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Comparison of pkgmgmt between different Linux Systems..

时间:2016-07-31 12:50:17      阅读:253      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]


aptitude install
apt-get install
yum install
pacman -S


aptitude search
apt-cache search
yum search
pacman -S

update db & upgrade..

aptitude update && aptitude upgrade && aptitude dist-upgrade
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade
yum update && yum upgrade
pacman -Syu

install dependencies..

aptitude build-dep
apt-get install
yum install
pacman -S

remove single pkg..

aptitude remove
apt-get remove
yum remove
pacman -R

remove pkg and its deps..

aptitude remove " seems cannot deal with deps
apt-get autoremove
yum autoremove
pacman -Rs

remove pkg without removing the pkg dependent on it..

pacman -Rdd

search db for certain file..

aptitude search re
apt-file search re
yum whatprovides re
pacman -Fysx re


Comparison of pkgmgmt between different Linux Systems..


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