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今天算是花了点时间踩了点坑,算是基本可以搞了。稳定之后会把这个版本和glog,g2log,mudo logging一起测试下。mudo对buffer做了些trick,内部有两个bufferptr,做了双缓冲,据说效率很高,不过只有linux平台的,不过但把它的log抽离出来也不难,陈老师封装了mutex,thread,conditional等,在gcc4.8,clang3.3,VS2010都不是问题,已经没多大必要,而且之前为之乐道的linux下的threadsafe的initonce,现在C++11x也有了支持。


  virtual ~Logger();

  // Writes "message[0,message_len-1]" corresponding to an event that
  // occurred at "timestamp".  If "force_flush" is true, the log file
  // is flushed immediately.
  // The input message has already been formatted as deemed
  // appropriate by the higher level logging facility.  For example,
  // textual log messages already contain timestamps, and the
  // file:linenumber header.
  virtual void Write(bool force_flush,
                     time_t timestamp,
                     const char* message,
                     int message_len) = 0;

  // Flush any buffered messages
  virtual void Flush() = 0;

  // Get the current LOG file size.
  // The returned value is approximate since some
  // logged data may not have been flushed to disk yet.
  virtual uint32 LogSize() = 0;

  virtual void SetBasename(const char* basename) = 0;
  virtual void SetExtension(const char* ext) = 0 ;
  virtual void SetSymlinkBasename(const char* symlink_basename) = 0;



用Active object模式很好解决,就是我们通常所说的生产者消费者,在logmsg析构时就会fflush到磁盘,这次就会调用logger的write方法,此时就是我们接手的机会,把数据封装下,投递到业务线程,然后取出,实际写磁盘就好。


/** ==========================================================================
* 2010 by KjellKod.cc. This is PUBLIC DOMAIN to use at your own risk and comes
* with no warranties. This code is yours to share, use and modify with no
* strings attached and no restrictions or obligations.
* ============================================================================
* Example of a Active Object, using C++11 std::thread mechanisms to make it
* safe for thread communication.
* This was originally published at http://sites.google.com/site/kjellhedstrom2/active-object-with-cpp0x
* and inspired from Herb Sutter‘s C++11 Active Object
* http://herbsutter.com/2010/07/12/effective-concurrency-prefer-using-active-objects-instead-of-naked-threads
* The code below uses JustSoftware Solutions Inc std::thread implementation
* http://www.justsoftwaresolutions.co.uk
* Last update 2012-10-10, by Kjell Hedstrom,
* e-mail: hedstrom at kjellkod dot cc
* linkedin: http://linkedin.com/se/kjellkod */

#ifndef ACTIVE_H_
#define ACTIVE_H_

#include <thread>
#include <functional>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <mutex>
#include <memory>
#include <concurrent_queue.h>
#include "shared_queue.h"

struct  Buffer
	Buffer():m_Len(0), m_pMsg(NULL){}
		if (NULL != m_pMsg)
			delete []m_pMsg;
	Buffer(int size):m_Len(size)
		, m_pMsg(new char[m_Len])

	int m_Len;
	char* m_pMsg;

typedef std::function<void(Buffer*)> Callback;

class Active {
  Active(const Active&); // c++11 feature not yet in vs2010 = delete;
  Active& operator=(const Active&); // c++11 feature not yet in vs2010 = delete;
  Active();                         // Construction ONLY through factory createActive();
  void doDone(){done_ = true;}
  void run();
  void setCallBack(Callback aCallBack);

  Concurrency::concurrent_queue<Buffer*> mq_;
  std::thread thd_;
  bool done_;  // finished flag to be set through msg queue by ~Active
  Callback callBack_;

  virtual ~Active();
  void send(Buffer* apBuffer);
  static std::unique_ptr<Active> createActive(Callback aCallBack); // Factory: safe construction & thread start

