Unity时钟定时器插件——Vision Timer源码分析之一
By D.S.Qiu
vp_Timer 一共有3个class,都各司其职:vp_Timer,Event,Handle
3)Handle:对事件状态提供查询接口(事件执行了多长时间,结束时间,是否还是Active)以及提供 Excute(立即执行事件),Cancel(取消事件),Pause(暂停事件)等操作
GameObject m_MainObject:vp_Timer是一个MonoBehaviour,就一定要挂载GameObject上,m_MainObject会在第一次调用vp_Timer.In方法时创建:
- // setup main gameobject
- if (m_MainObject == null)
- {
- m_MainObject = new GameObject("Timers");
- m_MainObject.AddComponent<vp_Timer>();
- UnityEngine.Object.DontDestroyOnLoad(m_MainObject);
- m_MainObject.gameObject.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy;
- #endif
- }
List<Event> m_Active 和 List<Event> m_Pool :这个List都是Event的缓存,其中,m_Active缓存Active的Event,m_Pool缓存无效的Event,这里的Acitive是事件仍然需要执行,无效说明不会再被调用。之所有要缓存无效的Event,是为了节省创建Event对象的消耗。m_Pool就好比垃圾箱,m_Active是一个成品工厂,每次m_Active要生产(Add)新的Event,都去m_Pool取没用的原料(Event),当m_Active的成品没用了,用放会m_Pool中去,这样就达到了循环利用作用。
Event m_NewEvent :在Schedule方法里使用的变量,其实完全可以声明为Schedule的局部变量,为了节省重复创建和销毁的消耗,vp_Timer就声明一个成员变量。
private static int m_EventCount = 0;
// variables for the Update method
int m_EventBatch 和int m_EventIterator:在Update使用的变量,m_EventBatch记录在一次Update中执行事件的次数,m_EventIterator记录是每次执行事件在m_Active的索引。
int MaxEventsPerFrame :一次循环(Update)执行事件最大次数
假设MaxEventPerFarme = 10 , m_Active.Count = 5,那么每次Update都会遍历2次m_Active的Event,看是否可以执行(调用Excute函数)。这样就可以理解这三个参数的具体含义了。
- private class Event
- {
- public int Id; //标记Event,如果Id = 0 ,表示该Event已经无效,就被Add进m_Pool中,Handle对象和Evnt就是通过Id来关联的
- public Callback Function = null; //函数委托 Callback和ArgCallback是vp.Timer定义的函数委托(原型)
- public ArgCallback ArgFunction = null;
- public object Arguments = null;
- public int Iterations = 1; //事件的迭代(执行次数)
- public float Interval = -1.0f; //执行时间间隔
- public float DueTime = 0.0f; //下一个事件执行的时间 DueTime = Time.time + Time.deltaTime
- public float StartTime = 0.0f; //事件开始执行事件 StartTime = Time.Time + delayTime
- public float LifeTime = 0.0f; //事件累积的总时间 LifeTime += Time.deltaTime
- public bool Paused = false;
- private string m_CallingMethod = "";
- #endif
- //省略其他代码
- }
- private void Recycle()
- {
- Id = 0;
- DueTime = 0.0f;
- StartTime = 0.0f;
- Function = null;
- ArgFunction = null;
- Arguments = null;
- if (vp_Timer.m_Active.Remove(this)) //从m_Active进入m_Pool
- m_Pool.Add(this);
- EditorRefresh();
- #endif
- }
MethodName:由于D.S.Qiu对delegate还没有深入研究理解,目前还说不清如何比较两个委托是否相等,但是得到一个经验就是不能用 函数 来比较,所以看到很多插件(最典型的就是Unity的StopCoroutine只有字符串作为参数和NGUI的EventDelegate)都使用的字符串来标记delegate,看下面的代码:
- public string MethodName
- {
- get
- {
- if (Function != null)
- {
- if (Function.Method != null)
- {
- if (Function.Method.Name[0] == ‘<‘)
- return "delegate";
- else return Function.Method.Name;
- }
- }
- else if (ArgFunction != null)
- {
- if (ArgFunction.Method != null)
- {
- if (ArgFunction.Method.Name[0] == ‘<‘)
- return "delegate";
- else return ArgFunction.Method.Name;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- }
这样vp_Timer才有Cancel(string methodName)的方法:
- public static void CancelAll(string methodName)
- {
- for (int t = vp_Timer.m_Active.Count - 1; t > -1; t--)
- {
- if (vp_Timer.m_Active[t].MethodName == methodName)
- vp_Timer.m_Active[t].Id = 0;
- }
- }
- public int Id
- {
- get
- {
- return m_Id;
- }
- set
- {
- m_Id = value;
- if (m_Id == 0)
- {
- m_Event.DueTime = 0.0f;
- return;
- }
- m_Event = null;
- for (int t = vp_Timer.m_Active.Count - 1; t > -1; t--)
- {
- if (vp_Timer.m_Active[t].Id == m_Id)
- {
- m_Event = vp_Timer.m_Active[t];
- break;
- }
- }
- if (m_Event == null)
- UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("Error: (vp_Timer.Handle) Failed to assign event with Id ‘" + m_Id + "‘.");
