Chef is playing a game on a sequence of N positive integers, say A1, A2, ... AN. The game is played as follows.
Chef has already figured out that the game always terminates. He also knows, for a given sequence of integers, the game will always terminate on the same value, no matter how the game is played. Chef wants you to simulate the game for him and tell him on which value will the game terminate for a given sequence of integers.
The first line of the input contains an integer T, the number of test cases. Then follow the description of T test cases. The first line of each test case contains a single integer N, the length of the sequence. The second line contains N positive integers, each separated by a single space.
For each test case, output a single integer - the value of all the numbers when they are equal (and the game terminates), on a line by itself.
1 ≤ T ≤ 100
1 ≤ N ≤ 1000
1 ≤ Ai ≤ 109
Input 3 2 10 12 2 5 9 3 6 10 15 Output 2 1 1
#pragma once #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> class SubtractionGame1 { int GCD(int a, int b) { if (0 == b) return a; return GCD(b, a % b); } public: void run() { int T = 0, N = 0; scanf("%d", &T); while (T--) { scanf("%d", &N); if (N < 1) continue; int ans = 0; scanf("%d", &ans); while (--N) { int b = 0; scanf("%d", &b); ans = GCD(b, ans); } printf("%d\n", ans); } } }; int subtractionGame1() { SubtractionGame1 su;; return 0; }
codechef Subtraction Game 1题解,布布扣,