第一节:Row Reduction and Echelon Forms
- Echelon form: 行消元后的矩阵
- Reduced echelon form: 行消元并且leading entry为1的矩阵。
- Echelon form and reduced echelon form are row equivalent to the original
- Span{v1, v2, v3,...... vp} is the collection of all vectors that can be
written in the form c1*v1 + c2*v2 + ...... cp*vp with c1, .... cp
- Ax = 0 has a nontrival solution if and only if the equation has at least
one free variable.(not full column rank)
- Ax = b 的解等于 Ax = 0 和 特解的和。
- 解线性方程组流程P54。
- 线性无关指任何向量不能组合成其中一个向量。
- Ax = b : ColA1 * x1 + ColA2 * x2 +.... ColAm * xm = b
- Matrix Transformations: T(x) = Ax is linear transformation.
- 转换矩阵是各维单位转换后的组合。A = [T(e1) T(e2) .. T(en)]
- A mapping T: R^n -> R^m is said to be onto R^m if each b in R^m is the
image of at least one x in R^n. (Ax = b 有解)
- A mapping T: R^n -> R^m is said to be one-to-one R^m if each b in
R^m is the image of at most one x in R^n.
第二节:Matrix Operation
- Each column of AB is a linear combination of the columns of A using
weightings from the corresponding columns of B. AB = A[b1 b2 b3 b4 ,,,
bp] = [Ab1 Ab2 ... Abp]
- Each row of AB is a linear combination of the columns of B using
weightings from the corresponding rows of A.
- Warning: AB != BA. AB = AC !=> B = C. AB = 0 !=> A = 0 or B = 0
- 逆矩阵的定义:A-1*A = A*A-1 = E. 可以推导出A为方阵,详见Exercise 23-25 ,Section 2.1.
- 对[A I] 做行消元可以得到[I A-1]
- 矩阵满秩的所有等价定义:P129,P179.
- LU分解:A = LU,其中L为对角元素为1,的下半方阵,U为m*n的上半矩阵。L为变换矩阵的乘机的逆,U为A的Echelon
- subspace, column space, null space的定义。
- A = m*n => rank(A) + rank(Nul(A)) = n.
- The dimension of a nonzero subspace H, denoted by dim H, is the numbers of
vectors in any basis for H. The dimension of the zero subspace {0} us defined
to be zero.
第三节:Introduction to Determinants
- determinant的定义和计算方式。
- 行消元不改变行列式值。交换行改变正负号。某一行乘以k,那么行列式乘以k。
- 三角矩阵的行列式为对角元素的乘积。
- det(AB) = det(A) * det(B)。
- Let A be an invertible n*n matrix. For any b in R^n, the unique solutionx
of Ax = b has entries given by xi = det Ai(b)/det(A)。 Ai(b) 表示用b替换A的第i行。
- 由5可以推导出A^-1 = 1/det(A) * adj A. adj A = [(-1)^i+j* det(Aji)]
- 行列式与体积的关系:平行几何体的面积或者体积等于|det(A)|。而且 det(Ap) = det(A)*det(p)
第四节:Vector Spaces
- An indexed set {v1, v2, ... ... vp} of two or more vectors, with vi != 0,
is linearly dependent, if and only if some vj (with j > 1) is a linear
combination of the preceding vectors.
- Elementary row operation on a matrix do not affect the linear
dependence relations among the columns of the matrix.
- Row operations can change the column space of a matrix.
- x = Pb [x]b: we call Pb the change-of-coordinates matrix from B to the
standard basis in R^n.
- Let B and C be bases of a vector space V. Then there is a unique n*n
matrix P_C<-B such that [x]c = P_C<-B [x]b. The columns
of P_C<-B are the C-coordinate vectors of the vectors in the basis B,
that is P_C<-B = [[b1]c [b2]c ... [bn]c]. [ C B ] ~ [
I P_C<-B]
第五节:Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues
- Ax=λ?x
- 不同特征值对应的特征向量线性无关。
- det(A - λ *I) = 0. 因为(A - λ *I)有非零解。
- A is similar to B if there is an invertible matrix P such that P^-1AP = B.
They have same eigenvalues.
- 矩阵能够对角化的条件是有n个线性无关的特征向量(特征向量有无穷多个,线性无关向量的数量最多为n)。
- 特征空间的维度小于等于特征根的幂。当特征空间的维度等于特征根的幂,矩阵能够对角化。
- 相同坐标变换矩阵在不同维度空间坐标系下的转换:P328。相同坐标变换矩阵在不同坐标系的转换:P329。其实都是一样的。
- Suppose A = PDP^-1, where D is a diagonal n*n matrix. If B is the basis
for R^n formed from the columns of P, then D is the B-matrix for the
transformation x ->Ax. 当坐标系转换为P时,转换矩阵对应变成对角矩阵。
- 复数系统。
- 迭代求特征值和特征向量。 先估计一个特近的特征值和一个向量x0
第六节 :Inner Product, Length, and Orthogonality
- (RowA)⊥=NulA
and (ColA)⊥=NulA?
. 这很显然,其中A⊥
- An orthogonal basis for a subspace W of Rn
is a basis for W that is also an orthogonal set.
- 一个向量在某一维的投影:y^=projLy=y? uu?uu
- An set is an orthonormal set if it is an orthogonal set of unit
- An m*n matrix U has orthonormal columns if and only if U?U=I
- 一个向量在某一空间的投影:y^=projwy=y? u1u1?u1u1+y? u2u1?u2u2 +...+y?upup?upup.
- 如何将一堆向量弄成正交单位向量: repeat 3.
- QR分解:如果A有线性无关的列向量,那么可以分解成Q(正交向量)和R(上三角矩阵,就是原坐标在正交坐标系的系数)Q?A=Q?(QR)=IR=R
- 最小平方lse(机器学习基础:非贝叶斯条件下的线性拟合问题),由A?(b?Ax^)=0
- 函数内积的概念。
第七节:Diagonaliztion of Symmetric matrixs
- 如果一个矩阵是对称的,那么它的任何两个特征值所对应的特征空间是正交的。
- 矩阵可正交对角化等价于它是一个对称矩阵。
- A=PDP?1
- 将二次方程转化成没有叉乘项的形式。x=Py, A=PDP?1
- 对于二次函数x?Ax
,在|x| = 1的条件下,最大值为最大特征值,最小值为最小特征值。如果最大特征值(x?u1
- 正交矩阵P大概意思就是在该坐标系下,函数比较对称,D为坐标轴的伸展比例。
- SVD分解(该书的最后一个内容,蕴含了很多上述的内容)是要将矩阵分解成类似PDP^-1的形式,但是不是任何矩阵都能表示成这种形式(有n个线性无关的特征向量,正交的话还要是对称矩阵)。其中A=UΣV?
是A的singular value(A?A
线性代数《Linear Algebra and Its Application》学习总结,布布扣,bubuko.com
线性代数《Linear Algebra and Its Application》学习总结