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create database xuexiao

use xuexiao

--表一:学生表   student
--学号:code   int        (主键)从1开始
--姓名:name  varchar(50)
--性别:sex        char(10)
--班级:banji    char(10)
--语文教师编号:yujiao        int    
--数学教师编号:yujiao        int    
--英语教师编号:yujiao        int    
create table student
 scode int primary key identity(10001,1)not null,--主键
 name varchar(50),
 sex        char(10),
 banji     char(10),
 yujiao        int    ,--外键
 shujiao    int,--外键
 yingjiao   int,--外键
insert into student values(王红,,一班,1001,1004,1007)
insert into student values(周瑜,,一班,1001,1004,1007)
insert into student values(张飞,,一班,1001,1004,1007)
insert into student values(乔雨,,一班,1001,1004,1007)
insert into student values(王发,,一班,1001,1004,1007)
insert into student values(杜鹃,,二班,1002,1005,1008)
insert into student values(白小飞,,二班,1002,1005,1008)
insert into student values(刘小峰,,二班,1002,1005,1008)
insert into student values(张强,,二班,1002,1005,1008)
insert into student values(周莹莹,,二班,1002,1005,1008)
insert into student values(赵晓红,,三班,1003,1006,1009)
insert into student values(王国章,,三班,1003,1006,1009)
insert into student values(张三更,,三班,1003,1006,1009)
insert into student values(潘晓丽,,三班,1003,1006,1009)
insert into student values(楚红红,,三班,1003,1006,1009)

--表二:教师表        teacher
--教师编号:code        int    (主键)            从1001开始
--负责课程:lesson        char(10)(语文、数学、英语)
--年龄:age            int
--生日:birth        datetime
create table teacher
  tcode        int primary key identity(1001,1)not null,--主键
  tname      varchar(20),
  lesson        char(10),
  age            int,
  birth        datetime,
insert into teacher values(张斌,语文,30,1986-3-30)
insert into teacher values(齐红,语文,40,1976-9-20)
insert into teacher values(王雪丽,语文,25,1991-2-3)

insert into teacher values(崔刚,数学,36,1980-2-10)
insert into teacher values(余兵,数学,30,1986-6-30)
insert into teacher values(刘备,数学,50,1966-7-20)

insert into teacher values(张灿灿,英语,30,1986-5-5)
insert into teacher values(王丽丽,英语,26,1990-7-7)
insert into teacher values(张婷婷,英语,35,1981-6-3)

--表三:分数表        score
--学号:code        int        (学生学号的外键)
--语文分数:yufen        decimal(18,2)
--数学分数:shufen        decimal(18,2)
--英语分数:yingfen        decimal(18,2)

  create table    score
    fcode    int    ,--外键
    yufen   decimal(18,2),
    shufen    decimal(18,2),
    yingfen    decimal(18,2),
insert into score values(10001,80,90,70)
insert into score values(10002,50,80,60)
insert into score values(10003,60,55,80)
insert into score values(10004,70,90,55)
insert into score values(10005,50,70,80)
insert into score values(10006,90,60,80)
insert into score values(10007,60,50,66)
insert into score values(10008,70,82,59)
insert into score values(10009,63,87,85)
insert into score values(10010,45,55,64)
insert into score values(10011,90,90,70)
insert into score values(10012,60,80,70)
insert into score values(10013,55,70,56)
insert into score values(10014,70,80,70)
insert into score values(10015,85,55,70)



select * from student
select * from teacher
select * from score

select * from student where scode=
(select top 1 fcode from score order by yufen desc)

select * from student where scode=
(select top 1 fcode from score order by shufen desc)

select * from student where scode=
(select top 1 fcode from score order by yingfen desc)

select * from student where scode=
(select top 1 fcode from score order by yufen )

select * from student where scode=
(select top 1 fcode from score order by shufen )

select * from student where scode=
(select top 1 fcode from score order by yingfen)

select * from teacher where tcode=
(select yujiao from student where scode=
(select top 1 fcode from score order by yufen ))

select * from teacher where tcode=
(select shujiao from student where scode=
(select top 1 fcode from score order by shufen ))

select * from teacher where tcode=
(select yingjiao from student where scode=
(select top 1 fcode from score order by yingfen ))

select * from teacher where tcode=
(select yujiao from student where scode=
(select top 1 fcode from score order by yufen desc ))

select * from teacher where tcode=
(select shujiao from student where scode=
(select top 1 fcode from score order by shufen desc ))

