--====================================================== ----镜像计划建立 2016-05-10 17:05:16.463 hubiyun ----====================================================== --配置 --1.主体服务器一台(包含主体数据库)、镜像服务器一台(包含镜像数据库)、见证服务器一台(可选,监控,故障自动转移) --2.主体数据库:提供客户端应用程序的连接,查询,更新,执行相关事务等,主体数据库要求使用完全恢复模式。 --3.镜像数据库:持续同步来自主体数据库的事务,镜像数据库不允许任何的连接存在,但可以对其创建数据库快照来作为只读数据库,实现用户的相关查询操作。 --4.见证服务器:可选的配置,用于高可用性操作模式,通过见证服务器自动侦测故障,实现角色切换和故障转移。一个见证服务器可以为多组镜像提供服务。 --5.角色的转换:主体数据库与镜像数据库互为伙伴,当见证服务器侦测到主体服务器故障时,在高可用性模式下,实现故障自动转移后,会自动将主体服务器切换为镜像服务器角色,即角色发生了互换。 --6.确保主体服务器和镜像服务器使用相同的版本,见证服务器可以使用相对应的任意版本的SQL server。 --7.主体服务器的主体数据库设置为 FULL恢复模式。 --步骤以及常见问题 --1.主机192.168.2.152 镜像192.168.2.153 --2.用于实现镜像的数据库为Performance --3.服务器d:mirror为共享文件夹,其中涉及的文件都放在该文件夹中 --常见1418ERROR—》 开启RemoteDacEnabled、修改hosts文件、修改计算机DNS、telnet测试、修改xpstar.dll、xplog70.dll权限 --使用管理-SQL SERVER日志来诊断具体问题 --https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms191140.aspx --http://blog.csdn.net/whatday/article/details/8350709 --http://www.cnblogs.com/mrhgw/p/3514855.html exec sp_configure ‘show advanced options‘, 1 reconfigure exec sp_configure ‘xp_cmdshell‘, 1 reconfigure exec sp_configure ‘Ad Hoc Distributed Queries‘,1 reconfigure --exec sp_addlinkedserver ‘srv_lnk‘, ‘‘, ‘SQLOLEDB‘,‘‘ --exec sp_addlinkedsrvlogin ‘srv_lnk‘,‘false‘,null,‘sa‘,‘sa‘ --go --exec sp_dropserver ‘srv_lnk‘,‘droplogins‘ --go --================= ----1.数据同步 ----=============== --数据库备份 use master go backup database Performance to disk = N‘D:\mirror\Performance.bak‘ with format, init, name = N‘Performance-Full Database Backup‘, skip, norewind, nounload, stats = 10 go backup log Performance to disk = N‘D:\mirror\Performance.bak‘ with noformat, noinit, name = N‘Performance-Transaction Log Backup‘, skip, norewind, nounload, stats = 10 go exec master..xp_cmdshell ‘net use \\\mirror Aa123456 /user:domain\Administrator‘ exec Master..xp_cmdshell ‘copy D:\mirror\Performance.bak \\\mirror\Performance.bak‘ go --数据库恢复 use master go restore database Performance from disk = N‘D:\mirror\Performance.bak‘ with file = 1, norecovery, nounload, replace, stats = 10 go restore log Performance from disk = N‘D:\mirror\Performance.bak‘ with file = 2, norecovery, nounload, stats = 10 go --================= ----2.证书交换 ----=============== --A服务器执行SQL use master go if exists (select 1 from sys.endpoints where name =‘Endpoint_Mirroring‘) drop endpoint Endpoint_Mirroring if exists (select 1 from sys.certificates where name =‘HOST_A_cert‘) drop certificate HOST_A_cert if exists (select 1 from sys.certificates where name =‘HOST_B_cert‘) drop certificate HOST_B_cert if exists (select 1 from sys.databases where name =‘master‘ and is_master_key_encrypted_by_server>0) drop master key if exists (select 1 from sysusers where name =‘HOST_B_user‘) drop user HOST_B_user if exists (select 1 from syslogins where name =‘HOST_B_login‘) drop login HOST_B_login create master key encryption by password = ‘OmBzkbeUGmXgJoZqg0vsqp4‘ go create certificate HOST_A_cert with subject = ‘HOST_A certificate‘,start_date=‘20160510‘,expiry_date=‘20991231‘ go create