- // store some initial event info
- m_StartIterations = m_Event.Iterations;
- m_FirstDueTime = m_Event.DueTime;
- }
- }
- // time + callback + [timer handle]
- public static void In(float delay, Callback callback, Handle timerHandle = null)
- { Schedule(delay, callback, null, null, timerHandle, 1, -1.0f); }
- // time + callback + iterations + [timer handle]
- public static void In(float delay, Callback callback, int iterations, Handle timerHandle = null)
- { Schedule(delay, callback, null, null, timerHandle, iterations, -1.0f); }
- // time + callback + iterations + interval + [timer handle]
- public static void In(float delay, Callback callback, int iterations, float interval, Handle timerHandle = null)
- { Schedule(delay, callback, null, null, timerHandle, iterations, interval); }
- // time + callback + arguments + [timer handle]
- public static void In(float delay, ArgCallback callback, object arguments, Handle timerHandle = null)
- { Schedule(delay, null, callback, arguments, timerHandle, 1, -1.0f); }
- // time + callback + arguments + iterations + [timer handle]
- public static void In(float delay, ArgCallback callback, object arguments, int iterations, Handle timerHandle = null)
- { Schedule(delay, null, callback, arguments, timerHandle, iterations, -1.0f); }
- // time + callback + arguments + iterations + interval + [timer handle]
- public static void In(float delay, ArgCallback callback, object arguments, int iterations, float interval, Handle timerHandle = null)
- { Schedule(delay, null, callback, arguments, timerHandle, iterations, interval); }
- private static void Schedule(float time, Callback func, ArgCallback argFunc, object args, Handle timerHandle, int iterations, float interval)
- {
- if (func == null && argFunc == null)
- {
- UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("Error: (vp_Timer) Aborted event because function is null.");
- return;
- }
- // setup main gameobject
- if (m_MainObject == null) //new 一个 m_MainObject,挂载vp_Timer_
- {
- m_MainObject = new GameObject("Timers");
- m_MainObject.AddComponent<vp_Timer>();
- UnityEngine.Object.DontDestroyOnLoad(m_MainObject);
- m_MainObject.gameObject.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy;
- #endif
- }
- // force healthy time values
- time = Mathf.Max(0.0f, time);
- iterations = Mathf.Max(0, iterations);
- interval = (interval == -1.0f) ? time : Mathf.Max(0.0f, interval);
- // recycle an event - or create a new one if the pool is empty:先从m_Pool中去Event,如果m_Pool为空则直接new一个
- m_NewEvent = null;
- if (m_Pool.Count > 0)
- {
- m_NewEvent = m_Pool[0];
- m_Pool.Remove(m_NewEvent);
- }
- else
- m_NewEvent = new Event();
- // iterate the event counter and store the id for this event
- vp_Timer.m_EventCount++;
- m_NewEvent.Id = vp_Timer.m_EventCount; //Event的Id为当前队列的总数
- // set up the event with its function, arguments and times
- if (func != null)
- m_NewEvent.Function = func;
- else if (argFunc != null)
- {
- m_NewEvent.ArgFunction = argFunc;
- m_NewEvent.Arguments = args;
- }
- m_NewEvent.StartTime = Time.time; //设置Event的成员变量
- m_NewEvent.DueTime = Time.time + time;
- m_NewEvent.Iterations = iterations;
- m_NewEvent.Interval = interval;
- m_NewEvent.LifeTime = 0.0f;
- m_NewEvent.Paused = false;
- // add event to the Active list
- vp_Timer.m_Active.Add(m_NewEvent);
- // if a timer handle was provided, associate it to this event,
- // but first cancel any already active event using the same
- // handle: there can be only one ...
