1. 我的理解
./configure: 确保接下来的make以及make install所依赖的文件没有问题
make: build编译连接生成可执行程序
make install: 将编译好的可执行程序以及文档copy到对应的系统目录
2. 那么如何制作configure文件以及Makefile呢
1) Prepararation
#include <stdio.h> int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { printf("Hello world\n"); return 0; }
AC_INIT([helloworld],[0.1],[xxx@163.com]) AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE AC_PROG_CC AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile]) AC_OUTPUT
AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS=foreign bin_PROGRAMS = helloworld helloworld_SOURCES = main.c
2) Tools:
aclocal ------------------> set up an m4 environment autoconf ------------------> generate configure from configue.ac automake --add-mising ------> generate Makefile.in from Makefile.am ./configue -----------------> generate Makefile from Makefile.in make distcheck -------------> use Makefile to build and test a tarball to distribute
3. Overview
./configure # generate Makefile from Makefile.in
make # use Makefile to build the program
make install # use Makefile to install the program
Refer to:
1. The magic behind configure, make, make install
configure, make, make install都做了什么