endpoint Endpoint_Mirroring state = started as tcp ( listener_port=7024 , listener_ip = ALL ) for database_mirroring ( authentication = certificate HOST_A_cert , encryption = required algorithm AES , role = ALL ) go exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell ‘del D:\mirror\HOST_A_cert.cer‘ backup certificate host_a_cert to file = ‘D:\mirror\HOST_A_cert.cer‘ go exec master..xp_cmdshell ‘net use \\\mirror Aa123456 /user:domain\Administrator‘ exec Master..xp_cmdshell ‘copy D:\mirror\HOST_A_cert.cer \\\mirror\HOST_A_cert.cer‘ go create login HOST_B_login with password = ‘BBluOHCsEqd4‘ go create user HOST_B_user for login HOST_B_login go --B服务器执行SQL use master go if exists (select 1 from sys.endpoints where name =‘Endpoint_Mirroring‘) drop endpoint Endpoint_Mirroring if exists (select 1 from sys.certificates where name =‘HOST_B_cert‘) drop certificate HOST_B_cert if exists (select 1 from sys.certificates where name =‘HOST_A_cert‘) drop certificate HOST_A_cert if exists (select 1 from sysusers where name =‘HOST_A_user‘) drop user HOST_A_user if exists (select 1 from syslogins where name =‘HOST_A_login‘) drop login HOST_A_login if exists (select 1 from sys.databases where name =‘master‘ and is_master_key_encrypted_by_server>0) drop master key create master key encryption by password = ‘Ny0d7X1X46QAqxfheSkdE9PQYFu9B‘ go create certificate HOST_B_cert with subject = ‘HOST_B certificate for database mirroring‘,start_date=‘20160510‘,expiry_date=‘20991231‘ go create endpoint Endpoint_Mirroring state = started as tcp ( listener_port=7024 , listener_ip = ALL ) for database_mirroring ( authentication = certificate HOST_B_cert , encryption = required algorithm AES , role = ALL ) go exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell ‘del D:\mirror\HOST_B_cert.cer‘ backup certificate HOST_B_cert to file = ‘D:\mirror\HOST_B_cert.cer‘ go exec master..xp_cmdshell ‘net use \\\mirror Aa123456 /user:domain\Administrator‘ exec Master..xp_cmdshell ‘copy D:\mirror\HOST_B_cert.cer \\\mirror\HOST_B_cert.cer‘ go create login HOST_A_login with password = ‘OTYNeiFau7DY‘ go create user HOST_A_user for login HOST_A_login go --A服务器执行SQL create certificate HOST_B_cert authorization HOST_B_user from file = ‘D:\mirror\HOST_B_cert.cer‘ go grant connect on endpoint::Endpoint_Mirroring TO HOST_B_login go --B服务器执行SQL create certificate HOST_A_cert authorization HOST_A_user from file = ‘D:\mirror\HOST_A_cert.cer‘ go grant connect on endpoinT::Endpoint_Mirroring TO HOST_A_login go --================= ----3.镜像操作 ----=============== --B服务器 use master; go alter database Performance set partner = ‘TCP://2008zjk152.bird.cn:7024‘ --set partner off go alter database Performance set partner resume alter database Performance set partner failover alter database Performance set partner force_service_allow_data_loss go --A服务器 use master; go alter database Performance set partner = ‘TCP://2008zjk153.bird.cn:7024‘ --set partner off go alter database Performance set partner resume alter database Performance set partner failover go