#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS 1 #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<assert.h> #include<math.h> #define STACK_INIT_MEMORY 10 #define ADD_MEMORY 10 #define SIZE 100; typedef char ElemType; typedef struct stack { ElemType *esp; ElemType *ebp; int sz; }Stack, *pStack; extern ElemType post[100]; typedef struct stack_num { int *esp; int *ebp; int sz; }Stack_num, *pStack_num; void CreatExpression(char *arr); //创建中缀表达式 void TransmitExpression(); //转换后缀表达式 int EvaluateExpression(); //求出后缀表达式的值 void CreatSatck(pStack S); //创建一个字符栈 int pop(pStack S, ElemType *x); void push(pStack S, ElemType x); void CreatSatck_num(pStack_num S); //创建一个数字栈 int pop_num(pStack_num S, int *x); void push_num(pStack_num S, int x); void Quit(); void transform(int n, int k); ElemType arr2[10] = { '&','|','+', '-', '%', '*', '/', '^', '(', ')' }; //创建一个索引数组 ElemType list[10][10] = { 0 }; //创建一个优先级关系表 ElemType post[100] = { 0 }; void init_list() //初始化优先级关系 { int p[10] = { 0,-1,1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, -1 }; int i = 0; int j = 0; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 10; j++) { if (i == 8|| i == 9) { if (i == 8) { if (j == 9) list[i][j] = '='; else list[i][j] = '<'; } else { list[i][j] = '>'; } } else { if (p[i] >= p[j]) //如果栈顶符号的优先级高于读入符号,list中为> list[i][j] = '>'; else if (p[i] <= p[j]) //如果栈顶符号的优先级小于读入符号,list中为< list[i][j] = '<'; } } } } ElemType priority(pStack S, ElemType x) //查找优先级关系 { char c = 0; int line = 0; int row = 0; pop(S, &c); for (line = 0; line < 10; line++) //以栈顶符号所在位置为list中行下标 { if (arr2[line] == c) break; } for (row = 0; row < 10; row++) //以读取符号所在位置为list中列下标 { if (arr2[row] == x) break; } push(S, c); return list[line][row]; //返回优先级关系 } int judge_type(ElemType c) //判断是符号还是 数字 { int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (arr2[i] == c) return 0; //如果是符号,返回0 } if (c == ' ') return -1; return 1; //如果是数字返回1 } int opreation(int a, char symbol, int b) //进行运算 { int ret = 0; switch (symbol) { case'+': ret = a + b; break; case'-': ret = a - b; break; case'*': ret = a*b; break; case'/': if (!b) { printf("Divisor of 0\n"); system("pause"); exit(1); } else ret = a / b; break; case'%': ret = a%b; break; case '&': ret = a&b; break; case '|': ret = a|b; break; case'^': ret = (int)pow((double)a, (double)b); break; } return ret; } void CreatExpression(ElemType *arr) { scanf("%s", arr); } void TransmitExpression(ElemType *arr) { Stack S; int i = 0; int j = 0; ElemType x = 0; init_list(); CreatSatck(&S); while (arr[i] != '\0') { if (judge_type(arr[i])) //如果读取的是数字 { post[j++] = arr[i]; //数字直接保存在post里面 if (judge_type(arr[i + 1]) != 1) post[j++] = ' '; //以空格隔开 i++; } else { if (S.ebp == S.esp) //如果栈是空栈,则直接压栈 { push(&S, arr[i]); i++; } else { switch (priority(&S, arr[i])) { case '>': //如果栈顶符号的优先级高,则先退栈 if (pop(&S, &x)) { post[j++] = x; post[j++] = ' '; //以空格隔开 } break; case '<': //如果读取的优先级高,则直接压栈 push(&S, arr[i]); i++; break; case '=': pop(&S, &x); i++; break; } } } } while (pop(&S, &x)) //将剩下的符号全部退栈 { post[j++] = ' '; post[j++] = x; } printf("%s\n", post); free(S.ebp); } int