD3C (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0078)) 32 #define VIDOSD4A (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0080)) 33 #define VIDOSD4B (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0084)) 34 #define VIDOSD4C (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0088)) 35 #define VIDW00ADD0B0 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x00A0)) 36 #define VIDW00ADD0B1 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x00A4)) 37 #define VIDW00ADD0B2 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x20A0)) 38 #define VIDW01ADD0B0 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x00A8)) 39 #define VIDW01ADD0B1 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x00AC)) 40 #define VIDW01ADD0B2 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x20A8)) 41 #define VIDW02ADD0B0 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x00B0)) 42 #define VIDW02ADD0B1 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x00B4)) 43 #define VIDW02ADD0B2 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x20B0)) 44 #define VIDW03ADD0B0 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x00B8)) 45 #define VIDW03ADD0B1 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x00BC)) 46 #define VIDW03ADD0B2 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x20B8)) 47 #define VIDW04ADD0B0 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x00C0)) 48 #define VIDW04ADD0B1 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x00C4)) 49 #define VIDW04ADD0B2 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x20C0)) 50 #define VIDW00ADD1B0 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x00D0)) 51 #define VIDW00ADD1B1 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x00D4)) 52 #define VIDW00ADD1B2 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x20D0)) 53 #define VIDW01ADD1B0 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x00D8)) 54 #define VIDW01ADD1B1 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x00DC)) 55 #define VIDW01ADD1B2 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x20D8)) 56 #define VIDW02ADD1B0 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x00E0)) 57 #define VIDW02ADD1B1 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x00E4)) 58 #define VIDW02ADD1B2 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x20E0)) 59 #define VIDW03ADD1B0 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x00E8)) 60 #define VIDW03ADD1B1 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x00EC)) 61 #define VIDW03ADD1B2 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x20E8)) 62 #define VIDW04ADD1B0 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x00F0)) 63 #define VIDW04ADD1B1 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x00F4)) 64 #define VIDW04ADD1B2 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x20F0)) 65 #define VIDW00ADD2 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0100)) 66 #define VIDW01ADD2 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0104)) 67 #define VIDW02ADD2 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0108)) 68 #define VIDW03ADD2 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x010C)) 69 #define VIDW04ADD2 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0110)) 70 #define VIDINTCON0 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0130)) 71 #define VIDINTCON1 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0134)) 72 #define W1KEYCON0 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0140)) 73 #define VIDW0ALPHA0 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x021C)) 74 #define VIDW0ALPHA1 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0220)) 75 #define VIDW1ALPHA0 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0224)) 76 #define VIDW1ALPHA1 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0228)) 77 #define VIDW2ALPHA0 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x022C)) 78 #define VIDW2ALPHA1 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0230)) 79 #define VIDW3ALPHA0 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0234)) 80 #define VIDW3ALPHA1 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0238)) 81 #define VIDW4ALPHA0 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x023C)) 82 #define VIDW4ALPHA1 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0240)) 83 84 #endif
