进程: 资源分配的基本单位
线程: 进程调度的基本单元
线程强调 资源共享 但不是一味的共享 线程两个比较重要的私有成员:【1】必须有自己的硬件上下文 进行自己切换时 上下文的切换【2】私有栈结构
进程强调 资源独占 但不是一味的共享
只要进程能够共享地址空间 并且分别执行共享空间的一部分 就将这些进程叫做线程
在Linux中 进程 就是 地址空间只有一个PCB的线程 (单线程不能看成是 进程 因为线程的地址空间 可以对应多个PCB)
所以Linux中 所有的都可以看成是 线程 进程看成是 独占资源的线程 线程是轻量级的进程
Linux编程是不支持线程的 ,但可以利用别人 提供的库 来实现线程编程
1) int pthread_create(pthread_t *thread, const pthread_attr_t *attr, void *(*start_routine) (void *), void *arg);
作用: 创建线程
参数:pthrea_t *thread 用于返回线程id
const pthread_attr_t *attr 表示线程属性 可以传NULL
void *(*start_routine) (void *) 线程执行代码所在的 函数 的函数指针
void *arg 对应上面 void *(*start_routine) (void *) 函数 指针的用到的参数 void*
返回值:成功返回0 失败返回错误码 用strerror(错误码)将错误信息转化为字符串
2) void pthread_exit(void *retval);
3) int pthread_join(pthread_t thread, void **retval);
只有阻塞方式等待线程 线程必须等待防止内存 泄露
int pthread_detach(pthread_t thread); // 分离
编译时 由于线程是POSIX库的 所以 要在后面加上 -lpthread
否则 报错
gcc -o pthread_creat pthread_creat.c /tmp/ccPkLaUo.o: In function `main‘: pthread_creat.c:(.text+0x71): undefined reference to `pthread_create‘ collect2: ld 返回 1 make: *** [pthread_creat] 错误 1
gcc -o pthread_creat pthread_creat.c -lpthread
1) 创建线程:
#include<stdio.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <stdlib.h> void* thread_run(void *arg) { printf("%s: \npid is :%d, tid is : %u\n",(char*)arg,getpid(), pthread_self( )); sleep(20); //return (void*)256; // 线程的退出码可以超过255 进程的256 是0 NULL; pthread_exit(NULL); //exit(3); _exit(3) 这个所有线程 全部结束 } int main() { pthread_t id; int ret = pthread_create(&id, NULL, thread_run,"new thread run...");// NULL); if (ret == 0) { printf("create thread success\n"); } else { printf("create thread error! info is :%s\n", strerror(ret)); exit(ret); } while (1) { printf("main thread run...\n"); sleep(5); } return 0; } 运行结果: [bozi@localhost thread]$ ./pthread_creat create thread success main thread run... new thread run...: pid is :4418, tid is : 3077688176 main thread run... main thread run...
[bozi@localhost test_20160726]$ ps -aL [bozi@localhost ~]$ ps -aL PID LWP TTY TIME CMD 3114 3114 pts/5 00:00:00 vim 3171 3171 pts/5 00:00:00 man 3174 3174 pts/5 00:00:00 sh 3175 3175 pts/5 00:00:00 sh 3179 3179 pts/5 00:00:00 less 4418 4418 pts/1 00:00:00 pthread_creat 4418 4419 pts/1 00:00:00 pthread_creat 4420 4420 pts/0 00:00:00 ps 32098 32098 pts/6 00:00:00 vim
LWP轻量级进程 cpu调度不以PID进程为基本单位 而以LWP(线程)为基本单位 【PID可以相同的多个存在 但 LWP不一样 多线程】
LWP在整个操作系统有效 但 线程中调用的 pthread_self()得到的 线程id只在当前进程有效 看不到全局的 全局的LWP才是操作系统级别的。
由上面结果:PID4418由两个 以PID区分线程是区分不开的 但以LWP全局的线程ID是可以区分开的 但是要注意 在线程中调用pthread_self()得到的 线程id
tid is : 3077688176与这个4418 4419是比一样的 且 pthread_self()得到的只能在线程内部看到 是一个局部性的
在线程中 不要调用exit exit会终止整个 进程
线程退出:(1)调用return 退出码
3) 终止线程
1 从线程return 不适合main线程 main线程return 相当于调用exit
2 一个线程调用 pthread_cancel终止同一进程中的另一个线程
3 线程调用pthread_exit来终止自己
函数: int pthread_join(pthread_t thread, void **retval)
成功返回0 失败返回错误号
pthread_join得到的 进程的终止状态有3种
1 thread线程通过 return返回 value_ptr所指的空间存返回值
2 thread线程被别的线程调用pthread_cancel异常终止,value_ptr所指的空间存常数 ‘PTHREAD_CANCELED‘
【grep -ER ‘PTHREAD_CANCELED‘ /usr/include/
线程被取消 一定退出码为 -1 这个-1其实是一个宏 PTHREAD_CANCELED -1
[bozi@localhost test_20160726]$ grep -ER ‘PTHREAD_CANCELED‘ /usr/include/
/usr/include/pthread.h:#define PTHREAD_CANCELED ((void *) -1)
/usr/include/pthread.h: the thread as per pthread_exit(PTHREAD_CANCELED) if it has been】
3 thread线程自己调用pthread_exit终止 value_ptr所指的空间存pthread_exit的参数