/** ==========================================================================
* 2010 by KjellKod.cc. This is PUBLIC DOMAIN to use at your own risk and comes
* with no warranties. This code is yours to share, use and modify with no
* strings attached and no restrictions or obligations.
* ============================================================================
* Example of a Active Object, using C++11 std::thread mechanisms to make it
* safe for thread communication.
* This was originally published at http://sites.google.com/site/kjellhedstrom2/active-object-with-cpp0x
* and inspired from Herb Sutter‘s C++11 Active Object
* http://herbsutter.com/2010/07/12/effective-concurrency-prefer-using-active-objects-instead-of-naked-threads
* The code below uses JustSoftware Solutions Inc std::thread implementation
* http://www.justsoftwaresolutions.co.uk
* Last update 2012-10-10, by Kjell Hedstrom,
* e-mail: hedstrom at kjellkod dot cc
* linkedin: http://linkedin.com/se/kjellkod */

#include "active.h"
#include <cassert>

Active::Active(): done_(false){}

Active::~Active() {
  Callback quit_token = std::bind(&Active::doDone, this);

// Add asynchronously a work-message to queue
void Active::send( Buffer* apBuffer )
	if (NULL != apBuffer)

void Active::run() {
  while (!done_) {
	if (!mq_.empty())
		Buffer* pBuffer = NULL;
		if (NULL != pBuffer)

			delete pBuffer;

// Factory: safe construction of object before thread start
std::unique_ptr<Active> Active::createActive(Callback aCallBack){
  std::unique_ptr<Active> aPtr(new Active());
  aPtr->thd_ = std::thread(&Active::run, aPtr.get());
  aPtr->callBack_ = aCallBack;
  return aPtr;

void Active::setCallBack( Callback aCallBack )
	callBack_ = aCallBack;


#pragma once
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <mutex>
#include "active.h"

using namespace std;

namespace google

class ThreadLog : public google::base::Logger
	virtual void Write(bool force_flush,
		time_t timestamp,
		const char* message,
		int message_len) ;
	virtual void Flush();
	virtual uint32 LogSize();

	// Configuration options
	void SetBasename(const char* basename);
	void SetExtension(const char* ext);
	void SetSymlinkBasename(const char* symlink_basename);
	void CallBack(Buffer* pBuffer);

	static const uint32 kRolloverAttemptFrequency = 0x20;
	mutex lock_;
	bool base_filename_selected_;
	string base_filename_;
	string symlink_basename_;
	string filename_extension_;     // option users can specify (eg to add port#)
	FILE* file_;
	LogSeverity severity_;
	uint32 bytes_since_flush_;
	uint32 file_length_;
	unsigned int rollover_attempt_;
	int64 next_flush_time_;         // cycle count at which to flush log
	string hostname;
	bool stopWriting;
	std::unique_ptr<Active> m_pActive;
	bool CreateLogfile(const string& time_pid_string);
	void FlushUnlocked();
	void WriteInteral(bool force_flush, time_t timestamp, const char* message, int message_len);


#include "ThreadLog.h"
#include "port.h"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <iomanip> 
#include "utilities.h"
#include <functional>

namespace google
	static int GetSize(bool& force_flush, time_t& timestamp, const char* message, int& message_len)
		return sizeof(force_flush)+sizeof(timestamp)+sizeof(message_len)+message_len;

	void ThreadLog::Write( bool force_flush, time_t timestamp, const char* message, int message_len )
		Buffer* pBuffer = new Buffer(GetSize(force_flush, timestamp, message, message_len));
		char* curData = pBuffer->m_pMsg;
		memcpy(curData, &force_flush, sizeof(force_flush));
		curData += sizeof(force_flush);

		memcpy(curData, ×tamp, sizeof(timestamp));
		curData += sizeof(timestamp);

		memcpy(curData, &message_len, sizeof(message_len));
		curData += sizeof(message_len);

		memcpy(curData, message, message_len);
		curData += message_len;


	void ThreadLog::Flush()


	google::uint32 ThreadLog::LogSize()
		return 0;

