1. No Entity Framework provider found for the ADO.NET provider
解决方法:添加 EntityFramework.SqlServer.dll
2.An error occurred while updating the entries. See the inner exception for details.
解决方法: 模型和数据库中表不对应,在模型文件中选择从模型生成数据库或者从数据库生成模型,更新一下即可。注意的是如果数据库中有数据,选择从模型生成数据库数据会丢失,这时候建议选择从数据库生成模型。
3.The type ‘Edm.String‘ of the member ‘CreatedTime‘ in the conceptual side type ‘pmisModel.Dept‘ does not match with the type ‘System.DateTime‘ of the member ‘CreatedTime‘ on the object side type ‘SMY.PMIS.Model.Dept‘.