#include<stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <pthread.h> // return 返回 void* pthread1(void *_val) { printf("thread 1 returning...\n"); return (void*)1; } // pthread_exit返回 void* pthread2(void *_val) { printf("thread 2 exiting...\n"); pthread_exit((void*)2); } // 被其他进程 cancel void* pthread3(void * _val) { while (1) { printf("phread 3 is running, wait for be cancel...\n"); sleep(1); } return NULL; } int main() { pthread_t tid; void *tret; // thread 1 return pthread_create(&tid, NULL, pthread1,NULL); pthread_join(tid, &tret); printf("thread1 return , thread id is :%u, return code is :%d\n", (unsigned long)tid, (int)tret); //thread 2 exit pthread_create(&tid, NULL, pthread2, NULL); pthread_join(tid, &tret); printf("thread2 exit , thread id is: %u, exit code is :%d\n ",(unsigned long)tid, (int)tret); // thread 3 cancel by other pthread_create(&tid, NULL, pthread3, NULL); sleep(3); pthread_cancel(tid); pthread_join(tid, &tret); printf("thread3 cancel,thread id is :%u, cancel code is :%d\n", (unsigned long)tid, (int)tret); return 0; }
[bozi@localhost thread]$ ./pthread_join thread 1 returning... thread1 return , thread id is :3077725040, return code is :1 thread 2 exiting... thread2 exit , thread id is: 3077725040, exit code is :2 phread 3 is running, wait for be cancel... phread 3 is running, wait for be cancel... phread 3 is running, wait for be cancel... thread3 cancel,thread id is :3077725040, cancel code is :-1
用 pthread_detach
int pthread_detach(pthread_t thread);
线程也可以被置为 detach 状态, 这样的线程一旦终止就立刻回收它占用的所有资源 ,
而不保留终止状态。不能对一个已经处于 detach状态的线程调用 pthread_join,这样的调用将
返回EINVAL。 对一个尚未 detach的线程调用 pthread_join或pthread_detach 都可以把该线程
置为detach状态 ,也 就是说 ,不能对同一线程调用两次 pthread_join,或者如果已经对一个线程调
用 了 pthread_detach就不能再调用pthread_join了。
在任何一个时间点上, 线程是可结合的( joinable)或者是分离的(detached)。一个可
储器 资源在它终止时由系统自动释放。
线程退出 将退出信息保存在 线程PCB中
return进程 建议在 非主线程中调用 因为主线程的退出比较特殊 主线程退出 相当于进程退出 其他线程也就退出
在代码中定义的 全局变量 进程之间都可以 共享 这样 线程间 通信比进程之间的通信简单的多
thread_detach 分离出去的线程 还是 属于进程的 因为 他的资源是进程提供的 在进程中 如果他调用exit 那么主进程 还是会 退出的
默认情况下,线程被创建成可结合的。 为了避免存储器泄漏,每个可结合线程都应该要
么被显示地回收,即调用 pthread_join;要么通过调用 pthread_detach函数被分离。
如果一个可结合线程结束运行但没有被 join,则它的状态类似于进程中的 Zombie Process,
即还有一部分资源没有被回收,所以创建线程者应该调用 pthread_join来等待线程运行结
由于调用 pthread_join后,如果该线程没有运行结束,调用者会被阻塞 ,在有些情况下我
们并不希望如此。例如,在 Web服务器中当主线程为每个新来的连接请求创建一个子线程进
行处理的时候,主线程并不希望因为调用 pthread_join而阻塞(因为还要继续处理之后到来
两种 detach的方法:
这将该子线程的状态设置为分离的( detached),如此一来,该线程运行结束后会自动释
#include<stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <pthread.h> void *thread_run(void * _val) { //分离线程方法1 子线程 方法中 分离 // pthread_detach(pthread_self()); printf("thread detached\n"); printf("%s\n", (char*)_val); return NULL; } int main() { pthread_t tid; int tret = pthread_create(&tid, NULL, thread_run, "thread1 run..."); //分离线程方法2 主线程中 分离子线程 pthread_detach(tid); if (tret != 0) { printf("create thread error!, info is :%s\n", strerror(tret)); return tret; } // wait int ret = 0; sleep(1); if (0 == pthread_join(tid, NULL)) { printf("pthread wait success!\n"); ret = 0; } else { printf("pthread wait falied!\n"); ret = 1; } return ret; }
[bozi@localhost thread]$ ./pthread_detach thread detached thread1 run... pthread wait falied!
对于多线程的程序 ,访问冲突的问题是很普遍的 ,解决的办法是引入互斥锁 (Mutex,Mutual
Exclusive Lock),获得锁的线程可以完成“读 -修改 -写 ”的操作, 然后释放锁给其它线程 ,没有获得
锁的线程只能等待而不能访问共享数据 ,这样 “读- 修改-写 ”三步操作组成一个原子操作 ,要么
都执行 ,要么都不执行 ,不会执行到中间被打断 ,也不会在其它处理器上并行做这个操作。