	void ThreadLog::SetBasename( const char* basename )
		std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(lock_);
		base_filename_selected_ = true;
		if (base_filename_ != basename) 
			if (file_ != NULL) 
				file_ = NULL;
				rollover_attempt_ = kRolloverAttemptFrequency-1;
			base_filename_ = basename;

	void ThreadLog::SetExtension( const char* ext )
		std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(lock_);
		if (filename_extension_ != ext) 
			// Get rid of old log file since we are changing names
			if (file_ != NULL) 
				file_ = NULL;
				rollover_attempt_ = kRolloverAttemptFrequency-1;
			filename_extension_ = ext;

	void ThreadLog::SetSymlinkBasename( const char* symlink_basename )
		std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(lock_);
		symlink_basename_ = symlink_basename;

	bool ThreadLog::CreateLogfile( const string& time_pid_string )
		string string_filename = base_filename_+filename_extension_+
		const char* filename = string_filename.c_str();
		int fd = open(filename, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0664);
		if (fd == -1) return false;
		// Mark the file close-on-exec. We don‘t really care if this fails
		fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);

		file_ = fdopen(fd, "a");  // Make a FILE*.
		if (file_ == NULL) {  // Man, we‘re screwed!
			unlink(filename);  // Erase the half-baked evidence: an unusable log file
			return false;

		if (!symlink_basename_.empty()) {
			// take directory from filename
			const char* slash = strrchr(filename, ‘/‘);
			const string linkname =
				symlink_basename_ + ‘.‘ + LogSeverityNames[severity_];
			string linkpath;
			if ( slash ) linkpath = string(filename, slash-filename+1);  // get dirname
			linkpath += linkname;
			unlink(linkpath.c_str());                    // delete old one if it exists

			// We must have unistd.h.
			// Make the symlink be relative (in the same dir) so that if the
			// entire log directory gets relocated the link is still valid.
			const char *linkdest = slash ? (slash + 1) : filename;
			if (symlink(linkdest, linkpath.c_str()) != 0) {
				// silently ignore failures

			// Make an additional link to the log file in a place specified by
			// FLAGS_log_link, if indicated
			if (!FLAGS_log_link.empty()) {
				linkpath = FLAGS_log_link + "/" + linkname;
				unlink(linkpath.c_str());                  // delete old one if it exists
				if (symlink(filename, linkpath.c_str()) != 0) {
					// silently ignore failures

		return true;  // Everything worked

	void ThreadLog::FlushUnlocked()
		if (file_ != NULL) 
			bytes_since_flush_ = 0;

		const int64 next = (FLAGS_logbufsecs * static_cast<int64>(1000000));  // in usec
		next_flush_time_ = CycleClock_Now() + UsecToCycles(next);

	ThreadLog::ThreadLog(): file_(NULL)
		, bytes_since_flush_(0)
		, file_length_(0)
		, rollover_attempt_(0)
		, next_flush_time_(0)
		, stopWriting(false)
		, m_pActive(Active::createActive(std::bind(&ThreadLog::CallBack, this, std::placeholders::_1)))



	void ThreadLog::WriteInteral( bool force_flush, time_t timestamp, const char* message, int message_len )
		if (base_filename_selected_ && base_filename_.empty())

		if (static_cast<int>(file_length_ >> 20) >= MaxLogSize()) 
			if (file_ != NULL) 
			file_ = NULL;
			file_length_ = bytes_since_flush_ = 0;
			rollover_attempt_ = kRolloverAttemptFrequency-1;

		if (file_ == NULL) 
			//if (++rollover_attempt_ != kRolloverAttemptFrequency) 
			//	return;
			//rollover_attempt_ = 0;

			struct ::tm tm_time;
			localtime_r(×tamp, &tm_time);
			ostringstream time_pid_stream;
			time_pid_stream << 1900+tm_time.tm_year
				<< setw(2) << 1+tm_time.tm_mon
				<< setw(2) << tm_time.tm_mday
				<< ‘-‘
				<< setw(2) << tm_time.tm_hour
				<< setw(2) << tm_time.tm_min
				<< setw(2) << tm_time.tm_sec
				<< ‘.‘
				<< GetCurrentThreadId();
			const string& time_pid_string = time_pid_stream.str();

