1 [MenuItem("Tools/Check Text Count")] 2 public static void CheckText () 3 { 4 //查找指定路径下指定类型的所有资源,返回的是资源GUID 5 string[] guids = AssetDatabase.FindAssets ("t:GameObject", new string[] { "Assets/Resources/UI" }); 6 //从GUID获得资源所在路径 7 List<string> paths = new List<string> (); 8 guids.ToList ().ForEach (m => paths.Add (AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath (m))); 9 //从路径获得该资源 10 List<GameObject> objs = new List<GameObject> (); 11 paths.ForEach (p => objs.Add (AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath (p, typeof (GameObject)) as GameObject)); 12 //下面就可以对该资源做任何你想要的操作了,如查找已丢失的脚本、检查赋值命名等,这里查找所有的Text组件个数 13 List<Text> texts = new List<Text> (); 14 objs.ForEach (o => texts.AddRange (o.GetComponentsInChildren<Text> (true))); 15 Debug.Log ("Text count:" + texts.Count); 16 }
1 [MenuItem("Edit/Cleanup Missing Scripts")] 2 static void CleanupMissingScripts () 3 { 4 for(int i = 0; i < Selection.gameObjects.Length; i++) 5 { 6 var gameObject = Selection.gameObjects[i]; 7 8 // We must use the GetComponents array to actually detect missing components 9 var components = gameObject.GetComponents<Component>(); 10 11 // Create a serialized object so that we can edit the component list 12 var serializedObject = new SerializedObject(gameObject); 13 // Find the component list property 14 var prop = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_Component"); 15 16 // Track how many components we‘ve removed 17 int r = 0; 18 19 // Iterate over all components 20 for(int j = 0; j < components.Length; j++) 21 { 22 // Check if the ref is null 23 if(components[j] == null) 24 { 25 // If so, remove from the serialized component array 26 prop.DeleteArrayElementAtIndex(j-r); 27 // Increment removed count 28 r++; 29 } 30 } 31 32 // Apply our changes to the game object 33 serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); 34 //这一行一定要加!!! 35 EditorUtility.SetDirty(gameObject); 36 } 37 }