1 #include "lcd.h" 2 #define RGB888(r, g, b) (((r) << 16) | ((g) << 8) | (b)) 3 4 void lcd_init(void); 5 void clean_screen(unsigned long *fb, int w, int h); 6 7 int main(void) 8 { 9 fb = ADDR0; 10 lcd_init(); 11 clean_screen(fb, 800, 480); 12 } 13 14 void clean_screen(unsigned long *fb, int w, int h) 15 { 16 int i, j; 17 for (i = 0; i < h; i ++) { 18 for (j = 0; j < w; j ++) { 19 fb[i * w + j] = RGB888(255, 0, 0); 20 } 21 } 22 } 23 24 void lcd_init(void) 25 { 26 /* 27 *<Exyons 4412 datasheet pg138 pg141 pg144 pg147> * 28 * GPF0CON : [31:0] : 0x2 29 * GPF1CON : [31:0] : 0x2 30 * GPF2CON : [31:0] : 0x2 31 * GPF3CON : [31:0] : 0x2 32 * */ 33 34 //定义IO引脚功能为RGB接口 35 GPF0CON = 0x22222222; 36 GPF1CON = 0x22222222; 37 GPF2CON = 0x22222222; 38 GPF3CON &= ~(0xffff); 39 GPF3CON |= 0x2222; 40 41 //max driver strebgh---- 42 GPF0DRV = 0xffffffff; 43 GPF1DRV = 0xffffffff; 44 GPF2DRV = 0xffffffff; 45 GPF3DRV &= ~0xff; 46 GPF3DRV |= 0xff; 47 /* 48 *<Exyons 4412 datasheet pg526> 49 *CLK_DIV_LCD: 50 * [3:0]:FIMD0_RATIO 0 51 * SCLK_FIMD0 = MOUTFIMD0/(FIMD0_RATIO + 1) 52 * = MOUTFIMD0/1 = 800MHz 53 * MOUTFIMD0 == SCLKmpll_user_t == 800MHz <Exyons 4412 datasheet pg453> LCD0_BLK 54 * */ 55 56 CLK_DIV_LCD &= ~0xf; 57 /* 58 *<Exyons 4412 datasheet pg501> 59 *CLK_SRC_LCD0: 60 * [3:0]:FIMD0_SEL 0110 ===> SCLKmpll_user_t 选择时钟源为SCLKmpll_user_t 61 * 62 * */ 63 CLK_SRC_LCD0 &= ~0xf; 64 CLK_SRC_LCD0 |= 6; 65 //LCD0_SYS_PWR_REG == 7 Don‘t use 66 67 68 /*<Exyons 4412 datasheet pg1799> 69 *Using the display controller data, you can select one of the above data paths by setting LCDBLK_CFG Register 70 *(0x1001_0210). For more information, refer to the "System Others" manual. 71 * 72 * 73 * <Exyons 4412 datasheet pg880> 74 * LCDBLK_CFG: 75 * [1] : FIMD of LBLK0 Bypass Selection 1 : FIMD Bypass 使用FIMD接口 76 * 77 * LCDBLK_CFG : 78 * [0]:MIE0_DISPON 1 : PWM outpupt enable 79 * 80 * 81 * */ 82 LCDBLK_CFG |= 1 << 1; //set FIMD 83 LCDBLK_CFG2 |= 1; 84 85 /* 86 *<Exyons 4412 datasheet pg1869> 87 *VIDCON0: 88 * [13:6]: CLKVAL_F //设置lcd时钟分频系数 89 * 90 * VCLK == 33.3Mhz <S700-AT070TN92 pg14> DCLK Frequency ===> Type : 33.3Mhz 91 * VCLK = FIMD * SCLK/(CLKVAL+1) 92 * VCLK = 800000000 / (CLKVAL + 1) 93 * 33300000 = 800000000 /(CLKVAL + 1) 94 * CLKVAL + 1 = 24.02 95 * CLKVAL = 23 96 * */ 97 98 //设置接口类型及时钟分频 33.3MHZ (配置时钟分频系数) 99 VIDCON0 = (1 << 17) | (23 << 6) | 3; /*(1 << 17)非常重要 不配制会出现色差*/ 100 //VIDCON0 = (23 << 6) | 3; 101 /* 102 *<Exyons 4412 datasheet pg1870 pg1848(时序)> <S700-AT070TN92 pg13(时序)> 103 *VIDTCON1: 104 * [5]:IVSYNC ===> 1 : Inverted(反转) 105 * [6]:IHSYNC ===> 1 : Inverted(反转) 106 * [7]:IVCLK ===> 1 : Fetches video data at VCLK rising edge (下降沿触发) 107 * [10:9]:FIXVCLK ====> 01 : VCLK running 108 * */ 109 /*VIDCON1主要设置像表时钟信号一直存在,且高电平有效, 110 而IHSYNC=1,极性反转IVSYNC=1,极性反转,这是由于S07的时序图中VSYNC和 111 HSYNC都是低脉冲有效,而Exynos4412芯片手册时序图,VSYNC 和HSYNC都是高脉冲有效 112 ,所以需要反转*/ 113 VIDCON1 = (1 << 9) | (1 << 7) | (1 << 5) | (1 << 6); //配置时序相关 114 115 /* 116 *<Exyons 4412 datasheet pg1874 pg1848(时序)> <S700-AT070TN92 pg13(时序)> 117 *VIDTCON0: 118 * [23:16]: VBPD + 1 <------> tvpw (1 - 20) 13 119 * [15:8]: VFPD + 1 <------> tvfp 22 120 * [7:0]: VSPW + 1 <------> tvb - tvpw = 23 - 13 = 10 121 * */ 122 /*VIDTCONx用来设置时序和长宽等参数,这里就主要设置VBPD(vertical back porch)、 123 VFBD(vertical fro ntporch)、VSPW(vertical sync pulse width)、 124 HBPD(horizontal backporch)、 HFPD(horizontal sync pul se width)等参数*/ 125 VIDTCON0 = (10 << 16) | (21 << 8) | (12); //配置时序间隔时间 (VIDTCON0 VIDTCON1) 126 127 /*<Exyons 4412 datasheet pg1874 pg1848(时序)> <S700-AT070TN92 pg13(时序)> 128 *VIDTCON1: 129 * [23:16]: HBPD + 1 <------> thpw (1 - 40) 36 130 * [15:8]: HFPD + 1 <------> thfp 210 131 * [7:0]: HSPW + 1 <------> thb - thpw = 46 - 36 = 10 132 */ 133 VIDTCON1 = (35 << 16) | (209 << 8) | (9); 134 135 /* 136 *<Exyons 4412 datasheet pg1875> 137 * 138 *HOZVAL = (Horizontal display size) – 1 and LINEVAL = (Vertical display size) – 1. 139 * Horizontal(水平) display size : 800 140 *Vertical(垂直) display size : 480 141 * */ 142 VIDTCON2 = (479 << 11) | 799; 143 144 //win0 145 //#ifdef BPP565 146 /* 147 *<Exyons 4412 datasheet pg1877> 148 *WINCON0: 149 * [16]:Specifies Half-Word swap control bit. 1 = Enables swap 150 * [5:2]: Selects Bits Per Pixel (BPP) mode for Window image : 0101 ===> 16BPP 151 * [1]:Enables/disables video output 1 = Enables 152 * 153 * */ 154 // WINCON0 = (1 << 16) | (5 << 2) | 1; 155 156 /* 157 *<Exyons 4412 datasheet pg1895> 158 *VIDOSD0C:Specifies the Window Size (窗口尺寸 单位为word) 159 * 160 * 161 * */ 162 // VIDOSD0C = 480 * 800 >> 1; 163 //#else 164 /* 165 *<Exyons 4412 datasheet pg1877> 166 *WINCON0: 167 * [5:2]: Selects Bits Per Pixel (BPP) mode for Window image : 1011 ===> 24BPP 168 * [1]:Enables/disables video output 1 = Enables 169 * 170 * */ 171 /*Exynos4412的LCD控制器有overlay功能,它支持5个window。 