travel the binary tree by level( from top to down)
个人信息:就读于燕大本科软件工程专业 目前大三;
博客内容:travel the binary tree by level( from top to down);
编程语言:C++ ;
编程坏境:Windows 7 专业版 x64;
编程工具:vs2008 32位编译器;
制图工具:office 2010 ppt;
硬件信息:7G-3 笔记本;
my words
if I rest, I rust.
problem( from <beauty of programming>)
travel the binary tree by level( from top to down )
eg: the following binary tree
the travelling result follows
my solution
solve this problem by queue, visit every node while it be popped and push its children while it has.
void _TravelByLevel(node * T) { queue<node *> Q; cout<<"travel start"<<endl; if(T != NULL) { Q.push(T); node * p; while(! Q.empty()) { // first action p = Q.front(); Q.pop(); _Visit(p); // second action if(p->left != NULL) Q.push(p->left); if(p->right != NULL) Q.push(p->right); } } cout<<"travel over"<<endl; }
my code
#include<iostream> #include<queue> using namespace std; class node { public: int data ; node * left ; node * right ; node() { data = 0 ; left = right = NULL ; } }; void _MakeTree(node * &T,int *data,int length); void _Insert(node * & T,int data); void _Visit(node * T); void _TravelByLevel(node * T); void _MakeTree(node * &T,int *data,int length) { for(int i=0;i<length;i++) { _Insert(T,data[i]); } } void _Insert(node * & T,int data) { if(T == NULL) { T = new node(); T -> data = data; } else { node * p = T; while(p != NULL) { if(data == p->data ) break; else if(data < p->data ) { if(p->left != NULL) { p = p ->left; } else{ p->left = new node(); (p->left) ->data = data; break; } } else{ if(p->right != NULL) p = p->right; else{ p->right = new node() ; (p->right) ->data = data ; break ; } } } } } void _TravelByLevel(node * T) { queue<node *> Q; cout<<"travel start"<<endl; if(T != NULL) { Q.push(T); node * p; while(! Q.empty()) { // first action p = Q.front(); Q.pop(); _Visit(p); // second action if(p->left != NULL) Q.push(p->left); if(p->right != NULL) Q.push(p->right); } } cout<<"travel over"<<endl; } void _Visit(node * T) { cout<<T->data<<endl; } int main() { int data[] = {8,6,3,7,2,1,13,12,15,17}; node * T = NULL; _MakeTree(T,data,10); _TravelByLevel(T); system("pause"); return 0; }
travel the binary tree by level( from top to down),布布扣,
travel the binary tree by level( from top to down)