- if (timerHandle != null)
- {
- if (timerHandle.Active)
- timerHandle.Cancel();
- // setting the ‘Id‘ property associates this handle with
- // the currently active event with the corresponding id
- timerHandle.Id = m_NewEvent.Id; //关联Handle和Event,然后Handle就可以通过关联的Event查询其状态和操作
- }
Update:通过比对Time.time和Event.DueTime,如果Time.time >= Event.DueTime 则执行Event的Excute方法。
- private void Update()
- {
- // NOTE: this method never processes more than ‘MaxEventsPerFrame‘,
- // in order to avoid performance problems with excessive amounts of
- // timers. this may lead to events being delayed a few frames.
- // if experiencing delayed events 1) try to cut back on the amount
- // of timers created simultaneously, and 2) increase ‘MaxEventsPerFrame‘
- // execute any active events that are due, but only check
- // up to max events per frame for performance
- m_EventBatch = 0;
- while ((vp_Timer.m_Active.Count > 0) && m_EventBatch < MaxEventsPerFrame)
- {
- // if we reached beginning of list, halt until next frame
- if (m_EventIterator < 0)
- {
- // this has two purposes: 1) preventing multiple iterations
- // per frame if our event count is below the maximum, and
- // 2) preventing reaching index -1
- m_EventIterator = vp_Timer.m_Active.Count - 1;
- break;
- }
- // prevent index out of bounds
- if (m_EventIterator > vp_Timer.m_Active.Count - 1)
- m_EventIterator = vp_Timer.m_Active.Count - 1;
- // execute all due events
- if (Time.time >= vp_Timer.m_Active[m_EventIterator].DueTime || // time is up
- vp_Timer.m_Active[m_EventIterator].Id == 0) // event has been canceled (‘Execute‘ will kill it)
- vp_Timer.m_Active[m_EventIterator].Execute();
- else
- {
- // handle pausing
- if (vp_Timer.m_Active[m_EventIterator].Paused)
- vp_Timer.m_Active[m_EventIterator].DueTime += Time.deltaTime;
- else
- // log lifetime
- vp_Timer.m_Active[m_EventIterator].LifeTime += Time.deltaTime;
- }
- // going backwards since ‘Execute‘ will remove items from the list
- m_EventIterator--;
- m_EventBatch++;
- }
- }
3)vp_Timer可以对事件进行统一的管理,如果暂停所有事件的执行,这个点当Time.timeScale = 0 时特别管用,而InVokeRepeat是分散的,没有统一管理其他。
1)vp_Timer提供Pause(string methodName)和PauseAll()的方法,从“管理”的角度上就更加完美了,当然还有对应的Play方法。
2)当Event的参数: Iterations 和 Interval 没有很好处理 Interval 和 Time.deltaTime 的具体情况,假设我们的 Iterations =100 , interval = 0.01f 即我需要达到1s内执行100次的目的,但按照vp_Timer的实现结果是执行了100次,但是时间一定是>= 1s,即当Time.deltaTime > interval 时,还是只执行一次,例如 Time.deltaTime = 0.02f, 理论上我们希望能执行两次,但是却只执行了一次。
3)vp_Timer要是提供 string methodName 到 Event 或 Handle 的查询接口就更加完美了。
4)vp_Timer虽然用了很多设计,对象的重复利用避免 new 和销毁对象的系统开销,但是专门用Handle专门管理Event,Handle的的功能只是对Event的一个封装,其实完全没有必要,完全可以让Event自己充当Handle的角色,直接返回Event对象会更直观,只有在回调的时候用参数返回关联的对象,要不然采用直接返回会更明白。