172 这里只使用window0,设置其代码RGB模式为24bit,(A888)且使能window0 173 */ 174 WINCON0 = (1 << 22) | (1 << 15) | (11 << 2) | 1;//配置窗口0颜色数据格式,使能视频数据输出 175 176 /* 177 *<Exyons 4412 datasheet pg1895> 178 *VIDOSD0C:Specifies the Window Size (窗口尺寸 单位为word) 179 * 180 * 181 * */ 182 VIDOSD0C = 480 * 800; //windows size 183 //#endif 184 185 //SHADOWCON &= ~(1 << 5); Don‘t use 186 187 /* 188 *<Exyons 4412 datasheet pg1891 pg1801> 189 *[0]: Enables Channel 0. 1 = Enables 190 * */ 191 /*配置SHADOWCON和WINCHMAP2、选择使能DMA通道0, 192 由于我们使用的是Window0,所以需要使能DMA通道0 193 */ 194 SHADOWCON |= 1; //选择相应通道 195 196 197 /* 198 *<Exyons 4412 datasheet pg1894 pg1801> 199 *[18:16] Selects Channel 0‘s channel. ===> 001 = Window 0 200 *[2:0] Selects Window 0‘s channel. ===> 001 = Channel 0 201 * 202 * 203 * */ 204 WINCHMAP2 &= ~(7 << 16);//选择通道与窗口 205 WINCHMAP2 |= 1 << 16; 206 WINCHMAP2 &= ~7; 207 WINCHMAP2 |= 1; 208 209 /* 210 *<Exyons 4412 datasheet pg1895> 211 *VIDOSD0A: LCD左上角坐标 212 *VIDOSD0B: LCD右下角坐标 213 */ 214 215 VIDOSD0A = 0; 216 VIDOSD0B = (799 << 11) | 479; 217 218 /* 219 *<Exyons 4412 datasheet pg1902> 220 * VIDW00ADD0B0 : window0 frame buffer 起始地址 221 * VIDW00ADD1B0 : window0 frame buffer 结束地址 222 * */ 223 VIDW00ADD0B0 = FRAMEBUFFER00; 224 VIDW00ADD1B0 = FRAMEBUFFER00 + VIDOSD0C * 4; 225 VIDW00ADD2 = 800; 226 /* 227 * <Exyons 4412 datasheet pg1869> 228 * Display On: ENVID and ENVID_F are set to "1". 229 * [0]:ENVID ===> 1 = Enables 230 * [1]:ENVID_F ===> 1 = Enables 231 * */ 232 }
1 Frame_Rate = 1/[{(VSPW + 1) + (VBPD + 1) + (LIINEVAL + 1) + (VFPD + 1)} * {(HSPW + 1) + ( HBPD + 1) + (HFPD + 1) + (HOZVAL + 1)} * {(CLKVAL + 1)/(Frequency of Clock source)}] 2 3 50 = 1 / [{10 + 13 + 480 + 22} * {20 + 26 + 800 + 210} * X / 800M] 4 50 = 1 / [525 * 1056 * X / 800M] 5 1 = 50 * 525 * 1056 * X / 800M 6 800M = 50 * 525 * 1056 * X 7 X = 800M / (50 * 525 * 1056) 8 X = 800M / 27720000 9 X = 28.8
4.1 I2C总线介绍
开始信号(S): 当SCL为高电平时,SDA由高电平向低电平跳变,表示将要开始传输数据
响应信号(ACK): 从机接收到8位数据后,在第9个周期,拉低SDA电平,表示已经收到数据。这个信号称为应答信号
4.2 I2C总线寄存器介绍
(2)I2CSTAT——可控制总线的状态,包括发送、接收、主/ 从应答等状态;
4.3 I2C总线gpio及寄存器的配置
再找到底板连到核心板的网标,找到对应的gpio(gpd1_2 gpd1_3)
通过datasheet我们可以找到触摸屏中断号为 62
#ifndef _LCD_H #define _LCD_H void (*udelay)(int ) = 0xc3e04fec; void iic_master_read_buff(unsigned char slave_addr, char *data, int len); void iic_init(); void iic_dest(); void ts_handle(); static int codate[5]; void iic_init(); void images_write_to_buff(unsigned int height, unsigned int width, char *, unsigned long addr); void memcpy(unsigned char *dest, unsigned char *src, unsigned int len); void init_table(unsigned long *addr); void irq_init(); void enable_mmu(); void init_images(); void show_next(); void show_pre(); void do_irq(); extern unsigned long vector_start; unsigned long space; unsigned char *tmp; unsigned char *fb; #endif
#ifndef __REGS_H #define __REGS_H #define FRAMEBUFFER00 0x5f000000 #define ADDR0 0x5f000000 #define ADDR1 0x60000000 #define ADDR2 0x68000000 #define GPD1CON (*(volatile unsigned long *)0x114000C0) #define GPD1PUD (*(volatile unsigned long *)0x114000C8) #define I2CCON1 (*(volatile unsigned long *)0x13870000) #define I2CADD1 (*(volatile unsigned long *)0x13870008) #define I2CSTAT1 (*(volatile unsigned long *)0x13870004) #define I2CDS1 (*(volatile unsigned long *)0x1387000C) #define I2CLC1 (*(volatile unsigned long *)0x13870010) #define ICCICR_CPU0 (*(volatile unsigned long *)0x10480000) #define ICCPMR_CPU0 (*(volatile unsigned long *)0x10480004) #define ICDDCR (*(volatile unsigned long *)0x10490000) #define ICDIPR15_CPU0 (*(volatile unsigned long *)0x1049043C) #define ICDIPTR15_CPU0 (*(volatile unsigned long *)0x1049083C) #define ICDISER1_CPU0 (*(volatile unsigned long *)0x10490104) #define ICDSGIR (*(volatile unsigned long *)0x10490f00) #define ICCIAR_CPU0 (*(volatile unsigned long *)0x1048000C) #define ICCEOIR_CPU0 (*(volatile unsigned long *)0x10480010) #define GPX1CON (*(volatile unsigned long *)0x11000C20) #define EXT_INT41_CON (*(volatile unsigned long *)0x11000E04) #define EXT_INT41_MASK (*(volatile unsigned long *)0x11000F04) #define EXT_INT41_PEND (*(volatile unsigned long *)0x11000F44) #define printf(...) (((int (*)(const char *, ...))0xc3e114d8)(__VA_ARGS__)) #define GPX3CON (*(volatile unsigned long *)0x11000c60) #define GPX3DAT (*(volatile unsigned long *)0x11000c64) #define GPD0CON (*(volatile unsigned long *)0x110000a0) #define