参考:《Linux 与unix shell 编程指南》
w h i l e循环用于不断执行一系列命令,也用于从输入文件中读取数据,其格式为:
while 命令
d o
. . .
d o n e
虽然通常只使用一个命令,但在 w h i l e和d o之间可以放几个命令。命令通常用作测试条
只有当命令的退出状态为 0时,d o和d o n e之间命令才被执行,如果退出状态不是 0,则循
#!/bin/bash # Program: # This program will show the use of if # History: # 2015/1/8 Alex First release i=10 while [[ $i -gt 5 ]] do echo $i i=`expr $i - 1`; done
exit 0
注意:在Shell中四则运算不能简简单单的加减乘除,应该要写如下的格式: val1=`$val2 - 1`
deyuy/bin/my_shell >> ./while1.sh 10 9 8 7 6
注意: 1.expr命令的用法请参考 http://blog.chinaunix.net/uid-25880122-id-2937521.html
3. 更多while实例参考:http://blog.csdn.net/firefoxbug/article/details/7237319
u n t i l循环执行一系列命令直至条件为真时停止。 u n t i l循环与w h i l e循环在处理方式上刚好
相反。一般w h i l e循环优于u n t i l循环,但在某些时候—也只是极少数情况下, u n t i l循环更加
u n t i l循环格式为:
until 条件
. . .
d o n e
# Program: # This program will show the use of until # History: # 2015/1/13 Alex First release sum=0 num=10 until test $num -eq 0 do sum=`expr $sum + $num` num=`expr $num - 1` done echo "sum = $sum" exit 0 deyuy/bin/my_shell >> sh until.sh sum = 55
三、for 语句结构
f o r循环一般格式为:
for 变量名i n列表
d o
d o n e
当变量值在列表里, f o r循环即执行一次所有命令,使用变量名访问列表中取值。命令可为任何有效的s h e l l命令和语句。
变量名为任何单词。 in列表用法是可选的,如果不用它, f o r循环使用命令行的位置参数。
1) 整数列表
# Program: # This program will show the use of for # History: # 2015/1/12 First release
# 自定义列表 for loop in 1 2 3 4 5 do echo "loop=$loop" done exit 0 deyuy/bin/my_shell >> chmod u+x for1.sh deyuy/bin/my_shell >> ./for1.sh loop=1 loop=2 loop=3 loop=4 loop=5 还可以通过读取文件内容生成变量列表 deyuy/bin/my_shell >> vim num.txt 1 2 3 4 5
8 #!/bin/bash # Program: # This program will show the use of for # History: # 2015/1/12 First release
# 以命令返回值作为列表 i=0 for i in `cat num.txt` do echo "i=$i" done exit 0 deyuy/bin/my_shell >> ./for1.sh i=1 i=2 i=3 i=4 i=5
2) 字符串列表
#!/bin/bash # Program: # This program will show the use of for # History: # 2015/1/12 First release
# 自定义列表:带引号 i=0 for loop in "apple hhhh bbbb eeee" do i=`expr $i + 1` echo "loop=$loop" echo "count=$i" done exit 0 deyuy/bin/my_shell >> chmod u+x for4.sh deyuy/bin/my_shell >> ./for4.sh loop=apple hhhh bbbb eeee count=1 说明:从结果可以看出for循环打印字符串到结束,包括空格,只执行了一次。如果把 in列表改为 for loop in "apple" "hhhh" "bbbb" "eeee"
#!/bin/bash # Program: # This program will show the use of for # History: # 2015/1/12 First release
# 自定义列表,不带引号 i=0 for loop in apple hhhh bbbb eeeedo i=`expr $i + 1` echo "loop=$loop" echo "count=$i" done exit 0 deyuy/bin/my_shell >> ./for4.sh loop=apple count=1 loop=hhhh count=2 loop=bbbb count=3 loop=eeee count=4 注意:对比两张方式输出的不同可以看出,如果用户想让把空格分割的每个单词都输出要通过第二种方式。
3) 打印当前目录下所有文件
# Program: # This program will show the use of for # History: # 2015/1/12 First release for loop in `ls` do echo "$loop" done exit 0 deyuy/bin/my_shell >> sh for2.sh app1 for1.sh for2.sh fun1.sh hello.sh hh.sh if.sh if2.sh test.sh test2.sh var.sh while1.sh
4) 循环计数
#!/bin/bash # Program: # This program will show the use of for # 统计当前目录下文件数 # History: # 2015/1/12 First release counter=0 for files in * do counter=`expr $counter + 1` done echo "There are $counter files in `pwd` directory." exit 0 deyuy/bin/my_shell >> sh for3.sh There are 13 files in /home/deyuy/bin/my_shell directory.
