1 select segment_name, bytes from user_segments order by bytes desc
1 select t.tablespace_name, round(sum(bytes/(1024*1024)),0) ts_size 2 from dba_tablespaces t, dba_data_files d 3 where t.tablespace_name = d.tablespace_name 4 group by t.tablespace_name;
1 select tablespace_name, file_id, file_name, 2 round(bytes/(1024*1024),0) total_space 3 from dba_data_files 4 order by tablespace_name;
1 select segment_name, tablespace_name, r.status, 2 (initial_extent/1024) InitialExtent,(next_extent/1024) NextExtent, 3 max_extents, v.curext CurExtent 4 From dba_rollback_segs r, v$rollstat v 5 Where r.segment_id = v.usn(+) 6 order by segment_name;
1 select name from v$controlfile;
1 select member from v$logfile;
1 select sum(bytes)/(1024*1024) as free_space,tablespace_name 2 from dba_free_space 3 group by tablespace_name;
1 select owner, object_type, status, count(*) count# from all_objects group by owner, object_type, status;
1 Select version FROM Product_component_version 2 Where SUBSTR(PRODUCT,1,6)=‘Oracle‘;
1 Select Created, Log_Mode, Log_Mode From V$Database;
1 column username format a12 2 column opname format a16 3 column progress format a8 4 5 6 select username,sid,opname, round(sofar*100 / totalwork,0) || ‘%‘ as progress, time_remaining,sql_text 7 from v$session_longops , v$sql 8 where time_remaining <> 0 9 and sql_address = address 10 and sql_hash_value = hash_value 11 /
1 SELECT partition_name, high_value, high_value_length, tablespace_name, 2 3 pct_free, pct_used, ini_trans, max_trans, initial_extent, 4 5 next_extent, min_extent, max_extent, pct_increase, FREELISTS, 6 7 freelist_groups, LOGGING, BUFFER_POOL, num_rows, blocks, 8 9 empty_blocks, avg_space, chain_cnt, avg_row_len, sample_size, 10 11 last_analyzed 12 13 FROM dba_tab_partitions 14 15 --WHERE table_name = :tname AND table_owner = :towner 16 17 ORDER BY partition_position
1 select * from v$locked_object; 2 3 select * from v$transaction;
1 select 2 3 p.spid, 4 5 s.sid, 6 7 s.serial# serial_num, 8 9 s.username user_name, 10 11 a.type object_type, 12 13 s.osuser os_user_name, 14 15 a.owner, 16 17 a.object object_name, 18 19 decode(sign(48 - command), 20 21 1, 22 23 to_char(command), ‘Action Code #‘ || to_char(command) ) action, 24 25 p.program oracle_process, 26 27 s.terminal terminal, 28 29 s.program program, 30 31 s.status session_status 32 33 from v$session s, v$access a, v$process p 34 35 where s.paddr = p.addr and 36 37 s.type = ‘USER‘ and 38 39 a.sid = s.sid and 40 41 a.object=‘SUBSCRIBER_ATTR‘ 42 43 order by s.username, s.osuser 44 45
1 select rownum, sys.dba_rollback_segs.segment_name Name, v$rollstat.extents 2 3 Extents, v$rollstat.rssize Size_in_Bytes, v$rollstat.xacts XActs, 4 5 v$rollstat.gets Gets, v$rollstat.waits Waits, v$rollstat.writes Writes, 6 7 sys.dba_rollback_segs.status status from v$rollstat, sys.dba_rollback_segs, 8 9 v$rollname where v$rollname.name(+) = sys.dba_rollback_segs.segment_name and 10 11 v$rollstat.usn (+) = v$rollname.usn order by rownum
15。耗資源的進程(top session)
1 select s.schemaname schema_name, decode(sign(48 - command), 1, 2 3 to_char(command), ‘Action Code #‘ || to_char(command) ) action, status 4 5 session_status, s.osuser os_user_name, s.sid, p.spid , s.serial# serial_num, 6 7 nvl(s.username, ‘[Oracle process]‘) user_name, s.terminal terminal, 8 9 s.program program, st.value criteria_value from v$sesstat st, v$session s , v$process p 10 11 where st.sid = s.sid and st.statistic# = to_number(‘38‘) and (‘ALL‘ = ‘ALL‘ 12 13 or s.status = ‘ALL‘) and p.addr = s.paddr order by st.value desc, p.spid asc, s.username asc, s.osuser asc
1 select /*+ RULE */ ls.osuser os_user_name, ls.username user_name, 2 3 decode(ls.type, ‘RW‘, ‘Row wait enqueue lock‘, ‘TM‘, ‘DML enqueue lock‘, ‘TX‘, 4 5 ‘Transaction enqueue lock‘, ‘UL‘, ‘User supplied lock‘) lock_type, 6 7 o.object_name object, decode(ls.lmode, 1, null, 2, ‘Row Share‘, 3, 8 9 ‘Row Exclusive‘, 4, ‘Share‘, 5, ‘Share Row Exclusive‘, 6, ‘Exclusive‘, null) 10 11 lock_mode, o.owner, ls.sid, ls.serial# serial_num, ls.id1, ls.id2 12 13 from sys.dba_objects o, ( select s.osuser, s.username, l.type, 14 15 l.lmode, s.sid, s.serial#, l.id1, l.id2 from v$session s, 16 17 v$lock l where s.sid = l.sid ) ls where o.object_id = ls.id1 and o.owner 18 19 <> ‘SYS‘ order by o.owner, o.object_name