GPD0DAT (*(volatile unsigned long *)0x110000a4) #define ICCICR_CPU0 (*(volatile unsigned long *)0x10480000) #define ICCPMR_CPU0 (*(volatile unsigned long *)0x10480004) #define ICDDCR (*(volatile unsigned long *)0x10490000) #define ICDIPR16_CPU0 (*(volatile unsigned long *)0x10490440) #define ICDIPTR16_CPU0 (*(volatile unsigned long *)0x10490840) #define ICDISER2_CPU0 (*(volatile unsigned long *)0x10490108) #define ICDSGIR (*(volatile unsigned long *)0x10490f00) #define ICCIAR_CPU0 (*(volatile unsigned long *)0x1048000C) #define ICCEOIR_CPU0 (*(volatile unsigned long *)0x10480010) #define EXT_INT43_CON (*(volatile unsigned long *)0x11000E0C) #define EXT_INT43_MASK (*(volatile unsigned long *)0x11000F0C) #define EXT_INT43_PEND (*(volatile unsigned long *)0x11000F4C) #define CLK_DIV_LCD (*(volatile unsigned int *)0x1003c534) #define CLK_SRC_MASK_LCD (*(volatile unsigned int *)0x1003c334) #define CLK_GATE_IP_LCD (*(volatile unsigned int *)0x1003c934) #define CLK_SRC_LCD0 (*(volatile unsigned int *)0x1003c234) #define GPF0CON (*(volatile unsigned int *)0x11400180) #define GPF1CON (*(volatile unsigned int *)0x114001a0) #define GPF2CON (*(volatile unsigned int *)0x114001c0) #define GPF3CON (*(volatile unsigned int *)0x114001e0) #define GPF0DRV (*(volatile unsigned int *)0x1140018c) #define GPF1DRV (*(volatile unsigned int *)0x114001ac) #define GPF2DRV (*(volatile unsigned int *)0x114001cc) #define GPF3DRV (*(volatile unsigned int *)0x114001ec) #define LCDBLK_CFG (*(volatile unsigned int *)0x10010210) #define LCDBLK_CFG2 (*(volatile unsigned int *)0x10010214) #define LCD_BASE 0x11C00000 #define VIDCON0 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0000)) #define VIDCON1 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0004)) #define VIDCON2 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0008)) #define VIDCON3 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x000C)) #define VIDTCON0 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0010)) #define VIDTCON1 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0014)) #define VIDTCON2 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0018)) #define VIDTCON3 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x001C)) #define WINCON0 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0020)) #define WINCON1 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0024)) #define WINCON2 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0028)) #define WINCON3 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x002C)) #define WINCON4 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0030)) #define SHADOWCON (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0034)) #define WINCHMAP2 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x003C)) #define VIDOSD0A (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0040)) #define VIDOSD0B (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0044)) #define VIDOSD0C (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0048)) #define VIDOSD1A (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0050)) #define VIDOSD1B (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0054)) #define VIDOSD1C (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0058)) #define VIDOSD1D (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x005C)) #define VIDOSD2A (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0060)) #define VIDOSD2B (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0064)) #define VIDOSD2C (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0068)) #define VIDOSD2D (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x006C)) #define VIDOSD3A (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0070)) #define VIDOSD3B (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0074)) #define VIDOSD3C (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0078)) #define VIDOSD4A (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0080)) #define VIDOSD4B (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0084)) #define VIDOSD4C (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0088)) #define VIDW00ADD0B0 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x00A0)) #define VIDW00ADD0B1 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x00A4)) #define VIDW00ADD0B2 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x20A0)) #define VIDW01ADD0B0 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x00A8)) #define VIDW01ADD0B1 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x00AC)) #define