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<pthread.h> static int g_count = 0; void * read_write_mem(void * _val) { int val = 0; int i = 0; for (; i < 5000; i++) { val = g_count; printf("pthread id is %x, count is : %d\n", (unsigned long)pthread_self(), g_count); // printf 里面用到系统调用,因为显示器是外设,对外设的操作一定是操作系统。 这样就能产生进入内核的条件 // 让内核进行其他工作的 这样就会出现问题 使得对 g_count 的操作不是原子的 g_count = val + 1; //g_count++; } return NULL; } int main() { pthread_t tid1, tid2; pthread_create(&tid1, NULL, read_write_mem, NULL); pthread_create(&tid2, NULL, read_write_mem, NULL); pthread_join(tid1, NULL); pthread_join(tid2, NULL); printf("count final val is : %d\n", g_count); return 0; }
pthread id is b77d4b70, count is : 5176 pthread id is b77d4b70, count is : 5177 pthread id is b77d4b70, count is : 5178 pthread id is b77d4b70, count is : 5179 pthread id is b77d4b70, count is : 5180 pthread id is b77d4b70, count is : 5181 count final val is : 5182
int pthread_mutex_lock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex); int pthread_mutex_trylock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex); int pthread_mutex_unlock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex); #include <pthread.h> int pthread_mutex_destroy(pthread_mutex_t *mutex); int pthread_mutex_init(pthread_mutex_t *restrict mutex, const pthread_mutexattr_t *restrict attr); pthread_mutex_t mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
一个线程可以调用 pthread_mutex_lock获得Mutex,如果这时另一个线程已经调用
pthread_mutex_lock获得了该Mutex,则当前线程需要挂起等待 ,直到另一个线程调用
pthread_mutex_unlock释放Mutex,当前线程被唤醒 ,才能获得该Mutex并继续执行。
如果一个线程既想获得锁 ,又不想挂起等待 ,可以调用 pthread_mutex_trylock, 如果Mutex 已
经被 另一个线程获得 ,这个函数会失败返回 EBUSY, 而不会使线程挂起等待。
void * read_write_mem(void * _val) { int val = 0; int i = 0; for (; i < 5000; i++) { pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_lock); // 加锁 val = g_count; printf("pthread id is %x, count is : %d\n", (unsigned long)pthread_self(), g_count); g_count = val + 1; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_lock); //g_count++; } return NULL; } int main() { pthread_mutex_init(&mutex_lock,NULL); pthread_t tid1, tid2; pthread_create(&tid1, NULL, read_write_mem, NULL); pthread_create(&tid2, NULL, read_write_mem, NULL); pthread_join(tid1, NULL); pthread_join(tid2, NULL); printf("count final val is : %d\n", g_count); pthread_mutex_destroy(&mutex_lock); return 0; }
... pthread id is b77e5b70, count is : 9995 pthread id is b77e5b70, count is : 9996 pthread id is b77e5b70, count is : 9997 pthread id is b77e5b70, count is : 9998 pthread id is b77e5b70, count is : 9999 count final val is : 10000
由于 汇编层面 支持 exchange 这条指令是原子的 交换两个数的值
所以 就有了 加锁操作的实现
加锁建议; 能不加锁 就不加锁 万不得已加锁,以最简洁的方式加锁 ,避免复杂,降低产生死锁的条件。
(2) 条件变量
int pthread_cond_destroy(pthread_cond_t *cond); int pthread_cond_init(pthread_cond_t *restrict cond, const pthread_condattr_t *restrict attr); pthread_cond_t cond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER; int pthread_cond_timedwait(pthread_cond_t *restrict cond, pthread_mutex_t *restrict mutex, const struct timespec *restrict abstime); int pthread_cond_wait(pthread_cond_t *restrict cond, pthread_mutex_t *restrict mutex); int pthread_cond_broadcast(pthread_cond_t *cond); int pthread_cond_signal(pthread_cond_t *cond);
一个Condition Variable 总是 和一个 Mutex搭配使用
pthread_cond_wait在一个Condition Variable上阻塞,函数需要做以下三步:
1)释放Mutex【因为之前申请 锁 如果自己直接阻塞 那么生产者也就得不到锁 所以要先释放锁】
2) 阻塞等待
1)两个角色 消费者 和 消费者角色( 线程担当)
2)1中生产场所 (在这是链表)
3)3个条件 生产者-生产者(互斥) 消费者-消费者(互斥) 消费者-生产者(同步)
练习代码【LIFO模式 后进先出】:
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <pthread.h> typedef struct _list { struct _list *_next; int _val; }product_list; product_list* head = NULL; static pthread_mutex_t lock; static pthread_cond_t cond; void init_list(product_list *list) { if (list != NULL) { list->_next = NULL; list->_val = 0; } } void* consumer(void * _val) { product_list *p = NULL; while (1) { pthread_mutex_lock(&lock); while (head == NULL) { pthread_cond_wait(&cond, &lock); } p = head; head = head->_next; p->_next = NULL; pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock); printf("consum success, val is : %d\n", p->_val); free(p); p = NULL; } return NULL; } void* product(void *_val) { while (1) { sleep(1); product_list *p = malloc(sizeof(product_list)); pthread_mutex_lock(&lock); init_list(p); p->_val = rand()%1000; p->_next = head; head = p; pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock); printf("call consumer! product success , val is : %d\n",head->_val); pthread_cond_signal(&cond); } } int main() { pthread_mutex_init(&lock, NULL); pthread_cond_init(&cond, NULL); pthread_t t_product; pthread_t t_consumer; pthread_create(&t_product, NULL, product, NULL); pthread_create(&t_consumer, NULL, consumer, NULL); pthread_join(t_product, NULL); pthread_join(t_consumer, NULL); return 0; }
[bozi@localhost test_20160730]$ ./consumer_producter call consumer! product success , val is : 383 consum success, val is : 383 call consumer! product success , val is : 886 consum success, val is : 886 call consumer! product success , val is : 777 consum success, val is : 777 call consumer! product success , val is : 915 consum success, val is : 915 call consumer! product success , val is : 793 consum success, val is : 793
练习代码【FIFO模式 先进先出】
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <pthread.h> /*LIFO*/ typedef struct _list { struct _list *_next; int _val; }product_list; product_list* head = NULL; static pthread_mutex_t lock; static pthread_cond_t cond; void init_list(product_list *list) { if (list != NULL) { list->_next = NULL; list->_val = 0; } } static print_list(product_list * l) { while (l != NULL) { printf("%d->", l->_val); l = l->_next; } printf("over\n"); } void* consumer(void * _val) { // 每次消费最后一个 product_list *p = NULL; while (1) { sleep(2); pthread_mutex_lock(&lock); while (head == NULL) { printf("wait for product\n"); pthread_cond_wait(&cond, &lock); } p = head; if (p == NULL) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock); } else if (p->_next == NULL ) { head = NULL; printf("consum success, val is : %d\n", p->_val); pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock); free(p); } else { while(p->_next->_next != NULL) { p = p->_next; } printf("consum success, val is : %d\n", p->_next->_val); pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock); free(p->_next); p->_next = NULL; } print_list(head); } return NULL; } void* product(void *_val) { while (1) { sleep(1); product_list *p = malloc(sizeof(product_list)); pthread_mutex_lock(&lock); init_list(p); p->_val = rand()%1000; p->_next = head; head = p; pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock); printf("call consumer! product success , val is : %d\n",head->_val); pthread_cond_signal(&cond); } } int main() { pthread_mutex_init(&lock, NULL); pthread_cond_init(&cond, NULL); pthread_t t_product; pthread_t t_consumer; pthread_create(&t_product, NULL, product, NULL); pthread_create(&t_consumer, NULL, consumer, NULL); pthread_join(t_product, NULL); pthread_join(t_consumer, NULL); return 0; }