1 SELECT v$waitstat.class, v$waitstat.count count, SUM(v$sysstat.value) sum_value 2 FROM v$waitstat, v$sysstat WHERE v$sysstat.name IN (‘db block gets‘, 3 ‘consistent gets‘) group by v$waitstat.class, v$waitstat.count
19。查看catched object
1 SELECT owner, name, db_link,namespace, type,sharable_mem, loads, executions, locks, pins, kept 2 FROM v$db_object_cache
select decode (o.type#,1,‘INDEX‘ , 2,‘TABLE‘ , 3 , ‘CLUSTER‘ , 4, ‘VIEW‘ , 5 , ‘SYNONYM‘ , 6 , ‘SEQUENCE‘ , ‘OTHER‘ ) object_type , count(*) quantity from sys.obj$ o where o.type# > 1 group by decode (o.type#,1,‘INDEX‘ , 2,‘TABLE‘ , 3 , ‘CLUSTER‘ , 4, ‘VIEW‘ , 5 , ‘SYNONYM‘ , 6 , ‘SEQUENCE‘ , ‘OTHER‘ ) union select ‘COLUMN‘ , count(*) from sys.col$ union select ‘DB LINK‘ , count(*) from
select u.name schema, sum(decode(o.type#, 1, 1, NULL)) indexes, sum(decode(o.type#, 2, 1, NULL)) tables, sum(decode(o.type#, 3, 1, NULL)) clusters, sum(decode(o.type#, 4, 1, NULL)) views, sum(decode(o.type#, 5, 1, NULL)) synonyms, sum(decode(o.type#, 6, 1, NULL)) sequences, sum(decode(o.type#, 1, NULL, 2, NULL, 3, NULL, 4, NULL, 5, NULL, 6, NULL, 1)) others from sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u where o.type# >= 1 and u.user# = o.owner# and u.name <> ‘PUBLIC‘ group by u.name order by sys.link$ union select ‘CONSTRAINT‘ , count(*) from sys.con$
select s.osuser os_user_name, decode(sign(48 - command), 1, to_char(command), ‘Action Code #‘ || to_char(command) ) action, p.program oracle_process, status session_status, s.terminal terminal, s.program program, s.username user_name, s.fixed_table_sequence activity_meter, ‘‘ query, 0 memory, 0 max_memory, 0 cpu_usage, s.sid, s.serial# serial_num from v$session s, v$process p where s.paddr=p.addr and s.type = ‘USER‘ order by s.username, s.osuser
select n.name, v.value, n.class, n.statistic# from v$statname n, v$sesstat v where v.sid = 71 and v.statistic# = n.statistic# order by n.class, n.statistic#
select /*+ PUSH_SUBQ */ command_type, sql_text, sharable_mem, persistent_mem, runtime_mem, sorts, version_count, loaded_versions, open_versions, users_opening, executions, users_executing, loads, first_load_time, invalidations, parse_calls, disk_reads, buffer_gets, rows_processed, sysdate start_time, sysdate finish_time, ‘>‘ || address sql_address, ‘N‘ status from v$sqlarea where address = (select sql_address from v$session where sid = 71)
select a.tablespace_name "表空間名稱", 100-round((nvl(b.bytes_free,0)/a.bytes_alloc)*100,2) "佔用率(%)", round(a.bytes_alloc/1024/1024,2) "容量(M)", round(nvl(b.bytes_free,0)/1024/1024,2) "空閒(M)", round((a.bytes_alloc-nvl(b.bytes_free,0))/1024/1024,2) "使用(M)", Largest "最大擴展段(M)", to_char(sysdate,‘yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss‘) "採樣時間" from (select f.tablespace_name, sum(f.bytes) bytes_alloc, sum(decode(f.autoextensible,‘YES‘,f.maxbytes,‘NO‘,f.bytes)) maxbytes from dba_data_files f group by tablespace_name) a, (select f.tablespace_name, sum(f.bytes) bytes_free from dba_free_space f group by tablespace_name) b, (select round(max(ff.length)*16/1024,2) Largest, ts.name tablespace_name from sys.fet$ ff, sys.file$ tf,sys.ts$ ts where ts.ts#=ff.ts# and ff.file#=tf.relfile# and ts.ts#=tf.ts# group by ts.name, tf.blocks) c where a.tablespace_name = b.tablespace_name and a.tablespace_name = c.tablespace_name
1 select tablespace_name,count(tablespace_name) from dba_free_space group by tablespace_name 2 3 having count(tablespace_name)>10; 4 5 6 7 alter tablespace name coalesce; 8 9 alter table name deallocate unused; 10 11 12 13 create or replace view ts_blocks_v as 14 15 select tablespace_name,block_id,bytes,blocks,‘free space‘ segment_name from dba_free_space 16 17 union all 18 19 select tablespace_name,block_id,bytes,blocks,segment_name from dba_extents; 20 21 22 23 select * from ts_blocks_v; 24 25 26 27 select tablespace_name,sum(bytes),max(bytes),count(block_id) from dba_free_space 28 29 group by tablespace_name; 30 31
1 select inst_name from v$active_instances;
1 select t.TABLESPACE_NAME,t.TABLE_NAME, t.NUM_ROWS nrows from user_tables t
