/** * Get the inline message for a rule if it exists. * * @param string $attribute * @param string $lowerRule * @param array $source * @return string|null */ protected function getInlineMessage($attribute, $lowerRule, $source = null) {//Get the inline message for a rule if it exists $source = $source ?: $this->customMessages;// if has source ,just use it $keys = ["{$attribute}.{$lowerRule}", $lowerRule];// get key ,i like this type to write a new array. // First we will check for a custom message for an attribute specific rule // message for the fields, then we will check for a general custom line // that is not attribute specific. If we find either we‘ll return it. foreach ($keys as $key) {// loop keys foreach (array_keys($source) as $sourceKey) {// loop source key if (Str::is($sourceKey, $key)) {// if it is a string return $source[$sourceKey];// just return the source value, because it is right, and break it. } } }// this is i know ,the un better function , }// the bigger strange method /** * Get the custom error message from translator. * * @param string $customKey * @return string */ protected function getCustomMessageFromTranslator($customKey) {// get the custom error message from the translator $shortKey = str_replace(‘validation.custom.‘, ‘‘, $customKey);// use str replace to get the short key $customMessages = Arr::dot( (array) $this->translator->trans(‘validation.custom‘) );// get the custom Messages foreach ($customMessages as $key => $message) {// loop message if ($key === $shortKey || (Str::contains($key, [‘*‘]) && Str::is($key, $shortKey))) { return $message; }// or ,just return it } return $customKey;// return it } /** * Get the proper error message for an attribute and size rule. * * @param string $attribute * @param string $rule * @return string */ protected function getSizeMessage($attribute, $rule) {//Get the proper error message for an attribute and size rule. $lowerRule = Str::snake($rule);// get a format rule // There are three different types of size validations. The attribute may be // either a number, file, or string so we will check a few things to know // which type of value it is and return the correct line for that type. $type = $this->getAttributeType($attribute);//get Attribute Type $key = "validation.{$lowerRule}.{$type}";// combine a key return $this->translator->trans($key);// return the translator key } /** * Get the data type of the given attribute. * * @param string $attribute * @return string */ protected function getAttributeType($attribute) {// get the data type of the given attribute. // We assume that the attributes present in the file array are files so that // means that if the attribute does not have a numeric rule and the files // list doesn‘t have it we‘ll just consider it a string by elimination. if ($this->hasRule($attribute, $this->numericRules)) { return ‘numeric‘;// return a type } elseif ($this->hasRule($attribute, [‘Array‘])) { return ‘array‘;// type is array } elseif (array_key_exists($attribute, $this->files)) { return ‘file‘;// type a file } return ‘string‘;// normal this is a string, //every thing can be make like a sting } /** * Replace all error message place-holders with actual values. * * @param string $message * @param string $attribute * @param string $rule * @param array $parameters * @return string */ protected function doReplacements($message, $attribute, $rule, $parameters) {//replace all error message place-holders with actual values. $value = $this->getAttribute($attribute);// value this get attribute $message = str_replace(// str_replace has a supper good type. [‘:ATTRIBUTE‘, ‘:Attribute‘, ‘:attribute‘], [Str::upper($value), Str::ucfirst($value), $value], $message ); if (isset($this->replacers[Str::snake($rule)])) {// if isset this replacer $message = $this->callReplacer($message, $attribute, Str::snake($rule), $parameters); } elseif (method_exists($this, $replacer = "replace{$rule}")) { $message = $this->$replacer($message, $attribute, $rule, $parameters); } return $message;// return message } /** * Transform an array of attributes to their displayable form. * * @param array $values * @return array */ protected function getAttributeList(array $values) {//Transform an array of attributes to their display able form. $attributes = [];// init this attributes // For each attribute in the list we will simply get its displayable form as // this is convenient when replacing lists of parameters like some of the // replacement functions do when formatting out the validation message. foreach ($values as $key => $value) { $attributes[$key] = $this->getAttribute($value); } return $attributes; }
本文出自 “专注php” 博客,请务必保留此出处http://jingshanls.blog.51cto.com/3357095/1837973