[bozi@localhost test_20160730]$ ./consumer_producter_multi call consumer! product success , val is : 383 consum success, val is : 383 over call consumer! product success , val is : 886 call consumer! product success , val is : 777 consum success, val is : 886 777->over call consumer! product success , val is : 915 call consumer! product success , val is : 793 consum success, val is : 777 793->915->over call consumer! product success , val is : 335 call consumer! product success , val is : 386 consum success, val is : 915 386->335->793->over call consumer! product success , val is : 492 call consumer! product success , val is : 649 consum success, val is : 793 649->492->386->335->over call consumer! product success , val is : 421
#include <pthread.h> /*LIFO*/ typedef struct _list { struct _list *_next; int _val; }product_list; product_list* head = NULL; static pthread_mutex_t lock; static pthread_cond_t cond; void init_list(product_list *list) { if (list != NULL) { list->_next = NULL; list->_val = 0; } } static print_list(product_list * l) { while (l != NULL) { printf("%d->", l->_val); l = l->_next; } printf("over\n"); } void* consumer(void * _val) { // 每次消费最后一个 product_list *p = NULL; while (1) { sleep(2); pthread_mutex_lock(&lock); while (head == NULL) { printf("%s tid :%u wait for product\n",(char*)_val,pthread_self()); pthread_cond_wait(&cond, &lock); } p = head; if (p == NULL) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock); } else if (p->_next == NULL ) { head = NULL; printf("%s tid :%u consum success, val is : %d\n",(char*)_val, pthread_self(),p->_val); pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock); free(p); } else { while(p->_next->_next != NULL) { p = p->_next; } printf("%s tid :%u consum success, val is : %d\n",(char*)_val, pthread_self(), p->_next->_val); pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock); free(p->_next); p->_next = NULL; } print_list(head); } return NULL; } void* product(void *_val) { while (1) { sleep(1); product_list *p = malloc(sizeof(product_list)); pthread_mutex_lock(&lock); init_list(p); p->_val = rand()%1000; p->_next = head; head = p; pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock); printf("%s tid :%u call consumer! product success , val is : %d\n",(char*)_val, pthread_self(),head->_val); //pthread_cond_signal(&cond); pthread_cond_broadcast(&cond); } } int main() { pthread_mutex_init(&lock, NULL); pthread_cond_init(&cond, NULL); pthread_t t_product1; pthread_t t_product2; pthread_t t_consumer1; pthread_t t_consumer2; pthread_create(&t_product1, NULL, product, "p1"); pthread_create(&t_product2, NULL, product, "p2"); pthread_create(&t_consumer1, NULL, consumer, "c1"); pthread_create(&t_consumer2, NULL, consumer, "c2"); pthread_join(t_product1, NULL); pthread_join(t_product2, NULL); pthread_join(t_consumer1, NULL); pthread_join(t_consumer2, NULL); return 0; }