1 ###############資料字典 ########## 2 3 4 5 set wrap off 6 7 8 9 select * from v$dba_users; 10 11 12 13 grant select on table_name to user/rule; 14 15 16 17 select * from user_tables; 18 19 20 21 select * from all_tables; 22 23 24 25 select * from dba_tables; 26 27 28 29 revoke dba from user_name; 30 31 32 33 shutdown immediate 34 35 36 37 startup nomount 38 39 40 41 select * from v$instance; 42 43 44 45 select * from v$sga; 46 47 48 49 select * from v$tablespace; 50 51 52 53 alter session set nls_language=american; 54 55 56 57 alter database mount; 58 59 60 61 select * from v$database; 62 63 64 65 alter database open; 66 67 68 69 desc dictionary 70 71 72 73 select * from dict; 74 75 76 77 desc v$fixed_table; 78 79 80 81 select * from v$fixed_table; 82 83 84 85 set oracle_sid=foxconn 86 87 88 89 select * from dba_objects; 90 91 92 93 set serveroutput on 94 95 96 97 execute dbms_output.put_line(‘sfasd‘); 98 99 100 101 #############控制文件 ########### 102 103 104 105 select * from v$database; 106 107 108 109 select * from v$tablespace; 110 111 112 113 select * from v$logfile; 114 115 116 117 select * from v$log; 118 119 120 121 select * from v$backup; 122 123 124 125 /*備份用戶表空間*/ 126 127 alter tablespace users begin backup; 128 129 130 131 select * from v$archived_log; 132 133 134 135 select * from v$controlfile; 136 137 138 139 alter system set control_files=‘$ORACLE_HOME/oradata/u01/ctrl01.ctl‘, 140 141 ‘$ORACLE_HOME/oradata/u01/ctrl02.ctl‘ scope=spfile; 142 143 144 145 cp $ORACLE_HOME/oradata/u01/ctrl01.ctl $ORACLE_HOME/oradata/u01/ctrl02.ctl 146 147 148 149 startup pfile=‘../initSID.ora‘ 150 151 152 153 select * from v$parameter where name like ‘control%‘ ; 154 155 156 157 show parameter control; 158 159 160 161 select * from v$controlfile_record_section; 162 163 164 165 select * from v$tempfile; 166 167 168 169 /*備份控制檔*/ 170 171 alter database backup controlfile to ‘../filepath/control.bak‘; 172 173 174 175 /*備份控制檔,並將二進位控制檔變為了asc的文字檔案*/ 176 177 alter database backup controlfile to trace; 178 179 180 181 ############### redo log ############## 182 183 184 185 archive log list; 186 187 188 189 alter system archive log start;--啟動自動封存 190 191 192 193 alter system switch logfile;--強行進行一次日誌switch 194 195 196 197 alter system checkpoint;--強制進行一次checkpoint 198 199 200 201 alter tablspace users begin backup; 202 203 204 205 alter tablespace offline; 206 207 208 209 /*checkpoint同步頻率參數FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET,同步頻率越高,系統恢復所需時間越短*/ 210 211 show parameter fast; 212 213 214 215 show parameter log_checkpoint; 216 217 218 219 /*加入一個日誌組*/ 220 221 alter database add logfile group 3 (‘/$ORACLE_HOME/oracle/ora_log_file6.rdo‘ size 10M); 222 223 224 225 /*加入日誌組的一個成員*/ 226 227 alter database add logfile member ‘/$ORACLE_HOME/oracle/ora_log_file6.rdo‘ to group 3; 228 229 230 231 /*刪除日誌組:當前日誌組不能刪;活動的日誌組不能刪;非歸檔的日誌組不能刪*/ 232 233 alter database drop logfile group 3; 234 235 236 237 /*刪除日誌組中的某個成員,但每個組的最後一個成員不能被刪除*/ 238 239 alter databse drop logfile member ‘$ORACLE_HOME/oracle/ora_log_file6.rdo‘; 240 241 242 243 /*清除線上日誌*/ 244 245 alter database clear logfile ‘$ORACLE_HOME/oracle/ora_log_file6.rdo‘; 246 247 248 249 alter database clear logfile group 3; 250 251 252 253 /*清除非歸檔日誌*/ 254 255 alter database clear unarchived logfile group 3; 256 257 258 259 /*重命名日誌檔*/ 260 261 alter database rename file ‘$ORACLE_HOME/oracle/ora_log_file6.rdo‘ to ‘$ORACLE_HOME/oracle/ora_log_file6a.rdo‘; 262 263 264 265 show parameter db_create; 266 267 268 269 alter system set db_create_online_log_dest_1=‘path_name‘; 270 271 272 273 select * from v$log; 274 275 276 277 select * from v$logfile; 278 279 280 281 /*資料庫歸檔模式到非歸檔模式的互換,要啟動到mount狀態下才能改變;startup mount;然後再打開資料庫.*/ 282 283 alter database noarchivelog/archivelog; 284 285 286 287 achive log start;---啟動自動歸檔 288 289 290 291 alter system archive all;--手工歸檔所有日誌檔 292 293 294 295 select * from v$archived_log; 296 297 298 299 show parameter log_archive; 300 301 302 303 /*使用字元函數(右邊截取,欄位中包含某個字元,左邊填充某字元到固定位元數,右邊填充某字元到固定位元數)*/ 304 305 select substr(col1,-3,5),instr(col2,‘g‘),LPAD(col3,10,‘$‘),RPAD(col4,10,‘%‘) from table_name; 306 307 308 309 /*使用數位函數(往右/左幾位四捨五入,取整,取餘)*/ 310 311 select round(col1,-2),trunc(col2),mod(col3) from table_name ; 312 313 314 315 /*使用日期函數(計算兩個日期間相差幾個星期,兩個日期間相隔幾個月,在某個月份上加幾個月,某個日期的下一個日期, 316 317 某日期所在月的最後的日期,對某個日期的月分四捨五入,對某個日期的月份進行取整)*/ 318 319 select (sysdate-col1)/7 