1、编写脚本/root/bin/systeminfo.sh,显示当前主机系统信息,包括主机名,IPv4地址,操作系统版 本,内核版本,CPU型号,内存大小,硬盘大小。
#!/bin/bash # author:huiping # version:1.0.1 # date:2016-08-11 # describe: 显示当前主机系统信息,包括主机名,IPv4地址,操作系统版本,内核版本,CPU型号,内存大小,硬盘大小 echo "The hosname is: $(hostname)" echo "The kernel version is: $(uname -r)" echo "The server_ip is: $( ifconfig |grep ‘inet\b‘ |grep -v ‘‘ |sed ‘s/.*addr:\b//‘ |sed ‘s/Bcast.*//‘)" echo "The CPU is: $(lscpu |grep -i ‘model name‘ |tr -s ‘ ‘ |sed ‘s/.*://‘)" echo "The OS version is: $(cat /etc/redhat-release)" echo "The memorysize is: $(free |sed -n ‘2p‘ |tr : ‘ ‘ |tr -s ‘ ‘ |cut -d‘ ‘ -f2)" echo "The disksize is: $(fdisk -l |sed -n ‘2p‘)" [root@localhost bin]# bash -n systeminfometion.sh [root@localhost bin]# bash systeminfometion.sh The hosname is: localhost.localdomain The kernel version is: 2.6.32-642.el6.x86_64 The server_ip is: The CPU is: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2350M CPU @ 2.30GHz The OS version is: CentOS release 6.8 (Final) The memorysize is: 1004108 The disksize is: Disk /dev/sda: 128.8 GB, 128849018880 bytes [root@localhost bin]# bash -n systeminfometion.sh [root@localhost bin]# vim systeminfometion.sh You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root
#!/bin/bash # author:huiping # version:1.0.1 # date:2016-08-11 # describe: 实现每日将/etc/目录备份到/root/etcYYYY-mm-dd中
backdir="/root/etc$(date +%F)" echo $backdir cp -a /etc/. $backdir && echo "backup finished" unset backdir [root@localhost ~]# ll drwxr-xr-x. 75 root root 4096 Aug 12 05:11 etc2016-08-11
#!/bin/bash # author:huiping # version:1.0.1 # date:2016-08-11 # describe: 显示当前硬盘分区中空间利用率最大的值
disk_max=$(df |tr -s ‘ ‘ % |cut -d% -f5 |grep ‘[0-9]‘ |sort -nr |head -1) echo "The diskused_max is $disk_max" unset disk_max
[root@localhost bin]# bash disk.sh The diskused_max is 53
4、编写脚本/root/bin/links.sh,显示正连接本主机的每个远程主机的IPv4地址和连接数,并按连接数 从大到小排序
#!/bin/bash # author:huiping # version:1.0.1 # date:2016-08-11 # describe: 显示正连接本主机的每个远程主机的IPv4地址和连接数,并按连接数 从大到小排序
netstat -nt |tr -s ‘ ‘ |cut -d‘ ‘ -f5 |grep ‘[0-9]‘ |sed ‘s/:.*//‘ |sort |uniq -c |sort [root@localhost bin]# bash link.sh 1 1 3
#!/bin/bash # author:huiping # version:1.0.1 # date:2016-08-11 # describe: 计算/etc/passwd文件中的第10个用户和第20用户的ID之和 user10_id=$(sed -n ‘10p‘ /etc/passwd |cut -d: -f3) user20_id=$(sed -n ‘20p‘ /etc/passwd |cut -d: -f3) sumid=$[$user10_id+$user20_id] echo "The sum_id is: $sumid" unset user10_id unset user20_id unset sumid
6、写一个脚本/root/bin/sumspace.sh,传递两个文件路径作为参数给脚本,计算这两个文件中所有空 白行之和
#!/bin/bash # author:huiping # version:1.0.1 # date:2016-08-11 # describe: 传递两个文件路径作为参数给脚本,计算这两个文件中所有空白行之和
file1=$(grep ‘^$‘ $1 |wc -l) file2=$(grep ‘^$‘ $2 |wc -l) sumspace=$[$file1+$file2] echo "The total spacelines is $sumspace" unset file1 unset file2 [root@localhost bin]# bash sumspace.sh /etc/fstab /etc/profile The total spacelines is 12
6、写一个脚本/root/bin/sumfile.sh,统计/etc, /var, /usr目录中共有多少个一级子目录和文件
#!/bin/bash # author:huiping # version:1.0.1 # date:2016-08-11 # describe: 统计/etc, /var, /usr目录中共有多少个一级子目录和文件
etc_sum=$(ls -A /etc |wc -l) var_sum=$(ls -A /var |wc -l) usr_sum=$(ls -A /usr |wc -l) sumfile=$[$etc_sum+$var_sum+$usr_sum] echo "The total file is $sumfile" unset etc_sum unset var_sum unset usr_sum [root@localhost bin]# bash sumfile.sh The total file is 208
