题目链接:uva 1484 - Alice and Bob‘s Trip
题目大意:Alice和Bob小两口一起出去旅行,他们从0城市出发,Bob喜欢走比较远的路,因为他是个勤奋的好孩子,Alice喜欢走比较近的路,因为她是一个不勤奋的坏孩子,所以有了意见上的分歧,于是乎在出门前他们约法三章,要求说最后的距离值在[l,r]之间,并且由夫妻两轮流做决定,决定说下一个城市去哪里。现在给出n个城市,以及n-1条边,问说在不让Bob媳妇生气的情况下,Bob最远能走多远(不违反约定),如果无法做到不违反约定的话,输出Oh,my god!
#include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <vector> using namespace std; const int N = 500005; const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f; struct node { int v, val; node(int v = 0, int val = 0) { this->v = v; this->val = val; } }; vector<node> g[N]; int n, l, r; void init () { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) g[i].clear(); int a, b, c; for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) { scanf("%d%d%d", &a, &b, &c); g[a].push_back(node(b, c)); } } int solve (int u, int x, int s) { if (g[u].size() == 0) return s; int ans; if (x) { ans = INF; for (int i = 0; i < g[u].size(); i++) { int t = solve(g[u][i].v, 1-x, s+g[u][i].val); if (t < l || t > r) continue; ans = min(ans, t); } } else { ans = 0; for (int i = 0; i < g[u].size(); i++) { int t = solve(g[u][i].v, 1-x, s+g[u][i].val); if (t < l || t > r) continue; ans = max(ans, t); } } return ans; } int main () { while (scanf("%d%d%d", &n, &l, &r) == 3) { init(); int ans = solve(0, 0, 0); if (ans >= l && ans <= r) printf("%d\n", ans); else printf("Oh, my god!\n"); } return 0; }
uva 1484 - Alice and Bob's Trip(树形dp),布布扣,bubuko.com
uva 1484 - Alice and Bob's Trip(树形dp)