week,months_between(sysdate,col1),add_months(col1,2),next_day(sysdate,‘FRIDAY‘),last_day(sysdate), 320 321 round(sysdate,‘MONTH‘),trunc(sysdate,‘MONTH‘) from table_name; 322 323 324 325 /*使用NULL函數(當expr1為空取expr2/當expr1為空取expr2,否則取expr3/當expr1=expr2返回空)*/ 326 327 select nvl(expr1,expr2),nvl2(expr1,expr2,expr3),nullif(expr1,expr2) from table_name; 328 329 330 331 select column1,column2,column3, case column2 when ‘50‘ then column2*1.1 332 333 when ‘30‘ then column2*2.1 334 335 when ‘10‘ then column3/20 336 337 else column3 338 339 end as ttt 340 341 from table_name ; ------使用case函數 342 343 344 345 select table1.col1,table2.col2 from table1 346 347 [CROSS JOIN table2] | -----笛卡兒連接 348 349 [NATURAL JOIN table2] | -----用兩個表中的同名列連接 350 351 [JOIN table2 USING (column_name)] | -----用兩個表中的同名列中的某一列或幾列連接 352 353 [JOIN table2 354 355 ON (table1.col1=table2.col2)] | 356 357 [LEFT|RIGHT|FULL OUTER JOIN table2 ------相當於(+)=,=(+)連接,全外連接 358 359 ON (table1.col1=table2.col2)]; ------SQL 1999中的JOIN語法; 360 361 362 363 example: 364 365 select col1,col2 from table1 t1 366 367 join table2 t2 368 369 on t1.col1=t2.col2 and t1.col3=t2.col1 370 371 join table3 t3 372 373 on t2.col1=t3.col3; 374 375 376 377 select * from table_name where col1 < any (select col2 from table_name2 where continue group by col3); 378 379 380 381 select * from table_name where col1 < all (select col2 from table_name2 where continue group by col3); 382 383 384 385 insert into (select col1,col2,col3 form table_name where col1> 50 with check option) values (value1,value2,value3); 386 387 388 389 MERGE INTO table_name table1 390 391 USING table_name2 table2 392 393 ON (table1.col1=table2.col2) 394 395 WHEN MATCHED THEN 396 397 UPDATE SET 398 399 table1.col1=table2.col2, 400 401 table1.col2=table2.col3, 402 403 ... 404 405 WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN 406 407 INSERT VALUES(table2.col1,table2.col2,table2.col3,...); -----合併語句 408 409 410 411 ##################### CREATE/ALTER TABLE ####################### 412 413 414 415 alter table table_name drop column column_name ;---drop column 416 417 418 419 alter table table_name set unused (col1,col2,...);----設置列無效,這個比較快。 420 421 alter table table_name drop unused columns;---刪除被設為無效的列 422 423 424 425 rename table_name1 to table_name2; ---重命名表 426 427 428 429 comment on table table_name is ‘comment message‘;----給表放入注釋信息 430 431 432 433 create table table_name 434 435 (col1 int not null,col2 varchar2(20),col3 varchar2(20), 436 437 constraint uk_test2_1 unique(col2,col3))); -----定義表中的約束條件 438 439 440 441 alter table table_name add constraint pk_test2 primary key(col1,col2,...); ----創建主鍵 442 443 444 445 /*建立外鍵*/ 446 447 create table table_name (rid int,name varchar2(20),constraint fk_test3 foreign key(rid) references other_table_name(id)); 448 449 450 451 alter table table_name add constraint ck_test3 check(name like ‘K%‘); 452 453 454 455 alter table table_name drop constraint constraint_name; 456 457 458 459 alter table table_name drop primary key cascade;----級聯刪除主鍵 460 461 462 463 alter table table_name disable/enable constraint constraint_name;----使約束暫時無效 464 465 466 467 /*刪除列,並級聯刪除此列下的約束條件*/ 468 469 alter table table_name drop column column_name cascade constraint; 470 471 472 473 select * from user_constraints/user_cons_columns;---約束條件相關視圖 474 475 476 477 ############## Create Views ##################### 478 479 480 481 CREATE [OR REPLACE] [FORCE|NOFORCE] VIEW view_name [(alias[,alias]...)] 482 483 AS subquery 484 485 [WITH CHECK OPTION [CONSTRAINT constraint_name]] 486 487 [WITH READ ONLY [CONSTRAINT constraint_name]]; ------創建視圖的語法 488 489 490 491 example: Create or replace view testview as select col1,col2,col3 from table_name; ------創建視圖 492 493 /*使用別名*/ 494 495 Create or replace view testview as select col1,sum(col2) col2_alias from table_name; 496 497 /*創建複雜視圖*/ 498 499 Create view view_name (alias1,alias2,alias3,alias4) as select d.col1,min(e.col1),max(e.col1),avg(e.col1) from table_name1 e,table_name2 d where e.col2=d.col2 group by d.col1; 500 501 /*當用update修改資料時,必須滿足視圖的col1>10的條件,不滿足則不能被改變.*/ 502 503 Create or replace view view_name as select * from table_name where col1>10 with check option; 504 505 506 507 /*改變視圖的值.對於簡單視圖可以用update語法修改表資料,但複雜視圖則不一定能改。