当make正常,但是使用make install出现错误:cp: cannot stat `sapi/cli/php.1‘: No such file or directory
make install fails -> cp: cannot stat sapi/cli/php.1: No such file
So after doing some research I found the solution so just note to keep in mind if the same problem is encountered again.
The fixt that worked was using the following commands:
find . -name ‘*.1‘ > /tmp/php-1.lst.$$
tar -cf /tmp/php-1.tar.$$ -T /tmp/php-1.lst.$$
make clean
tar -xf /tmp/php-1.tar.$$
rm /tmp/php-1.tar.$$ /tmp/php-1.lst.$$
then ‘make install‘ should work.
php5.4 安装出现问题cp: cannot stat `sapi/cli/php.1': No such file or directory