interface Drawable { int RED = 1; // For simplicity, integer constants are used. These constants are int GREEN = 2; // not that descriptive, as you will see. int BLUE = 3; int BLACK = 4; void draw(int color); }interface声明的几点注意事项:
class Point implements Drawable { @Override public void draw(int color) { System.out.println("Point drawn at " + toString() + " in color " + color); } }上面实现接口要注意两个地方,一个是draw函数前要加上public,因为接口定义里上public,另外一个是加上@Override。
public static void main(String[] args) { Drawable[] drawables = new Drawable[] { new Point(10, 20), new Circle(10, 20, 30) }; for (int i = 0; i < drawables.length; i++) drawables[i].draw(Drawable.RED); }以上方法也实现了多态。
public static void main(String[] args) { Drawable[] drawables = new Drawable[] { new Point(10, 20), new Circle(10, 20, 30) }; for (int i = 0; i < drawables.length; i++) drawables[i].draw(Drawable.RED); Fillable[] fillables = new Fillable[drawables.length]; for (int i = 0; i < drawables.length; i++) { fillables[i] = (Fillable) drawables[i]; fillables[i].fill(Fillable.GREEN); } }一个类如果同时实现多个接口,有可能会有命名冲突,例如两个接口里有相同名字和参数的函数。
interface Colors { int RED = 1; int GREEN = 2; int BLUE = 3; int BLACK = 4; } interface Drawable extends Colors { void draw(int color); } interface Fillable extends Colors { void fill(int color); }
ArrayList<String> arrayList = new ArrayList<String>(); void dump(ArrayList<String> arrayList) { // suitable code to dump out the arrayList }上面例子中将ArrayList类具体到了很多地方,如果某天想要变换使用一种类型的List如LinkedList,那么就需要修改很多地方。以上例子可以改成依赖于接口而不是具体的实现类,例如:
List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); void dump(List<String> list) { // suitable code to dump out the list }改成以上方式后,如果要换用LinkedList,那么只需要修改一个地方就可以了。
Learn Java for Android Development Second Edition 笔记(六)- Interface,布布扣,
Learn Java for Android Development Second Edition 笔记(六)- Interface