如使用了函數,group by ,distinct等的列*/ 508 509 update view_name set col1=value1; 510 511 512 513 /*TOP-N分析*/ 514 515 select [column_list],rownum from (select [column_list] from table_name order by Top-N_column) where rownum<=N; 516 517 518 519 /*找出某列三條最大值的記錄*/ 520 521 example: select rownum as rank ,col1 ,col2 from (select col1 ,col2 from table_name order by col2 desc) where rownum<=3; 522 523 524 525 ############# Other database Object ############### 526 527 528 529 CREATE SEQUENCE sequence_name [INCREMENT BY n] 530 531 [START WITH n] 532 533 [{MAXVALUE n | NOMAXVALUE}] 534 535 [{MINVALUE n | NOMINVALUE}] 536 537 [{CYCEL | NOCYCLE}] 538 539 [{CACHE n | NOCACHE}]; -----創建SEQUENCE 540 541 542 543 example: 544 545 CREATE SEQUENCE sequence_name INCREMENT BY 10 546 547 START WITH 120 548 549 MAXVALUE 9999 550 551 NOCACHE 552 553 NOCYCLE; 554 555 556 557 select * from user_sequences ;---當前用戶下記錄sequence的視圖 558 559 560 561 select sequence_name.nextval,sequence_name.currval from dual;-----sequence的引用 562 563 564 565 alter sequence sequence_name INCREMENT BY 20 566 567 MAXVALUE 999999 568 569 NOCACHE 570 571 NOCYCLE; -----修改sequence,不能改變起始序號 572 573 574 575 drop sequence sequence_name; ----刪除sequence 576 577 578 579 CREATE [PUBLIC] SYNONYM synonym_name FOR object; ------創建同義詞 580 581 582 583 DROP [PUBLIC] SYNONYM synonym_name;----刪除同義詞 584 585 586 587 CREATE PUBLIC DATABASE LINK link_name USEING OBJECT;----創建DBLINK 588 589 590 591 select * from object_name@link_name; ----訪問遠端資料庫中的物件 592 593 594 595 /*union操作,它將兩個集合的交集部分壓縮,並對資料排序*/ 596 597 select col1,col2,col3 from table1_name union select col1,col2,col3 from table2_name; 598 599 600 601 /*union all操作,兩個集合的交集部分不壓縮,且不對資料排序*/ 602 603 select col1,col2,col3 from table1_name union all select col1,col2,col3 from table2_name; 604 605 606 607 /*intersect操作,求兩個集合的交集,它將對重復資料進行壓縮,且排序*/ 608 609 select col1,col2,col3 from table1_name intersect select col1,col2,col3 from table2_name; 610 611 612 613 /*minus操作,集合減,它將壓縮兩個集合減後的重複記錄,且對資料排序*/ 614 615 select col1,col2,col3 from table1_name minus select col1,col2,col3 from table2_name; 616 617 618 619 /*EXTRACT抽取時間函數.此例是抽取當前日期中的年*/ 620 621 select EXTRACT(YEAR FROM SYSDATE) from dual; 622 623 /*EXTRACT抽取時間函數.此例是抽取當前日期中的月*/ 624 625 select EXTRACT(MONTH FROM SYSDATE) from dual; 626 627 628 629 ##########################增強的group by子句 ######################### 630 631 632 633 select [column,] group_function(column)... 634 635 from table 636 637 [WHERE condition] 638 639 [GROUP BY [ROLLUP] group_by_expression] 640 641 [HAVING having_expression]; 642 643 [ORDER BY column]; -------ROLLUP操作字,對group by子句的各欄位從右到左進行再聚合 644 645 646 647 example: 648 649 /*其結果看起來象對col1做小計*/ 650 651 select col1,col2,sum(col3) from table group by rollup(col1,col2); 652 653 /*複合rollup運算式*/ 654 655 select col1,col2,sum(col3) from table group by rollup((col1,col2)); 656 657 658 659 select [column,] group_function(column)... 660 661 from table 662 663 [WHERE condition] 664 665 [GROUP BY [CUBE] group_by_expression] 666 667 [HAVING having_expression]; 668 669 [ORDER BY column]; -------CUBE操作字,除完成ROLLUP的功能外,再對ROLLUP後的結果集從右到左再聚合 670 671 672 673 example: 674 675 /*其結果看起來象對col1做小計後,再對col2做小計,最後算總計*/ 676 677 select col1,col2,sum(col3) from table group by cube(col1,col2); 678 679 /*複合rollup運算式*/ 680 681 select col1,col2,sum(col3) from table group by cube((col1,col2)); 682 683 /*混合rollup,cube運算式*/ 684 685 select col1,col2,col3,sum(col4) from table group by col1,rollup(col2),cube(col3); 686 687 688 689 /*GROUPING(expr)函數,查看select語句種以何欄位聚合,其取值為0或1*/ 690 691 select [column,] group_function(column)...,GROUPING(expr) 692 693 from table 694 695 [WHERE condition] 696 697 [GROUP BY [ROLLUP] group_by_expression] 698 699 [HAVING having_expression]; 700 701 [ORDER BY column]; 702 703 704 705 example: 706 707 select col1,col2,sum(col3),grouping(col1),grouping(col2) from table group by cube(col1,col2); 708 709 710 711 /*grouping sets操作,對group by結果集先對col1求和,再對col2求和,最後將其結果集並在一起*/ 712 713 select col1,col2,sum(col3) from table group by grouping sets((col1),(col2)); 714 715 716 717 /*刪除用戶或刪除級聯用戶(用戶物件下有物件的要用CASCADE,將其下一些物件一起刪除)*/ 718 719 drop user user_name [CASCADE]; 720 721 722 723 /*每個用戶在哪些表空間下有些什麼限額*/ 724 725 desc dba_ts_quotas;select * from dba_ts_quotas where username=‘...