[bozi@localhost test_20160730]$ make gcc -o consumer_producter_multi consumer_producter_multi.c -lpthread [bozi@localhost test_20160730]$ ./consumer_producter_multi p2 tid :3067267952 call consumer! product success , val is : 383 p1 tid :3077757808 call consumer! product success , val is : 886 c1 tid :3056778096 consum success, val is : 383 886->over c2 tid :3046288240 consum success, val is : 886 over p2 tid :3067267952 call consumer! product success , val is : 777 p1 tid :3077757808 call consumer! product success , val is : 915 p2 tid :3067267952 call consumer! product success , val is : 793 p1 tid :3077757808 call consumer! product success , val is : 335 c1 tid :3056778096 consum success, val is : 777 335->793->915->over c2 tid :3046288240 consum success, val is : 915 335->793->over p2 tid :3067267952 call consumer! product success , val is : 386 p1 tid :3077757808 call consumer! product success , val is : 492 p2 tid :3067267952 call consumer! product success , val is : 649 p1 tid :3077757808 call consumer! product success , val is : 421 c1 tid :3056778096 consum success, val is : 793 421->649->492->386->335->over c2 tid :3046288240 consum success, val is : 335 421->649->492->386->over p2 tid :3067267952 call consumer! product success , val is : 362 p1 tid :3077757808 call consumer! product success , val is : 27 p2 tid :3067267952 call consumer! product success , val is : 690 p1 tid :3077757808 call consumer! product success , val is : 59
int sem_init(sem_t *sem, int pshared, unsigned int value); pshared为零 表示同一进程中的线程的同步 int sem_wait(sem_t *sem); int sem_trywait(sem_t *sem); int sem_timedwait(sem_t *sem, const struct timespec *abs_timeout); int sem_post(sem_t *sem); int sem_destroy(sem_t *sem);
环形buf 生产者绝对不能将生产者 围一圈 这样就覆盖了别的数据
如何防止 覆盖
生产者 看重 space资源
消费者 看重 data资源
练习代码【单生产者单消费者】:不需要加互斥锁 因为一个生产者和一个消费者 是不会区域重叠的
#include<stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <semaphore.h> #define _SEM_PRO_ 5 #define _SEM_COM_ 0 sem_t sem_product; sem_t sem_consume; int bank[_SEM_PRO_]; void* consumer(void * _val) { int c = 0; while (1) { sem_wait(&sem_consume); int _consume = bank[c]; bank[c] = -5; printf("consume done..., val is : %d\n", _consume); sem_post(&sem_product);// 增加生产者的信号量 c = (c + 1) % _SEM_PRO_; // sleep(rand()%5); } } void* producter(void *_val) { int p = 0; while (1) { sem_wait(&sem_product); int _product = rand() % 100; bank[p] = _product; printf("product done..., val is : %d\n",_product); sem_post(&sem_consume);// 增加消费者的信号量 p = (p + 1)% _SEM_PRO_; sleep(rand()%2); } } void destroy_all_sem() { printf("\nprocess done ...\n"); sem_destroy(&sem_product); sem_destroy(&sem_consume); exit(155); } void init_all_sem() { signal(2, destroy_all_sem); int i = 0; for (; i < _SEM_PRO_; i++) { bank[i] = 0; } sem_init(&sem_product, 0, _SEM_PRO_); sem_init(&sem_consume, 0 , _SEM_COM_); } void run_product_consume() { pthread_t tid_consumer; pthread_t tid_producter; pthread_create(&tid_consumer, NULL, consumer, NULL); pthread_create(&tid_producter, NULL, producter, NULL); //pthread_exit((void *)2); pthread_join(tid_consumer, NULL); pthread_join(tid_producter, NULL); } int main() { init_all_sem(); run_product_consume(); destroy_all_sem(); return 0; }
[bozi@localhost test_20160730]$ ./Semaphore product done..., val is : 83 product done..., val is : 77 consume done..., val is : 83 consume done..., val is : 77 product done..., val is : 93 consume done..., val is : 93 ^C process done ...
