vcs source_files [source_or_object_files] options
e.g vcs top.v toil.v -RI +v2k
Details of Options:
-I:Compiles for interactive use
+v2k:Enables new language features in the proposed IEEE 1364-2001 standard. See “Implemented IEEE Std 1364-2001 Language Constructs” on page 2-23.
-R after compilation, run simulation executable
-RI after compilation, run simulation under xvcs
Enables the use of the Verilog language extensions in the Accellera
SystemVerilog specification.
Enables the use of UCLI commands and DVE.
Enables the use of UCLI and DVE. Also enables line stepping.
Starts browser to display the HTML files for the VCS/VCSi documentation.
-vcd <filename>
Sets the output VCD file name to the specified file.
The default filename is verilog.dump.
A $dumpfile system task in the Verilog source code will override
this option.
Specifies the VCD file you want to use for post-processing.
To dump an fsdb file
-Xman=4:combines all source files into a single file “tokens.v”
e.g:vcs add4.v top.v -Xman=4
-l filename:Specifies a file where VCS records compilation messages. If you
also enter the -R option, VCSrecords messages from both
compilation and simulation in the same file.
2、fsdbDumpfile and fsdbDumpvars to dump an fsdb file.
fsdbDumpfile - 指定FSDB文件名
-语法:$fsdbDumpfile("FSDB name")
fsdbDumpvars - Dump指定的变量
-功能:将所要观察的变量dump下来,存储到FSDB file.
-功能:Turn on/off dump 变量的功能
-功能:将记忆体的值储存到FSDB file,当呼叫$fsdbDumpMemNow时记忆体的值会立即被dump出来,而呼叫$fsdbDumpMem则必须等到时机间隔结束才会dump出来。
example 1:
1 initial begin 2 $vcdpluson; 3 $fsdbDumpfile("test.fsdb"); 4 $fsdbDumpvars(0,router_test_io); 5 end
example 2:
1 initial begin 2 $vcdpluson; 3 $fsdbDumpfile("test.fsdb"); 4 $fsdbDumpvars(0,test); 5 end
注:example 1和example 2将router_test_io和test两个模块中的信号波形全部存在test.sfdb文件中。
命令:./simv [run_time_options]
-s: stops simulation at time 0
e.g:./simv -s
4、Interactive mode(交互模式)
5、Post-processing mode(后台处理方式)
先输出用户指定选择的信号及其变化过程到一个文件中,然后可以用 VirSim来分析这个文件。该文件是 VCD+类型的,VCD+文件是一种二进制的格式,里面记录了 VCS模拟的结果,和信号的变化历史等信息。
Error-[ITSFM] Illegal `timescale for module
router_test_top.sv, 7
Module "router_test_top" has `timescale but previous module(s)/package(s) do
Please refer LRM 1364-2001 section 19.8.