//事件过程指针 TExceptionHandlerEvent = procedure (const AException: Exception; var Handled: Boolean) of object; //匿名方法 TExceptionHandlerProc = reference to procedure (const AException: Exception; var Handled: Boolean); EAggregateException = class(Exception) {class↓ 内部类型TExceptionEnumerator 协助管理异常FInnerExceptions数组} public type TExceptionEnumerator = class //枚举器 private FIndex: Integer; //FInnerExceptions数组的游标 FException: EAggregateException; //拥有者 function GetCurrent: Exception; inline;//获取游标指向的Exception对象 //构建函数 参数是其拥有者 constructor Create(const AException: EAggregateException); public //游标后移 function MoveNext: Boolean; inline; //游标指向的Exception对象 property Current: Exception read GetCurrent; end; {class↑} private FInnerExceptions: TArray<Exception>;//内部存储异常数据数组 function GetCount: Integer; inline;//返回异常个数 function GetInnerException(Index: Integer): Exception; inline;//获取指定异常 procedure ExtractExceptionsToList(const AList: TList<Exception>);//导出异常到AList //三种构建函数 constructor Create(const AMessage: string; const AList: TList<Exception>); overload; public constructor Create(const AExceptionArray: array of Exception); overload; constructor Create(const AMessage: string; const AExceptionArray: array of Exception); overload; //解构函数 destructor Destroy; override; //获取异常枚举器TExceptionEnumerator function GetEnumerator: TExceptionEnumerator; inline; // Handle函数 支持2中形式 匿名方法与事件指针 procedure Handle(AExceptionHandlerEvent: TExceptionHandlerEvent); overload; procedure Handle(const AExceptionHandlerProc: TExceptionHandlerProc); overload; // FInnerExceptions所有异常信息字符串 function ToString: string; override; property Count: Integer read GetCount; property InnerExceptions[Index: Integer]: Exception read GetInnerException; default; end; //---------- implementation //---------- procedure EAggregateException.Handle(AExceptionHandlerEvent: TExceptionHandlerEvent); begin Handle( // 将事件指针转换成匿名函数,呼叫同名重载Handle函数 procedure (const AException: Exception; var Handled: Boolean) begin AExceptionHandlerEvent(AException, Handled); end); end; // 参数 异常处理函数 // 如果异常完全处理完,则不触发异常信息。 //TExceptionHandlerProc = reference to procedure (const AException: Exception//注解:参数1:异常对象; var Handled: Boolean//注解:参数2:Out型参数 携带true返回则代表异常被成功处理); procedure EAggregateException.Handle(const AExceptionHandlerProc: TExceptionHandlerProc); var I: Integer; Handled: Boolean; List: TList<Exception>; begin List := nil; try for I := 0 to Length(FInnerExceptions) - 1 do begin Handled := False; AExceptionHandlerProc(FInnerExceptions[I], Handled); if not Handled then begin if List = nil then List := TList<Exception>.Create; List.Add(FInnerExceptions[I]); end; end; if List <> nil then begin FInnerExceptions := nil; raise EAggregateException.Create(Message, List); end; finally List.Free; end; end;
System.threading <一> [EAggregateException]