interface iRich { void rich(); } interface iWhite { void white(); } interface ibeaut { void beaut(); } class WomanStar implements iRich,iWhite,ibeaut { public void rich() { System.out.println("I‘m beaut"); } public void white() { System.out.println("I‘m white"); } public void beaut() { System.out.println("I‘m richer"); } public void findlove() { System.out.println("Look at me,I‘m the girl who is your find"); white(); beaut(); rich(); } } class TuRicher { int money=127; public void findlove() { System.out.println("I have "+money+" millions us dollars"); System.out.println("Who is rich white and beaut girl?please marry me."); } public void marry(WomanStar rose) { System.out.println("Let‘s try to love"); } } class MarryMe { public static void main(String[] args) { WomanStar rose =new WomanStar(); TuRicher jack =new TuRicher(); jack.findlove(); rose.findlove(); jack.marry(rose); } }
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