There are two sorted arrays nums1 and nums2 of size m and n respectively. Find the median of the two sorted arrays. The overall run time complexity should be O(log (m+n)).
1.求一列长度为len的数字的中位数,其实也可以被看做是求第len/2小的数(len为奇),或者求第len/2,len/2 +1小的数的平均值的数(len为偶);
1 public class Solution { 2 public static double findMedianSortedArrays(int[] nums1, int[] nums2) { 3 int len1=nums1.length; 4 int len2=nums2.length; 5 if(((len1+len2)&1)==0){ 6 int count=(len1+len2)/2; 7 int num1=fun(nums1,0,nums2,0,count); 8 int num2=fun(nums1,0,nums2,0,count+1); 9 return (double)(num1+num2)/2; 10 } 11 else{ 12 int count=(len1+len2)/2 +1; 13 int num=fun(nums1,0,nums2,0,count); 14 15 return (double)num; 16 } 17 } 18 19 public static int fun(int[] nums1,int from1,int[] nums2,int from2,int k){ 20 //考虑到某个数组中的数已经全部被排除 21 if(from1>=nums1.length){ 22 return nums2[from2+k-1]; 23 } 24 if(from2>=nums2.length){ 25 return nums1[from1+k-1]; 26 } 27 //k=1即求最小,比较两个数组中的from位置处的值即可 28 if(k==1){ 29 return nums1[from1]<nums2[from2]?nums1[from1]:nums2[from2]; 30 } 31 //为了减少代码量,要保证nums1的长度要小于nums2的长度 32 if(nums1.length-from1>nums2.length-from2){ 33 int[] nums=nums1; 34 int from=from1; 35 nums1=nums2; 36 from1=from2; 37 nums2=nums; 38 from2=from; 39 } 40 //nums1最好能截取k/2位置处的数,但要保证不能超过nums1中还存在的数的个数 41 int len1 = Math.min(nums1.length-from1, k/2); 42 //保证len1+len2=k; 43 int len2 = k -len1; 44 if(nums1[from1+len1-1]>=nums2[from2+len2-1]){ 45 from2=from2+len2; 46 int result = fun(nums1,from1,nums2,from2,k-len2); 47 return result; 48 } 49 else{ 50 from1=from1+len1; 51 int result = fun(nums1,from1,nums2,from2,k-len1); 52 return result; 53 } 54 55 } 56 }
【Leetcode】4. Median of Two Sorted Arrays