We will learn how centralized updates in Redux let us log every state change to the console along with the action that caused it.
import { createStore } from ‘redux‘; import throttle from ‘lodash/throttle‘; import todoApp from ‘./reducers‘; import { loadState, saveState } from ‘./localStorge‘; const addLoggingToDispatch = (store) => { const rawDispatch = store.dispatch; // If browser not support console.group if (!console.group) { return rawDispatch; } return (action) => { console.group(action.type); console.log(‘%c prev state‘, ‘color: gray‘, store.getState()); console.log(‘%c action‘, ‘color: blue‘, action); const returnValue = rawDispatch(action); console.log(‘%c next state‘, ‘color: green‘, store.getState()); console.groupEnd(action.type); return returnValue; }; }; const configureStore = () => { const persistedState = loadState(); const store = createStore(todoApp, persistedState); // If in production do not log it if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== ‘production‘) { store.dispatch = addLoggingToDispatch(store); } store.subscribe(throttle(() => { saveState({ todos: store.getState().todos, }); }, 1000)); return store; }; export default configureStore;
[Redux] Wrapping dispatch() to Log Actions