‘; 726 727 728 729 /*改變用戶的缺省表空間*/ 730 731 alter user user_name default tablespace tablespace_name; 732 733 734 735 ######### Managing Privileges ############# 736 737 738 739 grant create table,create session to user_name; 740 741 742 743 grant create any table to user_name; revoke create any table from user_name; 744 745 746 747 /*授予許可權語法,public標識所有用戶,with admin option允許能將許可權授予第三者的許可權*/ 748 749 grant system_privs,[......] to [user/role/public],[....] [with admin option]; 750 751 752 753 select * from v$pwfile_users; 754 755 756 757 /*當O7_dictionary_accessiblity參數為True時,標識select any table時,包括系統表也能select ,否則,不包含系統表;缺省為false*/ 758 759 show parameter O7; 760 761 762 763 /*由於O7_dictionary_accessiblity為靜態參數,不能動態改變,故加scope=spfile,下次啟動時才生效*/ 764 765 alter system set O7_dictionary_accessiblity=true scope=spfile; 766 767 768 769 /*授予物件中的某些欄位的許可權,如select某表中的某些欄位的許可權*/ 770 771 grant [object_privs(column,....)],[...] on object_name to user/role/public,... with grant option; 772 773 774 775 /*oracle不允許授予select某列的許可權,但可以授insert ,update某列的許可權*/ 776 777 grant insert(column_name1,column_name2,...) on table_name to user_name with grant option; 778 779 780 781 select * from dba_sys_privs/session_privs/dba_tab_privs/user_tab_privs/dba_col_privs/user_col_privs; 782 783 784 785 /*db/os/none審計被記錄在資料庫/作業系統/不審計缺省是none*/ 786 787 show parameter audit_trail; 788 789 790 791 /*啟動對表的select動作*/ 792 793 audit select on user.table_name by session; 794 795 796 797 /*by session在每個session中發出command只記錄一次,by access則每個command都記錄*/ 798 799 audit [create table][select/update/insert on object by session/access][whenever successful/not successful]; 800 801 802 803 desc dbms_fga;---進一步設計,則可使用dbms_fgs包 804 805 806 807 /*取消審計*/ 808 809 noaudit select on user.table_name; 810 811 812 813 /*查被審計資訊*/ 814 815 select * from all_def_audit_opts/dba_stmt_audit_opts/dba_priv_audit_opts/dba_obj_audit_opts; 816 817 818 819 /*獲取審計記錄*/ 820 821 select * from dba_audit_trail/dba_audit_exists/dba_audit_object/dba_audit_session/dba_audit_statement; 822 823 824 825 ########### Managing Role ################# 826 827 828 829 create role role_name; grant select on table_name to role_name; grant role_name to user_name; set role role_name; 830 831 832 833 create role role_name; 834 835 create role role_name identified by password; 836 837 create role role_name identified externally; 838 839 840 841 set role role_name ; ----啟動role 842 843 set role role_name identified by password; 844 845 846 847 alter role role_name not identified; 848 849 alter role role_name identified by password; 850 851 alter role role_name identified externally; 852 853 854 855 grant priv_name to role_name [WITH ADMIN OPTION]; 856 857 grant update(column_name1,col_name2,...) on table_name to role_name; 858 859 grant role_name1 to role_name2; 860 861 /*建立default role,用戶登錄時,缺省啟動default role*/ 862 863 alter user user_name default role role_name1,role_name2,...; 864 865 alter user user_name default role all; 866 867 alter user user_name default role all except role_name1,...; 868 869 alter user user_name default role none; 870 871 872 873 set role role1 [identified by password],role2,....; 874 875 set role all; 876 877 set role except role1,role2,...; 878 879 set role none; 880 881 882 883 revoke role_name from user_name; 884 885 revoke role_name from public; 886 887 888 889 drop role role_name; 890 891 892 893 select * from dba_roles/dba_role_privs/role_role_privs/dba_sys_privs/role_sys_privs/role_tab_privs/session_roles; 894 895 896 897 ########### Basic SQL SELECT ################ 898 899 900 901 select col_name as col_alias from table_name ; 902 903 904 905 select col_name from table_name where col1 like ‘_o%‘; ----‘_‘匹配單個字元 906 907 908 909 910 911 /*手工分配分區,分配的資料檔案必須是表所在表空間內的資料檔案*/ 912 913 alter table user.table_name allocate extent(size 500k datafile ‘...