			if (base_filename_selected_) 
				if (!CreateLogfile(time_pid_string)) 
					perror("Could not create log file");
					fprintf(stderr, "COULD NOT CREATE LOGFILE ‘%s‘!\n", time_pid_string.c_str());
				string stripped_filename(glog_internal_namespace_::ProgramInvocationShortName());
				string uidname = MyUserName();
				if (uidname.empty()) 
					uidname = "invalid-user";

				stripped_filename = stripped_filename+‘.‘+hostname+‘.‘+uidname+".log."+LogSeverityNames[severity_]+‘.‘;
				const vector<string> & log_dirs = GetLoggingDirectories();

				bool success = false;
				for (vector<string>::const_iterator dir = log_dirs.begin();dir != log_dirs.end(); ++dir) 
						base_filename_ = *dir + "/" + stripped_filename;
						if ( CreateLogfile(time_pid_string) ) 
							success = true;

				if ( success == false ) 
					perror("Could not create logging file");
					fprintf(stderr, "COULD NOT CREATE A LOGGINGFILE %s!",

			ostringstream file_header_stream;
			file_header_stream << "Log file created at: "
				<< 1900+tm_time.tm_year << ‘/‘
				<< setw(2) << 1+tm_time.tm_mon << ‘/‘
				<< setw(2) << tm_time.tm_mday
				<< ‘ ‘
				<< setw(2) << tm_time.tm_hour << ‘:‘
				<< setw(2) << tm_time.tm_min << ‘:‘
				<< setw(2) << tm_time.tm_sec << ‘\n‘
				<< "Running on machine: "
				<< hostname << ‘\n‘
				<< "Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu "
				<< "threadid file:line] msg" << ‘\n‘;
			const string& file_header_string = file_header_stream.str();

			const int header_len = file_header_string.size();
			fwrite(file_header_string.data(), 1, header_len, file_);
			file_length_ += header_len;
			bytes_since_flush_ += header_len;

		if ( !stopWriting ) 
			errno = 0;
			fwrite(message, 1, message_len, file_);
			if ( FLAGS_stop_logging_if_full_disk && errno == ENOSPC ) 
			{  // disk full, stop writing to disk
				stopWriting = true;  // until the disk is
				file_length_ += message_len;
				bytes_since_flush_ += message_len;
			if ( CycleClock_Now() >= next_flush_time_ )
				stopWriting = true;  // check to see if disk has free space.

		if ( force_flush || (bytes_since_flush_ >= 1000000) || (CycleClock_Now() >= next_flush_time_) ) {
#ifdef OS_LINUX
				if (FLAGS_drop_log_memory) {
					if (file_length_ >= logging::kPageSize) {
						// don‘t evict the most recent page
						uint32 len = file_length_ & ~(logging::kPageSize - 1);
						posix_fadvise(fileno(file_), 0, len, POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED);

	void ThreadLog::CallBack( Buffer* pBuffer )
		char* curData = pBuffer->m_pMsg;
		bool force_flush = *(bool*)curData;
		curData += sizeof(force_flush);
		time_t timestamp = *(time_t*)curData;
		curData += sizeof(timestamp);
		int message_len = *(int*)curData;
		curData += sizeof(message_len);
		char* message = curData;
		WriteInteral(force_flush, timestamp, message, message_len);



#include <windows.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include "ThreadLog.h"

using namespace google;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
	google::base::Logger* mylogger = new google::ThreadLog;
	SetLogger(google::GLOG_INFO, mylogger);

	google::SetLogDestination(google::GLOG_INFO, "../Debug/logtestInfo"); 
	//google::SetLogDestination(google::GLOG_ERROR, "../Debug/logtestDebug");

	int num_cookies = 0;

	for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i){
		LOG(INFO) << "how are " << i << " cookies";









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