By Long Luo
例如:A对应1,Z对应26,AA对应27,AZ对应52 ......
这个题目是一个典型的26进制思路去处理,但是这个题目里面有很多陷阱,在1, 26, 52等特殊情况进行考虑,经过晚上接近1个小时的编写,完成的代码如下:
#include <iostream> #include <string.h> using namespace std; //函数itos:正整数到编号转换 //num:输入的正整数,pcout:输出,Max:输出控件最大长度 void itos(int num, char *pcout ) { char *res = new char[255]; int m = 0, n = 0; while((num >= 1) && (n < 255)) { m = num % 26; if (m != 0) { res[n] = ‘A‘ + m - 1; } else { res[n] = ‘Z‘; num--; } num /= 26; n++; } for(m = n; m > 0; m--) { pcout[n - m] = res[m - 1]; } pcout[n] = ‘\0‘ ; delete[] res; return; } //soti:字符串到数字的转换 int stoi(char *cha) { int m = 0, n = 0, i = 0, val = 0, a = 0; char *pc = cha ; while(*pc != ‘\0‘ ) { //后移到个位 pc++; n++; } for(i = 1; i <= n; i++) { //位循环 pc--; a = i; m = 1; while(a > 1) { //位权 m *=26; a--; } m *= (*pc - ‘A‘ +1); val += m; } return val; } int main() { char out[255] = {0}; printf( "out = %s\n", out); itos(32, out); printf( "out = %s\n", out); getchar(); return true ; }
package com.Algorithms.excelrow; /* * @author: Long Luo * @Created By Frank Luo @2014.05.01 */ public class ExcelRow { public static void main(String args[]) { System.out.println("25=" + int2Str(5) + ",28=" + int2Str(28) + ",123=" + int2Str(123)); System.out.println("C=" + str2Int("C") + ",ZA" + str2Int("ZA") + ",AAF=" + str2Int("AAF")); } /* * @Description: covert the String to Integer. */ public static int str2Int(String input) { int val = 0; int len = input.length(); int mul = 0; for (int i = len - 1, j = 0; i >= 0; i--, j++) { mul = 1; int temp = input.charAt(i) - ‘A‘ + 1; double weiquan = Math.pow(10, j); mul = (int) (temp * weiquan); val += mul; System.out.println("temp=" + temp + ",weiquan=" + weiquan + ",mul=" + mul + ",val=" + val); } return val; } /* * @Description: covert the Integer to String. */ public static String int2Str(int rowNum) { StringBuffer temp = new StringBuffer(255); char ch; while (rowNum >= 1) { int i = rowNum % 26; if (i != 0) { ch = (char) (‘A‘ + i - 1); temp = temp.append(ch); } else { ch = ‘Z‘; temp = temp.append(ch); rowNum--; } System.out.println("temp=" + temp + ",ch=" + ch + ",rowNum=" + rowNum); rowNum /= 26; } return temp.reverse().toString(); } }
如有不当错误之处,敬请批评指正,如有更好的方法,也请共同探讨, Thx:-)