5) 使用位置参数
#!/bin/bash # Program: # This program will show the use of for # History: # 2015/1/13 release i=0 for params do i=`expr $i + 1` echo "You supplied $params as a command line option" echo "count=$i" done echo $params exit 0 deyuy/bin/my_shell >> ./for5.sh p1 p2 p3 You supplied p1 as a command line option count=1 You supplied p2 as a command line option count=2 You supplied p3 as a command line option count=3 p3 下面的脚本包含i n"$ @",结果与上面的脚本相同。 #!/bin/bash # Program: # This program will show the use of for # History: # 2015/1/13 release i=0 for params in "$@" do i=`expr $i + 1` echo "You supplied $params as a command line option" echo "count=$i" done echo $params exit 0 deyuy/bin/my_shell >> ./for5.sh p1 p2 p3 You supplied p1 as a command line option count=1 You supplied p2 as a command line option count=2 You supplied p3 as a command line option count=3 p3 下面的脚本包含i n"$ *",结果与上面的脚本不同。 #!/bin/bash # Program: # This program will show the use of for # History: # 2015/1/13 release i=0 for params in "$*" do i=`expr $i + 1` echo "You supplied $params as a command line option" echo "count=$i" done echo $params exit 0 deyuy/bin/my_shell >> ./for5.sh p1 p2 p3 You supplied p1 p2 p3 as a command line option count=1 p1 p2 p3 说明:关于$@和$*的区别请参考http://www.cnblogs.com/yuexiaxiaoxi/articles/4203609.html
嵌入循环可以将一个f o r循环嵌在另一个f o r循环内:
for 变量名1 in列表1
d o
for 变量名2 in 列表2
d o
. . .
d o n e
d o n e
下面脚本即为嵌入f o r循环,这里有两个列表A P P S和S C R I P T S。第一个包含服务器上应用
的路径,第二个为运行在每个应用上的管理脚本。对列表 A P P S上的每一个应用,列表
S C R I P T S里的脚本将被运行,脚本实际上为后台运行。脚本使用 t e e命令在登录文件上放一条
目,因此输出到屏幕的同时也输出到一个文件。查看输出结果就可以看出嵌入 f o r循环怎样使
用列表S C R I P T S以执行列表A P P S上的处理。
#!/bin/bash # Program: # This program will show the use of for # History: # 2015/1/13 release APPS="/apps/accts /apps/claims /apps/stock /apps/serv" SCRIPTS="audit.check report.run cleanup" MY_DATE=`date +%H:%M" on "%d/%m/%Y` i=0 j=0 #outer loop for loop in $APPS do i=`expr $i + 1` #inner loop for loop2 in $SCRIPTS do j=`expr $i + 1` echo "system $loop now running $loop2 at $MY_DATE" echo "inner loop counter=$j" done echo "outer loop counter=$i" done echo $params deyuy/bin/my_shell >> ./for6.sh system /apps/accts now running audit.check at 20:53 on 12/01/2015 inner loop counter=2 system /apps/accts now running report.run at 20:53 on 12/01/2015 inner loop counter=2 system /apps/accts now running cleanup at 20:53 on 12/01/2015 inner loop counter=2 outer loop counter=1 system /apps/claims now running audit.check at 20:53 on 12/01/2015 inner loop counter=3 system /apps/claims now running report.run at 20:53 on 12/01/2015 inner loop counter=3 system /apps/claims now running cleanup at 20:53 on 12/01/2015 inner loop counter=3 outer loop counter=2 system /apps/stock now running audit.check at 20:53 on 12/01/2015 inner loop counter=4 system /apps/stock now running report.run at 20:53 on 12/01/2015 inner loop counter=4 system /apps/stock now running cleanup at 20:53 on 12/01/2015 inner loop counter=4 outer loop counter=3 system /apps/serv now running audit.check at 20:53 on 12/01/2015 inner loop counter=5 system /apps/serv now running report.run at 20:53 on 12/01/2015 inner loop counter=5 system /apps/serv now running cleanup at 20:53 on 12/01/2015 inner loop counter=5 outer loop counter=4
c a s e语句为多选择语句。可以用 c a s e语句匹配一个值与一个模式,如果匹配成功,执行相
匹配的命令。c a s e语句格式如下:
case 值 i n
模式1 }
. . .
. . .
e s a c
c a s e工作方式如上所示。取值后面必须为单词 i n,每一模式必须以右括号结束。取值可以
其他模式。如果无一匹配模式,使用星号 *捕获该值,再接受其他输入。
* 任意字符。
? 任意单字符。
[..] 类或范围中任意字符。
#!/bin/bash # Program: # This program will show the use of for # History: # 2015/1/13 First release case $1 in y|Y) echo "your choice is yes";; n|N) echo "your choice is no";; *) echo "your choice is others";; esac exit 0 deyuy/bin/my_shell >> chmod u+x case.sh deyuy/bin/my_shell >> ./case.sh y your choice is yes deyuy/bin/my_shell >> ./case.sh n your choice is no deyuy/bin/my_shell >> ./case.sh jjjj your choice is others
select 变量 in 列表do命令行(通常用到循环变量)done
#!/bin/bash # Program: # This program will show the use of for # History: # 2015/1/13 First release echo "a is 5 ,b is 3. Please select your method: " a=5 b=3 select var in "a+b" "a-b" "a*b" "a/b" do break done case $var in "a+b") echo ‘a+b= ‘`expr $a + $b`;; "a-b") echo ‘a-b= ‘`expr $a - $b`;; "a*b") echo ‘a*b= ‘`expr $a \* $b`;; "a/b") echo ‘a/b= ‘`expr $a / $b`;; *) echo "input error" esac deyuy/bin/my_shell >> chmod u+x select.sh deyuy/bin/my_shell >> ./select.sh a is 5 ,b is 3. Please select your method: 1) a+b 2) a-b 3) a*b 4) a/b #? 3 a*b= 15
shell编程中for,while,util,case,select,break, continue用法详解