referen to :
The array is returned to the calling Java language method, which in turn, garbage collects the reference to the array when it is no longer used. The array can be explicitly freed with the following call.
(*env)-> ReleaseByteArrayElements(env, jb, (jbyte *)m, 0);
The last argument to the ReleaseByteArrayElements
function above can have the following values:
: The Java language copy is updated, but the local jbyteArray
is not freed.
is freed. The value is used only if the array is obtained with a get mode of JNI_TRUE
meaning the array is a copy.小心最后一个参数,如果为0是会释放 m 所指向的内存的. 如果M刚好指向一个栈上的数组的话,这样可能在Release 版本中造成内存方面的随机错误.可以用JNI_COMMIT来避免.
+KaffeJNI_ReleaseByteArrayElements(JNIEnv* env UNUSED, jbyteArray arr, jbyte* elems, jint mode)
+ if (elems != unhand_array((HArrayOfByte*)arr)->body) {
+ switch (mode) {
+ case JNI_COMMIT:
+ memcpy(unhand_array((HArrayOfByte*)arr)->body, elems, obj_length((HArrayOfByte*)arr) * sizeof(jbyte));
+ break;
+ case 0:
+ memcpy(unhand_array((HArrayOfByte*)arr)->body, elems, obj_length((HArrayOfByte*)arr) * sizeof(jbyte));
+ KFREE(elems);
+ break;
+ case JNI_ABORT:
+ KFREE(elems);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
JNI_COMMIT forces the native array to be copied back to the original array in the Java virtual machine. JNI_ABORT
frees the memory allocated for the native array without copying back the new contents
[Android Pro] 小心ReleaseByteArrayElements 中的参数问题