7、写一个脚本/root/bin/argsnum.sh,接受一个文件路径作为参数;如果参数个数小于1,则提示用 户“至少应该给一个参数”,并立即退出;如果参数个数不小于1,则显示第一个参数所指向的文件 中的空白行数
#!/bin/bash # author:huiping # version:1.0.1 # date:2016-08-11 # describe: 接受一个文件路径作为参数;如果参数个数小于1,则提示用户“至少应该给一个参数”,并立即退出;如果参数个数不小于1,则显示第一个参数所指向的文件中的空白行数
[ $# -lt 1 ] && echo "please give a argument" || grep ‘^$‘ $1 |wc -l [root@localhost bin]# bash argsnum.sh /etc/fstab 1
8、写一个脚本/root/bin/hostping.sh,接受一个主机的IPv4地址做为参数,测试是否可连通。如果能 ping通,则提示用户“该IP地址可访问”;如果不可ping通,则提示用户“该IP地址不可访问”
#!/bin/bash # author:huiping # version:1.0.1 # date:2016-08-11 # describe: 接受一个主机的IPv4地址做为参数,测试是否可连通。如果能ping通,则提示用户“该IP地址可访问”;如果不可ping通,则提示用户“该IP地址不可访问”
[ $# -ge 1 ] && echo "$1" |egrep -o ‘(\<([1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.\<(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){2}\<([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]))‘ &> /dev/null && (ping -c 3 $1 &>/dev/null && echo -e "\e[31m this ip is accessed\e[0m" || echo -e "\e[31m this ip is not accessed \e[0m") [root@localhost bin]# bash hostping.sh this ip is not accessed [root@localhost bin]# bash hostping.sh this ip is accessed
9、chmod -rw /tmp/file1,编写脚本/root/bin/per.sh,判断当前用户对/tmp/fiile1文件是否不可读且 不可写
[root@localhost tmp]# chmod -rw file1 [root@localhost tmp]# ll file1 ----------. 1 user1 user1 0 Aug 12 08:10 file1
#!/bin/bash # author:huiping # version:1.0.1 # date:2016-08-11 # describe: 判断当前用户对/tmp/fiile1文件是否不可读且不可写
[ -r /tmp/file1 -a -w /tmp/file1 ] && echo "Yous can not to read and writ file1" [root@localhost bin]# bash per.sh Yous can not to read and writ file1
#!/bin/bash # author:huiping # version:1.0.1 # date:2016-08-11 # describe: 实现禁止和充许普通用户登录系统
[ -f /etc/nologin ] && (rm -f /etc/nologin;echo user enable login) || echo user disable login already [root@localhost bin]# bash login.sh user disable login already
11、写一个脚本/root/bin/hostping.sh,接受一个主机的IPv4地址做为参数,先判断是否合格IP,否, 提示IP格式不合法并退出,是,测试是否可连通。如果能ping通,则提示用户“该IP地址可访问”; 如果不可ping通,则提示用户“该IP地址不可访问”
#!/bin/bash # author:huiping # version:1.0.1 # date:2016-08-11 # describe: 接受一个主机的IPv4地址做为参数,先判断是否合格IP,否,提示IP格式不合法并退出,是,测试是否可连通。如果能ping通,则提示用户“该IP地址可访问”; 如果不可ping通,则提示用户“该IP地址不可访问 #!/bin/bash [ $# -ge 1 ] && echo "$1" |egrep -o ‘(\<([1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.\<(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){2}\<([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]))‘ &> /dev/null && (ping -c 3 $1 &>/dev/null && echo -e "\e[31m this ip is accessed\e[0m" || echo -e "\e[31m this ip is not accessed \e[0m") [root@localhost bin]# bash hostping.sh this ip is not accessed [root@localhost bin]# bash hostping.sh this ip is accessed
#!/bin/bash # author:huiping # version:1.0.1 # date:2016-08-11 # describe: 计算1+2+3+...+100的值
echo {1..10} |tr ‘ ‘ + |bc [root@localhost bin]# bash sum1.sh 5050 i=1 sum=0 for i in {1..100};do sum=$[$sum+$i] i=$i+1 done echo "the sum is $sum" unset i unset sum [root@localhost bin]# bash sum.sh the sum is 5050
#!/bin/bash # author:huiping # version:1.0.1 # date:2016-08-11 # describe: 计算从脚本第一参数A开始,到第二个参数B的所有数字的总和,判断B是否大于A,否提示错误并退出,是则计算之
#!/bin/bash [[ $1 -lt $2 ]] && (echo $(seq $1 $2) |tr ‘ ‘ + |bc) || echo "error,please input effective number" [root@localhost bin]# bash f1.sh 10 30 420 [root@localhost bin]# bash f1.sh 100 30 error,please input effective number