练习代码【多生产者 多消费者】 : (在 单消费者 和 单消费者的基础上 加 互斥锁)
#include<stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <semaphore.h> #define _SEM_PRO_ 5 #define _SEM_COM_ 0 sem_t sem_product; sem_t sem_consume; int bank[_SEM_PRO_]; int conindex = 0; int proindex = 0; static pthread_mutex_t con_lock; static pthread_mutex_t pro_lock; void* consumer(void * _val) { while (1) { sem_wait(&sem_consume); // 保证对conindex的操作加锁就行 pthread_mutex_lock(&con_lock); int c = conindex; conindex = (conindex + 1) % _SEM_PRO_; pthread_mutex_unlock(&con_lock); int _consume = bank[c]; bank[c] = -5; printf("%s ----consume done..., val is : %d\n",(char*)_val, _consume); sem_post(&sem_product);// 增加生产者的信号量 sleep(rand()%5); } } void* producter(void *_val) { while (1) { sem_wait(&sem_product); // 保证对proindex的操作是加锁的 pthread_mutex_lock(&pro_lock); int p = proindex; proindex = (proindex + 1)% _SEM_PRO_; pthread_mutex_unlock(&pro_lock); int _product = rand() % 100; bank[p] = _product; printf("%s ---product done..., val is : %d\n",(char*)_val,_product); sem_post(&sem_consume);// 增加消费者的信号量 sleep(rand()%2); } } void destroy_all_sem() { printf("\nprocess done ...\n"); sem_destroy(&sem_product); sem_destroy(&sem_consume); exit(155); } void init_all_sem() { signal(2, destroy_all_sem); int i = 0; for (; i < _SEM_PRO_; i++) { bank[i] = 0; } sem_init(&sem_product, 0, _SEM_PRO_); sem_init(&sem_consume, 0 , _SEM_COM_); } void run_product_consume() { pthread_t tid_consumer1; pthread_t tid_producter1; pthread_t tid_consumer2; pthread_t tid_producter2; pthread_create(&tid_consumer1, NULL, consumer, "c1"); pthread_create(&tid_consumer2, NULL, consumer, "c2"); pthread_create(&tid_producter1, NULL, producter, "p1"); pthread_create(&tid_producter2, NULL, producter, "p2"); //pthread_exit((void *)2); pthread_join(tid_consumer1, NULL); pthread_join(tid_producter1, NULL); pthread_join(tid_consumer2, NULL); pthread_join(tid_producter2, NULL); } int main() { pthread_mutex_init(&con_lock, NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&pro_lock, NULL); init_all_sem(); run_product_consume(); destroy_all_sem(); pthread_mutex_destroy(&con_lock); pthread_mutex_destroy(&pro_lock); return 0; }
[bozi@localhost test_20160730]$ make gcc -o Semaphore_multi Semaphore_multi.c -lpthread [bozi@localhost test_20160730]$ ./Semaphore_multi p1 ---product done..., val is : 83 p1 ---product done..., val is : 77 p2 ---product done..., val is : 93 c2 ----consume done..., val is : 83 c1 ----consume done..., val is : 77 p1 ---product done..., val is : 49 p2 ---product done..., val is : 62 c2 ----consume done..., val is : 93 c2 ----consume done..., val is : 49 c1 ----consume done..., val is : 62 p1 ---product done..., val is : 26 p1 ---product done..., val is : 26 p1 ---product done..., val is : 36 p2 ---product done..., val is : 68 p1 ---product done..., val is : 29 c1 ----consume done..., val is : 26 c1 ----consume done..., val is : 26 p1 ---product done..., val is : 23 p2 ---product done..., val is : 35 c2 ----consume done..., val is : 36 p1 ---product done..., val is : 22 ^C process done ...