VIDW01ADD0B2 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x20A8)) #define VIDW02ADD0B0 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x00B0)) #define VIDW02ADD0B1 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x00B4)) #define VIDW02ADD0B2 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x20B0)) #define VIDW03ADD0B0 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x00B8)) #define VIDW03ADD0B1 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x00BC)) #define VIDW03ADD0B2 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x20B8)) #define VIDW04ADD0B0 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x00C0)) #define VIDW04ADD0B1 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x00C4)) #define VIDW04ADD0B2 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x20C0)) #define VIDW00ADD1B0 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x00D0)) #define VIDW00ADD1B1 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x00D4)) #define VIDW00ADD1B2 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x20D0)) #define VIDW01ADD1B0 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x00D8)) #define VIDW01ADD1B1 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x00DC)) #define VIDW01ADD1B2 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x20D8)) #define VIDW02ADD1B0 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x00E0)) #define VIDW02ADD1B1 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x00E4)) #define VIDW02ADD1B2 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x20E0)) #define VIDW03ADD1B0 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x00E8)) #define VIDW03ADD1B1 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x00EC)) #define VIDW03ADD1B2 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x20E8)) #define VIDW04ADD1B0 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x00F0)) #define VIDW04ADD1B1 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x00F4)) #define VIDW04ADD1B2 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x20F0)) #define VIDW00ADD2 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0100)) #define VIDW01ADD2 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0104)) #define VIDW02ADD2 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0108)) #define VIDW03ADD2 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x010C)) #define VIDW04ADD2 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0110)) #define VIDINTCON0 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0130)) #define VIDINTCON1 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0134)) #define W1KEYCON0 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0140)) #define VIDW0ALPHA0 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x021C)) #define VIDW0ALPHA1 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0220)) #define VIDW1ALPHA0 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0224)) #define VIDW1ALPHA1 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0228)) #define VIDW2ALPHA0 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x022C)) #define VIDW2ALPHA1 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0230)) #define VIDW3ALPHA0 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0234)) #define VIDW3ALPHA1 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0238)) #define VIDW4ALPHA0 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x023C)) #define VIDW4ALPHA1 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(LCD_BASE + 0x0240)) #endif
1 #include "lcd.h" 2 #include "regs.h" 3 #include "images.h" 4 5 int main(void) 6 { 7 *(unsigned long *)0x47000000 = do_irq; 8 lcd_init(); 9 irq_init(); 10 init_images(); 11 enable_mmu(); 12 memcpy(0x0, vector_start, 0x1000); 13 } 14 15 void images_write_to_buff(unsigned int height, unsigned int width, char *images, unsigned long addr ) 16 { 17 int i, j; 18 unsigned char *data; 19 fb = addr; 20 data = images; 21 for(i = 0; i < height; i++) { 22 for(j = 0; j < width; j++) { 23 HEADER_PIXEL(data, (fb + (i * width + j) * 4)); //以每个像素点读去数据 24 } 25 } 26 27 } 28 29 /*将图片信息加载进来*/ 30 void init_images() 31 { 32 int i; 33 char *head_data[10] = {header_data0, header_data1, header_data2, header_data3, 34 header_data4, header_data5, header_data6, header_data7, 35 header_data8, header_data9}; 36 space = 0x1000000; 37 tmp = ADDR0; 38 39 for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) { 40 images_write_to_buff(480, 800, head_data[i], tmp); 41 tmp += space; 42 } 43 44 tmp = ADDR0; 45 } 46 47 void show_next() 48 { 49 if(tmp >= ADDR2) //判断是否到达最后一张图片 50 tmp = ADDR0; 51 else 52 tmp += space; 53 54 VIDW00ADD0B0 = tmp; //framebuff start addr 55 VIDW00ADD1B0 = tmp + VIDOSD0C * 4; //frambuff end addr 56 VIDW00ADD2 = 800; 57 } 58 59 void show_pre() 60 { 61 if(tmp <= ADDR1) //判断是否到达第一张图片 62 tmp = ADDR2; 63 else 64 tmp -= space; 65 66 VIDW00ADD0B0 = tmp; 67 VIDW00ADD1B0 = tmp + VIDOSD0C * 4; 68 VIDW00ADD2 = 800; 69 } 70 71 void do_irq() 72 { 73 #if 1 74 unsigned long irq = 0; 75 76 if(EXT_INT41_PEND & (1 << 6))//if interrupt occur 77 { 78 EXT_INT41_PEND |= (1 << 6);//clean interrupt 79 80 ts_handle(); // handle interrupt func 81 udelay(5000); 82 } 83 #else 84 unsigned long data = ICCIAR_CPU0; 85 unsigned int irq = data & 0x3ff; 86 unsigned int cpu = (data >> 10) & 0x7; 87 ICCEOIR_CPU0 = irq | (cpu << 10); 88 89 if(64 == irq) { 90 if(EXT_INT43_PEND & (0x1 << 3)) { 91 EXT_INT43_PEND |= (0x1 << 3); 92 show_next(); 93 printf("next picture\n"); 94 } 95 if (EXT_INT43_PEND & (0x1 << 5)) { 96 EXT_INT43_PEND |= (0x1 << 5); 97 show_pre(); 98 printf("pre picture\n"); 99 } 100 101 } 102 #endif 103 } 104 105 void iic_init() 106 { 107 GPD1CON &= ~(0xff << 8);//Xi2c1SDA/GPD1_2 ; Xi2c1SCL/GPD1_3 108 GPD1CON |= (0x22 << 8);//GPD1_2 --> 0x2 = I2C_1_SDA; GPD1_3 --> 0x2 = I2C_1_SCL 109 GPD1PUD = 0;//Disables Pull-up/Pull-down 110 111 I2CCON1 = 0x2 | (1 << 5) | (1 << 6);//100000000/512/3==65kb 112 // I2CADD1 = 0xc0;//slave address 113 I2CSTAT1 = (1 << 4);//Enables Rx/Tx 114 I2CLC1 = 0x7;//0111 Enables Filter;15 clocks 115 } 116 117 void iic_dest() 118 { 119 I2CCON1 = 0; 120 I2CSTAT1 = 0; 121 I2CADD1 = 0; 122 I2CLC1 = 0; 123 } 124 125 void iic_master_read_buff(unsigned char slave_addr, char *data, int len) 126 { 127 iic_dest(); 128 iic_init(); 129 130 int cnt = 0; 131 while(I2CSTAT1 & (1))//if (write) START signal generation 132 { 133 I2CSTAT1 = 0X90; 134 udelay(100); 135 printf("i am I2CSTATZZ1 1\n"); 136 } 137 138 I2CCON1 |= (1 << 7);//I2C-bus acknowledge enable bit 139 I2CDS1 = slave_addr; //Slave address 140 I2CSTAT1 = 0Xb0;//1011 Master receive mode ;(Read) Busy (If Read; Enables Rx/Tx 141 142 while(I2CSTAT1 & 1)//(Read) Busy If Read 143 { 144 printf("i am I2CSTAT1 2\n"); 145 } 146 udelay(100); 147 148 char tmp = I2CDS1;//第一个数据,为传过去的地址 149 I2CCON1 &= ~(1 << 4);//No interrupt is pending (If Read). Clears pending condition and resumes the operation (If Write). 150 udelay(100); 151 152 while(cnt < len) 153 { 154 if((I2CCON1 & 0x10)) 155 { 156 data[cnt] = I2CDS1; //read read a byte data of each 157 I2CCON1 &= ~(1 << 4); //No interrupt is pending (If Read). Clears pending condition and resumes the operation (If Write). 158 udelay(100); 159 cnt++; 160 } 161 } 162 163 I2CSTAT1 = 0X90;//1001 Master receive mode;(Read) Not busy (If Read); enables Rx/Tx; h 164 } 165 166 void ts_handle() 167 { 168 unsigned short x, y; 169 unsigned char buf[32]; 170 static int m = 0; 171 172 iic_master_read_buff(0x70, buf, 31); //0x70为触摸屏地址 173 x = (buf[4] & 0x0f) << 8 | buf[5]; 174 175 if(m < 5) 176 codate[m++] = x; 177 178 /*judge left or right of gesture*/ 179 else { 180 if(codate[2] < codate[4]) { //right 181 printf("move right\n"); 182 show_next(); 183 } 184 185 else if(codate[2] > codate[4]) { //left 186 printf("move left\n"); 187 show_pre(); 188 } 189 190 /*clean codate */ 191 for(m = 0; m < 5; m++) { 192 codate[m] = 0; 193 } 194 m = 0; 195 udelay(250000); 196 } 197 } 198 199 void irq_init() 200 { 201 #if 1 202 //step 1: enable cpu cpsr 203 __asm__ __volatile__( 204 "mrs r0, cpsr\n" 205 "bic r0, r0, #0x80\n" 206 "msr cpsr, r0\n" 207 ::: "r0" 208 ); 209 210 //step 2: GIC NO.62 211 ICCICR_CPU0 = 1;//global enable interrupt (total switch) 212 ICCPMR_CPU0 = 0xff;//This register provides an interrupt priority filter. Only interrupts with higher priority than the value in this registercan be signaled to the processor 213 214 ICDDCR = 1;//This register enables forwarding of pending interrupts to the CPU interfaces 215 216 /*一共有1024个中断源,只有160个中断号*/ 217 //id = 62. 