select * from teacher where tcode=
(select yingjiao from student where scode=
(select top 1 fcode from score order by yingfen desc ))

select scode,name, sex, banji, (select tname from teacher where teacher.tcode=student.yujiao),shujiao,yingjiao from student

select scode,name, sex, banji, 
(select tname from teacher where teacher.tcode=student.yujiao)as 语文老师,
(select tname from teacher where teacher.tcode=student.shujiao)as 数学老师,
(select tname from teacher where teacher.tcode=student.yingjiao) as 英语老师
from student

select scode, name,sex ,banji,yujiao,shujiao,yingjiao from student
join teacher on student.yujiao=teacher.tname
or student.yujiao=teacher.tname
or student.yujiao=teacher.tname

select scode,name,
(select yufen from score where score.fcode=student.scode ) as 语文成绩,
(select shufen from score where score.fcode=student.scode ) as 数学成绩,
(select yingfen from score where score.fcode=student.scode ) as 英语成绩,
(select tname from teacher where teacher.tcode=student.yujiao) as 语文老师,
(select tname from teacher where teacher.tcode=student.shujiao) as 数学老师,
(select tname from teacher where teacher.tcode=student.yingjiao) as 英语老师
from student

select  top 1 yufen from score where fcode in
(select scode from student where banji=一班) order by yufen desc
select  top 1 yufen from score where fcode in
(select scode from student where banji=二班) order by yufen desc
select  top 1 yufen from score where fcode in
(select scode from student where banji=三班) order by yufen desc
select  top 1 shufen from score where fcode in
(select scode from student where banji=一班) order by shufen desc
select  top 1 shufen from score where fcode in
(select scode from student where banji=二班) order by shufen desc
select  top 1 shufen from score where fcode in
(select scode from student where banji=三班) order by shufen desc
select  top 1 yingfen from score where fcode in
(select scode from student where banji=一班) order by yingfen desc
select  top 1 yingfen from score where fcode in
(select scode from student where banji=二班) order by yingfen desc
select  top 1 yingfen from score where fcode in
(select scode from student where banji=三班) order by yingfen desc

select AVG(yufen) from score where fcode in
(select scode from student where banji=一班)

select AVG(yufen) from score where fcode in
(select scode from student where banji=二班)

select AVG(yufen) from score where fcode in
(select scode from student where banji=三班)

declare @a decimal(18,2)
select @a=AVG(yufen) from score where fcode in
(select scode from student where banji=一班)
declare @b decimal(18,2)
select @b=AVG(yufen) from score where fcode in
(select scode from student where banji=二班)
declare @c decimal(18,2)
select @c=AVG(yufen) from score where fcode in
(select scode from student where banji=三班)
declare @jie varchar(20)
if @a>@b and @a>@c

   set  @jie =一班

else if @b>@a and @b>@c
   set @jie =二班

else if @c>@a and @c>@b
    set @jie =三班
    select * from teacher where tcode in
    (select yujiao from student where banji=@jie)
declare @a decimal(18,2)
select @a=AVG(shufen) from score where fcode in
(select scode from student where banji=一班)
declare @b decimal(18,2)
select @b=AVG(shufen) from score where fcode in
(select scode from student where banji=二班)
declare @c decimal(18,2)
select @c=AVG(shufen) from score where fcode in
(select scode from student where banji=三班)
declare @jie varchar(20)
if @a>@b and @a>@c

   set  @jie =一班

else if @b>@a and @b>@c
   set @jie =二班

else if @c>@a and @c>@b
    set @jie =三班
    select * from teacher where tcode in
    (select shujiao from student where banji=@jie)

declare @a decimal(18,2)
select @a=AVG(yingfen) from score where fcode in
(select scode from student where banji=一班)
declare @b decimal(18,2)
select @b=AVG(yingfen) from score where fcode in
(select scode from student where banji=二班)
declare @c decimal(18,2)
select @c=AVG(yingfen) from score where fcode in
(select scode from student where banji=三班)
declare @jie varchar(20)
if @a>@b and @a>@c

   set  @jie =一班

else if @b>@a and @b>@c
   set @jie =二班

else if @c>@a and @c>@b
    set @jie =三班
    select * from teacher where tcode in
    (select yingjiao from student where banji=@jie)

  declare @laoshi decimal(18,2)
   select @laoshi=tcode from teacher where tname=刘备
   declare @renshu int
  select @renshu=COUNT(*) from score where fcode in(select scode from student where shujiao=@laoshi)
  and shufen>=80
  if @renshu>=3
     print 教学水平达标
     print  教学水平不达标




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