读者-读者 (共享 即 没关系)
读者-写者 (同步)
写者-写者 (互斥)
能的读者数为实际的逻辑 CPU数。写者是排他性的,一个读写锁同时只能有一个写者或多
个读者(与 CPU数相关),但不能同时既有读者又有写者。
通常, 当读写锁处于读模式锁住状态时, 如果有另外线程试图以写模式加锁, 读写锁通常会阻塞随后的读模式锁请求, 这样可以避免读模式锁长期占用, 而等待的写模式锁请求长期阻塞.
读写锁适合于对数据结构的读次数比写次数多得多的情况. 因为, 读模式锁定时可以共享, 以写模式锁住时意味着独占, 所以读写锁又叫共享-独占锁.
int pthread_rwlock_destroy(pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock); int pthread_rwlock_init(pthread_rwlock_t *restrict rwlock,const pthread_rwlockattr_t *restrict attr); int pthread_rwlock_trywrlock(pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock); int pthread_rwlock_wrlock(pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock); int pthread_rwlock_rdlock(pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock); int pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock(pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock);
#include<stdio.h> #include <pthread.h> #define _READER_NUM_ 3 #define _WRITER_NUM_ 2 pthread_rwlock_t lock; int buf = 0; void *read(void* _val) { pthread_detach(pthread_self()); while (1) { if (pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock(&lock) != 0) { printf("writer is writing, reader waiting...\n"); } else { printf("reader is : %u, read val is : %d,\n", pthread_self(), buf); pthread_rwlock_unlock(&lock); } sleep(2); } } void * write(void* _val) { pthread_detach(pthread_self()); while (1) { if (pthread_rwlock_trywrlock(&lock) != 0) { printf("reader is reading, writer waiting...\n"); sleep(1); } else { buf++; printf("writer is %u : write val is : %d\n", pthread_self(), buf); pthread_rwlock_unlock(&lock); } sleep(1); } } int main() { pthread_rwlock_init(&lock, NULL); pthread_t id; int i; for (i = 0; i < _WRITER_NUM_; i++) { pthread_create(&id, NULL, write , NULL); } for (i = 0; i < _READER_NUM_; i++) { pthread_create(&id, NULL, read, NULL); } sleep(100); return 0; }
[bozi@localhost test_20160730]$ gcc -o reader_writer reader_writer.c -pthread [bozi@localhost test_20160730]$ ./reader_writer reader is : 3046312816, read val is : 0, reader is : 3035822960, read val is : 0, reader is : 3056802672, read val is : 0, writer is 3067292528 : write val is : 1 writer is 3077782384 : write val is : 2 writer is 3067292528 : write val is : 3 writer is 3077782384 : write val is : 4 reader is : 3046312816, read val is : 4, reader is : 3035822960, read val is : 4, reader is : 3056802672, read val is : 4, writer is 3067292528 : write val is : 5 writer is 3077782384 : write val is : 6 writer is 3067292528 : write val is : 7 writer is 3077782384 : write val is : 8 reader is : 3046312816, read val is : 8, reader is : 3035822960, read val is : 8, reader is : 3056802672, read val is : 8, writer is 3067292528 : write val is : 9 writer is 3077782384 : write val is : 10
1) 互斥条件:一段时间内,某资源只能被一个进程占用。
2)请求和保持条件: 进程自己手里已经占有资源,还想申请别的资源,因别的资源申请不到而阻塞,但还不释放自己手上的资源。
3) 不可抢占条件:进程已经获得的资源在没有使用完之前不能被抢占,只能在进程使用完时自己释放。
4)循环等待条件:p0等p1的资源,p1等p2的资源,...pn等p0的资源,形成一个 进程-资源 循环链
2)破坏“3不可抢占条件”条件:进程申请不到新的资源,必须先把自己已经获得的资源释放,换句话说就是自己手里已经有的资源被抢占了 这样就破坏了不可
3)破坏“4循环等待”条件 : 对资源编号,进程每次申请多个资源时,由低到高申请 ,如果需要多个同类资源必须一起申请,如果申请序号低的资源,必须释
互斥锁 完成 互斥
条件变量 完成 同步
本文出自 “城市猎人” 博客,请务必保留此出处http://alick.blog.51cto.com/10786574/1832251