一个ICDIPR 控制4个中断,62 / 4 = 15 ...2, so ICDIPR=15 218 ICDIPR15_CPU0 = ~(0xff << 16);//the zero is the highest priority 219 ICDIPTR15_CPU0 = (1 << 16);//0x1 ---> for cpu0 220 ICDISER1_CPU0 = (1 << 30);// enable interrupt 0 221 222 //step 3: set gpio 223 GPX1CON &= ~(0xf << 24); 224 GPX1CON |= (0xf << 24);//xeint14 <==> gpx1_6 ---->0xF = EXT_INT41[6] 225 226 //step 4:set ext_int 227 EXT_INT41_CON &= ~(0x7 << 24); 228 EXT_INT41_CON |= (0x3 << 24);//falling edge; low level 229 EXT_INT41_MASK &= ~(0x1 << 6);//enable extint41_6 230 231 #else 232 //step 1: cpu permit interrupt 233 __asm__ __volatile__( 234 "mrs r0, cpsr\n" 235 "bic r0,r0, #0x80\n" 236 "msr cpsr, r0\n" 237 :::"r0" 238 ); 239 240 //step 2: GIC (cgi) enable 241 ICCICR_CPU0 = 1; //总开关 242 ICCPMR_CPU0 =0xff;//总优先级 243 ICDDCR = 1; //本中断开关 244 245 //KEY 246 ICDIPR16_CPU0 = (1 << 0);//本中断优先级 247 ICDIPTR16_CPU0 = (1 << 0);//目标cpu 248 ICDISER2_CPU0 = (1 << 0);//启用本中断 249 250 //step 3: Xeint 251 EXT_INT43_CON = (0x2 << 12); 252 EXT_INT43_CON = (0x2 << 20); 253 EXT_INT43_MASK = 0; 254 255 //step 4: set gpio 256 GPX3CON = (0xf << 8); 257 GPX3CON = (0xf << 20); 258 259 //step 5: interrupt source 260 #endif 261 } 262 263 void memcpy(unsigned char *dest, unsigned char *src, unsigned int len) 264 { 265 int i = 0; 266 for(i = 0; i < len; i++) { 267 dest[i] = src[i]; 268 } 269 } 270 271 void init_table(unsigned long *addr) 272 { 273 unsigned long va = 0; 274 unsigned long phys = 0; 275 276 //0x40000000-0x80000000 -> 0x40000000-0x80000000 277 for(va = 0x40000000; va < 0x80000000; va += 0x100000) { 278 phys = va; 279 addr[va >> 20] = phys | 2; 280 } 281 282 //0x10000000-0x14000000 -> 0x10000000-0x140000000 283 for(va = 0x10000000; va < 0x14000000; va += 0x100000) { 284 phys = va; 285 addr[va >> 20] = phys | 2; 286 } 287 //0x10000000-0x14000000 -> 0x10000000-0x140000000 288 for(va = 0x0; va < 0x10000000; va += 0x100000) { 289 phys = va + 0x70000000; 290 addr[va >> 20] = phys | 2; 291 } 292 293 } 294 295 void enable_mmu() 296 { 297 /*构建表*/ 298 unsigned long addr = 0x50000000; 299 init_table(addr); 300 301 /*打开mmu*/ 302 unsigned long mmu = 0; 303 mmu = 1 | (1 << 1) | (1 << 3) | (1 << 8); 304 __asm__ __volatile__ ( 305 "mov r0, #3\n" 306 "MCR p15, 0, r0, c3, c0, 0\n"//设置为管理员 307 "MCR p15, 0, %0, c2, c0, 0\n"//设置表的地址 308 "MCR p15, 0, %1, c1, c0, 0\n"//开启mmu 309 : 310 : "r" (addr), "r" (mmu) 311 : 312 ); 313 314 } 315 316 void lcd_init(void) 317 { 318 /* 319 *<Exyons 4412 datasheet pg138 pg141 pg144 pg147> * 320 * GPF0CON : [31:0] : 0x2 321 * GPF1CON : [31:0] : 0x2 322 * GPF2CON : [31:0] : 0x2 323 * GPF3CON : [31:0] : 0x2 324 * */ 325 326 //定义IO引脚功能为RGB接口 327 GPF0CON = 0x22222222; 328 GPF1CON = 0x22222222; 329 GPF2CON = 0x22222222; 330 GPF3CON &= ~(0xffff); 331 GPF3CON |= 0x2222; 332 333 //max driver strebgh---- 334 GPF0DRV = 0xffffffff; 335 GPF1DRV = 0xffffffff; 336 GPF2DRV = 0xffffffff; 337 GPF3DRV &= ~0xff; 338 GPF3DRV |= 0xff; 339 /* 340 *<Exyons 4412 datasheet pg526> 341 *CLK_DIV_LCD: 342 * [3:0]:FIMD0_RATIO 0 343 * SCLK_FIMD0 = MOUTFIMD0/(FIMD0_RATIO + 1) 344 * = MOUTFIMD0/1 = 800MHz 345 * MOUTFIMD0 == SCLKmpll_user_t == 800MHz <Exyons 4412 datasheet pg453> LCD0_BLK 346 * */ 347 348 CLK_DIV_LCD &= ~0xf; 349 /* 350 *<Exyons 4412 datasheet pg501> 351 *CLK_SRC_LCD0: 352 * [3:0]:FIMD0_SEL 0110 ===> SCLKmpll_user_t 选择时钟源为SCLKmpll_user_t 353 * 354 * */ 355 CLK_SRC_LCD0 &= ~0xf; 356 CLK_SRC_LCD0 |= 6; 357 //LCD0_SYS_PWR_REG == 7 Don‘t use 358 359 360 /*<Exyons 4412 datasheet pg1799> 361 *Using the display controller data, you can select one of the above data paths by setting LCDBLK_CFG Register 362 *(0x1001_0210). For more information, refer to the "System Others" manual. 363 * 364 * 365 * <Exyons 4412 datasheet pg880> 366 * LCDBLK_CFG: 367 * [1] : FIMD of LBLK0 Bypass Selection 1 : FIMD Bypass 使用FIMD接口 368 * 369 * LCDBLK_CFG : 370 * [0]:MIE0_DISPON 1 : PWM outpupt enable 371 * 372 * 373 * */ 374 LCDBLK_CFG |= 1 << 1; //set FIMD 375 LCDBLK_CFG2 |= 1; 376 377 /* 378 *<Exyons 4412 datasheet pg1869> 379 *VIDCON0: 380 * [13:6]: CLKVAL_F //设置lcd时钟分频系数 381 * 382 * VCLK == 33.3Mhz <S700-AT070TN92 pg14> DCLK Frequency ===> Type : 33.3Mhz 383 * VCLK = FIMD * SCLK/(CLKVAL+1) 384 * VCLK = 800000000 / (CLKVAL + 1) 385 * 33300000 = 800000000 /(CLKVAL + 1) 386 * CLKVAL + 1 = 24.02 387 * CLKVAL = 23 388 * */ 389 390 //设置接口类型及时钟分频 33.3MHZ (配置时钟分频系数) 391 VIDCON0 = (1 << 17) | (23 << 6) | 3; /*(1 << 17)非常重要 不配制会出现色差*/ 392 //VIDCON0 = (23 << 6) | 3; 393 /* 394 *<Exyons 4412 datasheet pg1870 pg1848(时序)> <S700-AT070TN92 pg13(时序)> 395 *VIDTCON1: 396 * [5]:IVSYNC ===> 1 : Inverted(反转) 397 * [6]:IHSYNC ===> 1 : Inverted(反转) 398 * [7]:IVCLK ===> 1 : Fetches video data at VCLK rising edge (下降沿触发) 399 * [10:9]:FIXVCLK ====> 01 : VCLK running 400 * */ 401 /*VIDCON1主要设置像表时钟信号一直存在,且高电平有效, 402 而IHSYNC=1,极性反转IVSYNC=1,极性反转,这是由于S07的时序图中VSYNC和 403 HSYNC都是低脉冲有效,而Exynos4412芯片手册时序图,VSYNC 和HSYNC都是高脉冲有效 404 ,所以需要反转*/ 405 VIDCON1 = (1 << 9) | (1 << 7) | (1 << 5) | (1 << 6); //配置时序相关 406 407 /* 