EvaluateExpression() { Stack_num S; int ret = 0; int i = 0; int a = 0; int b = 0; CreatSatck_num(&S); while (post[i] != '\0') //读取后缀表达式数组中的符号 { switch (judge_type(post[i])) { case 0: //如果读取的是符号 pop_num(&S, &b); //将数字栈上面两个数字退栈 pop_num(&S, &a); ret = opreation(a, post[i], b); //将这两个数字运算,并将结果返回 push_num(&S, ret); //将结果入栈 ret = 0; i++; break; case 1: while (post[i] != ' ') //将连续的数字全部读取,并转化为相应的整数 { ret = ret * 10 + post[i] - '0'; i++; } push_num(&S, ret); //将结果压栈 ret = 0; break; default: i++; break; } } return *S.ebp; //将数字栈底元素返回 free(S.ebp); } void CreatSatck(pStack S) //创建一个栈 { S->ebp = (ElemType *)malloc(STACK_INIT_MEMORY*sizeof(ElemType)); if (S->ebp == NULL) { printf("out of memory\n"); exit(1); } S->esp = S->ebp; //初始化 S->sz = STACK_INIT_MEMORY; } int pop(pStack S, ElemType *x) { assert(S); if (S->ebp == S->esp) { return 0; //返回0抛出失败 } *x = *(--S->esp); return 1; //返回1表示成功抛出 } void push(pStack S, ElemType x) { assert(S); if (S->esp - S->ebp >= S->sz) //如果栈满则追加空间 { ElemType *tmp = NULL; tmp = (ElemType *)realloc(S->ebp, (S->sz + ADD_MEMORY)*sizeof(ElemType)); if (tmp == NULL) { printf("out of memory\n"); exit(1); } S->ebp = tmp; S->esp = S->ebp + S->sz; S->sz += ADD_MEMORY; } *(S->esp) = x; S->esp++; } void CreatSatck_num(pStack_num S) { S->ebp = (int *)malloc(STACK_INIT_MEMORY*sizeof(int)); if (S->ebp == NULL) { printf("out of memory\n"); exit(1); } S->esp = S->ebp; //初始化 S->sz = STACK_INIT_MEMORY; } int pop_num(pStack_num S, int *x) { assert(S); if (S->ebp == S->esp) { return 0; //返回0抛出失败 } *x = *(--S->esp); return 1; //返回1表示成功抛出 } void push_num(pStack_num S, int x) { int *tmp = NULL; assert(S); if (S->esp - S->ebp >= S->sz) //栈满则追加空间 { tmp = (int *)realloc(S->ebp, (S->sz + ADD_MEMORY)*sizeof(int)); if (tmp == NULL) { printf("out of memory\n"); exit(1); } S->ebp = tmp; S->esp = S->ebp + S->sz; S->sz += ADD_MEMORY; } *(S->esp) = x; S->esp++; } void Quit() { exit(1); } void transform(int n, int k) { Stack_num S; int m = 0, r = 0; int x = 0; CreatSatck_num(&S); r = n; while (r) { m = r % k; push_num(&S, m); r = r / k; } printf("转换进制后的值为:"); while (!(S.ebp == S.esp)) { pop_num(&S, &x); if (x<10) printf("%d", x); else { printf("%c", x - 10 + 'a'); } } printf("\n"); } void Menu() { printf("***********************************\n"); printf("*0.Quit 1.CreatExpr *\n"); printf("*2.TransmitExpr 3.EvaluateExpr*\n"); printf("*4.transform *\n"); printf("***********************************\n"); } void text() { ElemType arr[100] = { 0 }; int x = 0; int ret = 0; int k = 0; int n = 0; Menu(); while (1) { printf("\n\n请选择:>"); scanf("%d", &x); switch (x) { case 0: Quit(); break; case 1: printf("请输入一个合法的中缀表达式,包含“+ - * / % () ^ & |运算:>\n"); CreatExpression(arr); break; case 2: if (arr[0] == '\0') { printf("请先创建一个中缀表达式\n"); break; } TransmitExpression(arr); break; case 3: if (post[0] == 0) { printf("请先转换后缀表达式\n"); break; } ret = EvaluateExpression(); printf("%d\n", ret); break; case 4: printf("请输入数字:>"); scanf("%d", &n); printf("请输要转化的进制:>"); scanf("%d", &k); transform(n, k); break; default: printf("选择无效\n"); break; } } } int main() { text(); system("pause"); return 0; }