‘); 914 915 916 917 /*釋放表中沒有用到的空間*/ 918 919 alter table table_name deallocate unused; 920 921 922 923 alter table table_name deallocate unused keep 8k; 924 925 926 927 /*將非分區表的表空間搬到新的表空間,在移動表空間後,原表中的索引物件將會不可用,必須重建*/ 928 929 alter table user.table_name move tablespace new_tablespace_name; 930 931 932 933 create index index_name on user.table_name(column_name) tablespace users; 934 935 936 937 alter index index_name rebuild; 938 939 940 941 drop table table_name [CASCADE CONSTRAINTS]; 942 943 944 945 alter table user.table_name drop column col_name [CASCADE CONSTRAINTS CHECKPOINT 1000];---drop column 946 947 948 949 /*給表中不用的列做標記*/ 950 951 alter table user.table_name set unused column comments CASCADE CONSTRAINTS; 952 953 954 955 /*drop表中不用的做了標記列*/ 956 957 alter table user.table_name drop unused columns checkpoint 1000; 958 959 960 961 /*當在drop col是出現異常,使用CONTINUE,防止重刪前面的column*/ 962 963 ALTER TABLE USER.TABLE_NAME DROP COLUMNS CONTINUE CHECKPOINT 1000; 964 965 966 967 select * from dba_tables/dba_objects; 968 969 970 971 ######## managing indexes ########## 972 973 974 975 /*create index*/ 976 977 example: 978 979 /*創建一般索引*/ 980 981 create index index_name on table_name(column_name) tablespace tablespace_name; 982 983 /*創建點陣圖索引*/ 984 985 create bitmap index index_name on table_name(column_name1,column_name2) tablespace tablespace_name; 986 987 /*索引中不能用pctused*/ 988 989 create [bitmap] index index_name on table_name(column_name) tablespace tablespace_name pctfree 20 storage(inital 100k next 100k) ; 990 991 /*大資料量的索引最好不要做日誌*/ 992 993 create [bitmap] index index_name table_name(column_name1,column_name2) tablespace_name pctfree 20 storage(inital 100k next 100k) nologging; 994 995 /*創建反轉索引*/ 996 997 create index index_name on table_name(column_name) reverse; 998 999 /*創建函數索引*/ 1000 1001 create index index_name on table_name(function_name(column_name)) tablespace tablespace_name; 1002 1003 /*建表時創建約束條件*/ 1004 1005 create table user.table_name(column_name number(7) constraint constraint_name primary key deferrable using index storage(initial 100k next 100k) tablespace tablespace_name,column_name2 varchar2(25) constraint constraint_name not null,column_name3 number(7)) tablespace tablespace_name; 1006 1007 1008 1009 /*給創建bitmap index分配的記憶體空間參數,以加速建索引*/ 1010 1011 show parameter create_bit; 1012 1013 1014 1015 /*改變索引的存儲參數*/ 1016 1017 alter index index_name pctfree 30 storage(initial 200k next 200k); 1018 1019 1020 1021 /*給索引手工分配一個分區*/ 1022 1023 alter index index_name allocate extent (size 200k datafile ‘$ORACLE/oradata/..‘); 1024 1025 1026 1027 /*釋放索引中沒用的空間*/ 1028 1029 alter index index_name deallocate unused; 1030 1031 1032 1033 /*索引重建*/ 1034 1035 alter index index_name rebuild tablespace tablespace_name; 1036 1037 1038 1039 /*普通索引和反轉索引的互換*/ 1040 1041 alter index index_name rebuild tablespace tablespace_name reverse; 1042 1043 1044 1045 /*重建索引時,不鎖表*/ 1046 1047 alter index index_name rebuild online; 1048 1049 1050 1051 /*給索引整理碎片*/ 1052 1053 alter index index_name COALESCE; 1054 1055 1056 1057 /*分析索引,事實上是更新統計的過程*/ 1058 1059 analyze index index_name validate structure; 1060 1061 1062 1063 desc index_state; 1064 1065 1066 1067 drop index index_name; 1068 1069 1070 1071 alter index index_name monitoring usage;-----監視索引是否被用到 1072 1073 1074 1075 alter index index_name nomonitoring usage;----取消監視 1076 1077 1078 1079 /*有關索引資訊的視圖*/ 1080 1081 select * from dba_indexes/dba_ind_columns/dbs_ind_expressions/v$object_usage; 1082 1083 1084 1085 ##########資料完整性的管理(Maintaining data integrity) ########## 1086 1087 1088 1089 alter table table_name drop constraint constraint_name;----drop約束 1090 1091 1092 1093 alter table table_name add constraint constraint_name primary key(column_name1,column_name2);-----創建主鍵 1094 1095 1096 1097 alter table table_name add constraint constraint_name unique(column_name1,column_name2);---創建唯一約束 1098 1099 1100 1101 /*創建外鍵約束*/ 1102 1103 alter table table_name add constraint constraint_name foreign key(column_name1) references table_name(column_name1); 1104 1105 1106 1107 /*不效驗老資料,只約束新的資料[enable/disable:約束/不約束新資料;novalidate/validate:不對/對老資料進行驗證]*/ 1108 1109 alter table table_name add constraint constraint_name check(column_name like ‘B%‘) enable/disable novalidate/validate; 1110 1111 1112 1113 /*修改約束條件,延時驗證,commit時驗證*/ 1114 1115 alter table table_name modify constraint constraint_name initially deferred; 1116 1117 1118 1119 /*修改約束條件,立即驗證*/ 1120 1121 alter table table_name modify constraint constraint_name initially immediate; 1122 1123 1124 1125 alter session set constraints=deferred/immediate; 1126 1127 1128 1129 /*drop一個有外鍵的主鍵表,帶cascade constraints參數級聯刪除*/ 1130 1131 drop table table_name cascade