408 *<Exyons 4412 datasheet pg1874 pg1848(时序)> <S700-AT070TN92 pg13(时序)> 409 *VIDTCON0: 410 * [23:16]: VBPD + 1 <------> tvpw (1 - 20) 13 411 * [15:8]: VFPD + 1 <------> tvfp 22 412 * [7:0]: VSPW + 1 <------> tvb - tvpw = 23 - 13 = 10 413 * */ 414 /*VIDTCONx用来设置时序和长宽等参数,这里就主要设置VBPD(vertical back porch)、 415 VFBD(vertical fro ntporch)、VSPW(vertical sync pulse width)、 416 HBPD(horizontal backporch)、 HFPD(horizontal sync pul se width)等参数*/ 417 VIDTCON0 = (10 << 16) | (21 << 8) | (12); //配置时序间隔时间 (VIDTCON0 VIDTCON1) 418 419 /*<Exyons 4412 datasheet pg1874 pg1848(时序)> <S700-AT070TN92 pg13(时序)> 420 *VIDTCON1: 421 * [23:16]: HBPD + 1 <------> thpw (1 - 40) 36 422 * [15:8]: HFPD + 1 <------> thfp 210 423 * [7:0]: HSPW + 1 <------> thb - thpw = 46 - 36 = 10 424 */ 425 VIDTCON1 = (35 << 16) | (209 << 8) | (9); 426 427 /* 428 *<Exyons 4412 datasheet pg1875> 429 * 430 *HOZVAL = (Horizontal display size) – 1 and LINEVAL = (Vertical display size) – 1. 431 * Horizontal(水平) display size : 800 432 *Vertical(垂直) display size : 480 433 * */ 434 VIDTCON2 = (479 << 11) | 799; 435 436 //win0 437 //#ifdef BPP565 438 /* 439 *<Exyons 4412 datasheet pg1877> 440 *WINCON0: 441 * [16]:Specifies Half-Word swap control bit. 1 = Enables swap 442 * [5:2]: Selects Bits Per Pixel (BPP) mode for Window image : 0101 ===> 16BPP 443 * [1]:Enables/disables video output 1 = Enables 444 * 445 * */ 446 // WINCON0 = (1 << 16) | (5 << 2) | 1; 447 448 /* 449 *<Exyons 4412 datasheet pg1895> 450 *VIDOSD0C:Specifies the Window Size (窗口尺寸 单位为word) 451 * 452 * 453 * */ 454 // VIDOSD0C = 480 * 800 >> 1; 455 //#else 456 /* 457 *<Exyons 4412 datasheet pg1877> 458 *WINCON0: 459 * [5:2]: Selects Bits Per Pixel (BPP) mode for Window image : 1011 ===> 24BPP 460 * [1]:Enables/disables video output 1 = Enables 461 * 462 * */ 463 /*Exynos4412的LCD控制器有overlay功能,它支持5个window。 464 这里只使用window0,设置其代码RGB模式为24bit,(A888)且使能window0 465 */ 466 WINCON0 = (1 << 22) | (1 << 15) | (11 << 2) | 1;//配置窗口0颜色数据格式,使能视频数据输出 467 468 /* 469 *<Exyons 4412 datasheet pg1895> 470 *VIDOSD0C:Specifies the Window Size (窗口尺寸 单位为word) 471 * 472 * 473 * */ 474 VIDOSD0C = 480 * 800; //windows size 475 //#endif 476 477 //SHADOWCON &= ~(1 << 5); Don‘t use 478 479 /* 480 *<Exyons 4412 datasheet pg1891 pg1801> 481 *[0]: Enables Channel 0. 1 = Enables 482 * */ 483 /*配置SHADOWCON和WINCHMAP2、选择使能DMA通道0, 484 由于我们使用的是Window0,所以需要使能DMA通道0 485 */ 486 SHADOWCON |= 1; //选择相应通道 487 488 489 /* 490 *<Exyons 4412 datasheet pg1894 pg1801> 491 *[18:16] Selects Channel 0‘s channel. ===> 001 = Window 0 492 *[2:0] Selects Window 0‘s channel. ===> 001 = Channel 0 493 * 494 * 495 * */ 496 WINCHMAP2 &= ~(7 << 16);//选择通道与窗口 497 WINCHMAP2 |= 1 << 16; 498 WINCHMAP2 &= ~7; 499 WINCHMAP2 |= 1; 500 501 /* 502 *<Exyons 4412 datasheet pg1895> 503 *VIDOSD0A: LCD左上角坐标 504 *VIDOSD0B: LCD右下角坐标 505 */ 506 507 VIDOSD0A = 0; 508 VIDOSD0B = (799 << 11) | 479; 509 510 /* 511 *<Exyons 4412 datasheet pg1902> 512 * VIDW00ADD0B0 : window0 frame buffer 起始地址 513 * VIDW00ADD1B0 : window0 frame buffer 结束地址 514 * */ 515 VIDW00ADD0B0 = FRAMEBUFFER00; 516 VIDW00ADD1B0 = FRAMEBUFFER00 + VIDOSD0C * 4; 517 VIDW00ADD2 = 800; 518 /* 519 * <Exyons 4412 datasheet pg1869> 520 * Display On: ENVID and ENVID_F are set to "1". 521 * [0]:ENVID ===> 1 = Enables 522 * [1]:ENVID_F ===> 1 = Enables 523 * */ 524 } 525 526 __asm__( 527 528 /*异常向量表*/ 529 "vector: \n" 530 " b reset\n" 531 " b und\n" 532 " b swi\n" 533 " b pre_abt\n" 534 " b data_abt\n" 535 " .word 0x0\n" 536 " b irq\n" 537 " b fiq\n" 538 "reset:\n" 539 "und:\n" 540 " mov sp, #0x47000000\n" 541 " stmdb sp!, {r0-r12, lr}\n" 542 543 " ldr r3, =0x47000004\n" 544 " ldr r2, [r3]\n" 545 " blx r2\n" 546 547 " mov sp, #0x47000000\n" 548 " ldmdb sp, {r0-r12, pc}^ \n" 549 550 "swi:\n" 551 " mov sp, #0x47000000\n" 552 " stmdb sp!, {r0-r12, lr}^\n" 553 554 " mov sp, #0x47000000\n" 555 " ldmdb sp, {r0-r12, pc}^ \n" 556 557 "pre_abt:\n" 558 559 "data_abt:\n" 560 " mov sp, #0x47000000\n" 561 " sub lr, lr, #4\n" 562 " stmdb sp!, {r0-r12, lr}\n" 563 564 " ldr r3, =0x47000008\n" 565 " ldr r2, [r3]\n" 566 " blx r2\n" 567 568 " mov sp, #0x47000000\n" 569 " ldmdb sp, {r0-r12, pc}^ \n" 570 "irq:\n" 571 572 " mov sp, #0x47000000\n" 573 " sub lr, lr, #4\n" 574 " stmdb sp!, {r0-r12, lr}\n" 575 576 " ldr r3, =0x47000000\n" //跳转到c语言 577 " ldr r2, [r3]\n" 578 " blx r2\n" 579 580 " mov sp, #0x47000000\n" 581 " ldmdb sp, {r0-r12, pc}^ \n" 582 583 "fiq:\n" 584 585 ".global vector_start\n" 586 "vector_start: \n" 587 ".word vector \n " 588 589 );