我们查一下执行规划,可以清晰看到select语句是走了bitmap index scan的。
公共字段表 |
视图 |
where条件过滤 |
0.0371432304382 |
0.379799127579 |
过滤条件+order by limit 10 |
11.1989729404 |
44.5428109169 |
聚合函数 |
50.8744649887 |
50.5313501358 |
不进行过滤,全表order by取limit |
0.122601985931 |
0.368887901306 |
count |
43.4130840302 |
67.3434300423 |
#coding:utf-8 import psycopg2 import traceback import random import time HOST="localhost" DBNAME="" USERNAME="" PASSWORD="" #数据库时间为2016-05-23当天 starttime = 1463932800 endtime = 1464019199 def create_tables(nums): arr = list() for i in range(0,nums): tablename = "tb_test_"+str(i) if i == 0: tablename = 'tb_test_common' sql = "create table " + tablename + "(" + "starttime integer," + "endtime integer," colnum = 46 #公共表时间字段+40个字段,普通APP表时间字段+45个字段 if i == 0: colnum = 41 for j in range(1,colnum): sql += "col"+str(i)+"_"+str(j)+" varchar(1024)" if j != colnum - 1: sql += "," sql += ")" arr.append(sql) return ";".join(arr) #写一个一百万数据的文件 def write_million_data(filepath): print "create data file start ..." f = open(filepath,"w") for i in range(0,1000000): curstart = random.randint(starttime,endtime) f.write(str(curstart)+",") f.write(str(random.randint(curstart,endtime))+",") for j in range(0,45): f.write("hello") if j != 44: f.write(",") f.write("\n") f.close() print "create data file end ..." def create_view(nums): sql = "create view v_evt as " for i in range(1,nums): sql += "select starttime,endtime," for j in range(1,41): sql += "col"+str(i)+"_"+str(j)+" as col_0_"+str(j) if j != 40: sql += "," sql += " from tb_test_"+str(i)+" " if i != nums-1: sql += " union all " return sql def init_all(): filepath = "/tmp/view_data" write_million_data(filepath) conn = psycopg2.connect(host=HOST,dbname=DBNAME,user=USERNAME,password=PASSWORD) cur = conn.cursor() #新建31张表;第一张为公有字段表,其他30张为app表 cur.execute(create_tables(31)) conn.commit() print "create tables" #将数据copy入第1-30的APP表和公共表 for i in range(1,31): cur.copy_from(open(filepath,"r"),"tb_test_"+str(i),sep=",") print "copy data into table" conn.commit() for i in range(1,31): insql = "insert into tb_test_common select starttime,endtime," for j in range(1,41): insql += "col"+str(i)+"_"+str(j) if j != 40: insql += ',' insql += " from tb_test_"+str(i) print insql cur.execute(insql) conn.commit() #在starttime和endtime字段建立索引 for i in range(1,31): cur.execute("create index index_tb_test_"+str(i)+"_starttime on tb_test_"+str(i)+"(starttime)") cur.execute("create index index_tb_test_"+str(i)+"_endime on tb_test_"+str(i)+"(endtime)") conn.commit() print "create index on index_tb_test_"+str(i) cur.execute("create index index_tb_test_common_starttime on tb_test_common(starttime)") cur.execute("create index index_tb_test_common_endime on tb_test_common(endtime)") conn.commit() print "create index on tb_test_common" #建立视图 vsql = create_view(31) cur.execute(vsql) conn.commit() print "create view" #将数据写入40张表 conn.close() if __name__ == '__main__': #init_all() '''冗余表的优点在于查询,而缺点在于增删改[需要事务,同时需要写两份]''' '''视图的优点在于增删改只需要改原始物理表,而缺点在于查询''' '''所以以下测试是用冗余表之长对决视图之短''' '''为了查询性能非常优秀,我为公共表和普通表的字段startime和endtime字段建立索引,并在查询条件中使用它''' '''但众所周知的,有索引意味着insert和update均需要更新索引,所以写入速度是影响的''' #进行性能测试 conn = psycopg2.connect(host=HOST,dbname=DBNAME,user=USERNAME,password=PASSWORD) cur = conn.cursor() #第零组,验证 where条件过滤 的速度 stime = time.time() cur.execute("select count(*) from tb_test_common where starttime=1463932800") etime = time.time() print "query tb_test_common, waste time:",etime-stime,"s;count:",cur.fetchone() stime = time.time() cur.execute("select count(*) from v_evt where starttime=1463932800") etime = time.time() print "query v_evt, waste time:",etime-stime,"s;count:",cur.fetchone() print "*************************************************************" #第一组,验证 过滤条件+order by limit 10 的速度 stime = time.time() cur.execute("select * from tb_test_common where starttime>=1463932800 and starttime<=1463936400 order by starttime desc") etime = time.time() print "query tb_test_common, waste time:",etime-stime,"s;count:",len(cur.fetchall()) stime = time.time() cur.execute("select * from v_evt where starttime>=1463932800 and starttime<=1463936400 order by starttime desc") etime = time.time() print "query v_event, waste time:",etime-stime,"s;count:",len(cur.fetchall()) print "*************************************************************" #第二组,验证 聚合函数 的速度 stime = time.time() cur.execute("select to_char(to_timestamp(starttime),'YYYY-MM-DD') as mydate,count(*) as num from tb_test_common where starttime>=1463932800 and starttime<=1463940000 group by mydate order by mydate desc") etime = time.time() print "query tb_test_common, waste time:",etime-stime,"s;count:",len(cur.fetchall()) stime = time.time() cur.execute("select to_char(to_timestamp(starttime),'YYYY-MM-DD') as mydate,count(*) as num from v_evt where starttime>=1463932800 and starttime<=1463940000 group by mydate order by mydate desc") etime = time.time() print "query v_event, waste time:",etime-stime,"s;count:",len(cur.fetchall()) print "*************************************************************" #第三组,验证 不进行过滤,全表order by 返回limit的速度 stime = time.time() cur.execute("select * from tb_test_common order by starttime desc limit 100") etime = time.time() print "query tb_test_common, waste time:",etime-stime,"s;count:",len(cur.fetchall()) stime = time.time() cur.execute("select * from v_evt order by starttime desc limit 100") etime = time.time() print "query v_event, waste time:",etime-stime,"s;count:",len(cur.fetchall()) print "*************************************************************" #第四组,验证 count 的速度 stime = time.time() cur.execute("select count(*) from tb_test_common") etime = time.time() print "query tb_test_common, waste time:",etime-stime,"s;count:",cur.fetchone() stime = time.time() cur.execute("select count(*) from v_evt") etime = time.time() print "query v_event, waste time:",etime-stime,"s;count:",cur.fetchone() cur.close() conn.close()