constraints; 1132 1133 1134 1135 /*當truncate外鍵表時,先將外鍵設為無效,再truncate;*/ 1136 1137 truncate table table_name; 1138 1139 1140 1141 /*設約束條件無效*/ 1142 1143 alter table table_name disable constraint constraint_name; 1144 1145 1146 1147 alter table table_name enable novalidate constraint constraint_name; 1148 1149 1150 1151 /*將無效約束的資料行放入exception的表中,此表記錄了違反資料約束的行的行號;在此之前,要先建exceptions表*/ 1152 1153 alter table table_name add constraint constraint_name check(column_name >15) enable validate exceptions into exceptions; 1154 1155 1156 1157 /*運行創建exceptions表的腳本*/ 1158 1159 start $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/utlexcpt.sql; 1160 1161 1162 1163 /*獲取約束條件資訊的表或視圖*/ 1164 1165 select * from user_constraints/dba_constraints/dba_cons_columns; 1166 1167 1168 1169 ################## managing password security and resources #################### 1170 1171 1172 1173 alter user user_name account unlock/open;----鎖定/打開用戶; 1174 1175 1176 1177 alter user user_name password expire;---設定口令到期 1178 1179 1180 1181 /*建立口令配置檔,failed_login_attempts口令輸多少次後鎖,password_lock_times指多少天后口令被自動解鎖*/ 1182 1183 create profile profile_name limit failed_login_attempts 3 password_lock_times 1/1440; 1184 1185 /*創建口令配置檔*/ 1186 1187 create profile profile_name limit failed_login_attempts 3 password_lock_time unlimited password_life_time 30 password_reuse_time 30 password_verify_function verify_function password_grace_time 5; 1188 1189 /*建立資源配置檔*/ 1190 1191 create profile prfile_name limit session_per_user 2 cpu_per_session 10000 idle_time 60 connect_time 480; 1192 1193 1194 1195 alter user user_name profile profile_name; 1196 1197 1198 1199 /*設置口令解鎖時間*/ 1200 1201 alter profile profile_name limit password_lock_time 1/24; 1202 1203 1204 1205 /*password_life_time指口令檔多少時間到期,password_grace_time指在第一次成功登錄後到口令到期有多少天時間可改變口令*/ 1206 1207 alter profile profile_name limit password_lift_time 2 password_grace_time 3; 1208 1209 1210 1211 /*password_reuse_time指口令在多少天內可被重用,password_reuse_max口令可被重用的最大次數*/ 1212 1213 alter profile profile_name limit password_reuse_time 10[password_reuse_max 3]; 1214 1215 1216 1217 alter user user_name identified by input_password;-----修改用戶口令 1218 1219 1220 1221 drop profile profile_name; 1222 1223 1224 1225 /*建立了profile後,且指定給某個用戶,則必須用CASCADE才能刪除*/ 1226 1227 drop profile profile_name CASCADE; 1228 1229 1230 1231 alter system set resource_limit=true;---啟用自願限制,缺省是false 1232 1233 1234 1235 /*配置資源參數*/ 1236 1237 alter profile profile_name limit cpu_per_session 10000 connect_time 60 idle_time 5; 1238 1239 /*資源參數(session級) 1240 1241 cpu_per_session每個session佔用cpu的時間單位1/100秒 1242 1243 sessions_per_user允許每個用戶的並行session數 1244 1245 connect_time允許連接的時間單位分鐘 1246 1247 idle_time連接被空閒多少時間後,被自動斷開單位分鐘 1248 1249 logical_reads_per_session讀塊數 1250 1251 private_sga用戶能夠在SGA中使用的私有的空間數單位bytes 1252 1253 1254 1255 (call級) 1256 1257 cpu_per_call每次(1/100秒)調用cpu的時間 1258 1259 logical_reads_per_call每次調用能夠讀的塊數 1260 1261 */ 1262 1263 1264 1265 alter profile profile_name limit cpu_per_call 1000 logical_reads_per_call 10; 1266 1267 1268 1269 desc dbms_resouce_manager;---資源管理器包 1270 1271 1272 1273 /*獲取資源資訊的表或視圖*/ 1274 1275 select * from dba_users/dba_profiles; 1276 1277 1278 1279 ###### Managing users ############ 1280 1281 1282 1283 show parameter os; 1284 1285 1286 1287 create user testuser1 identified by kxf_001; 1288 1289 1290 1291 grant connect,createtable to testuser1; 1292 1293 1294 1295 alter user testuser1 quota 10m on tablespace_name; 1296 1297 1298 1299 /*創建用戶*/ 1300 1301 create user user_name identified by password default tablespace tablespace_name temporary tablespace tablespace_name quota 15m on tablespace_name password expire; 1302 1303 1304 1305 /*資料庫級設定缺省臨時表空間*/ 1306 1307 alter database default temporary tablespace tablespace_name; 1308 1309 1310 1311 /*制定資料庫級的缺省表空間*/ 1312 1313 alter database default tablespace tablespace_name; 1314 1315 1316 1317 /*創建os級審核的用戶,需知道os_authent_prefix,表示oracle和os口令對應的首碼,‘OPS$‘為此參數的值,此值可以任意設置*/ 1318 1319 create user user_name identified by externally default OPS$tablespace_name tablespace_name temporary tablespace tablespace_name quota 15m on tablespace_name password expire; 1320 1321 1322 1323 /*修改用戶使用表空間的限額,回滾表空間和臨時表空間不允許授予限額*/ 1324 1325 alter user user_name quota 5m on tablespace_name