紧承上文《CentOS 6系统优化脚本》,因为有时候一台虚拟机已经刷过了优化脚本,但是可能因为别的原因,这台虚拟机暂时搁置了。等过了一段时间之后,突然要用又不知道这台虚拟机是否已经优化过了,而重新使用cobbler刷一次系统又会耗费一定的时间,所以这个检测系统是否刷过优化脚本的shell脚本就诞生了。脚本不是特别准确,但是能针对上次的优化脚本做一个检查,如果已经刷过脚本,就会通过运行该脚本知道系统已经优化过了,可以立即投入使用,避免浪费时间重新再刷一次系统。如果是一个完全重新安装的CentOS 6.x,那结果也可以看出该虚拟机并未优化过,那么执行优化脚本优化一次即可。
#!/bin/bash ##################################################################################### #The script is used to check whether the optimize script had been run on CentOS 6.x #Created by Jerry12356 on May 16th, 2016 ##################################################################################### . /etc/init.d/functions check_iptables(){ /etc/init.d/iptables status >/dev/null 2>&1 [ $? -ne 0 ] && action "Optimize iptables: " /bin/true || action "Optimize iptables: " /bin/false } check_selinux(){ selinux_status=`getenforce` [ $selinux_status == ‘Disabled‘ ] && action "Optimize selinux: " /bin/true || action "Optimize selinux: " /bin/false } check_addusers(){ egrep "admin|nginx|zabbix" /etc/passwd >>/dev/null 2>&1 [ $? -eq 0 ] && action "Add users: " /bin/true || action "Add users: " /bin/false } check_install(){ rpm -qa|egrep "gcc|gcc-c++|openssh-clients|wget|make|cmake|curl|finger|nmap|tcp_wrappers|expect|lrzsz|unzip|zip|xz|ntpdate|lsof|telnet|vim|tree" >/dev/null 2>&1 [ $? -eq 0 ] && action "Install softwares: " /bin/true || action "Install softwares: " /bin/false } check_repos(){ [ -d /etc/yum.repos.d/bak ] && action "Update repos: " /bin/true || action "Update repos: " /bin/false } check_time(){ date -R |grep +0800 >/dev/null 2>&1 [ $? -eq 0 ] && action "Setting timezone: " /bin/true || action "Setting timezone: " /bin/false crond_num=`crontab -l|grep ntpdate|wc -l` [ $crond_num -ge 1 ] && action "Sync time: " /bin/true || action "Sync time: " /bin/false } check_services(){ service_num=`chkconfig --list |grep 3:on|egrep "crond|network|rsyslog|sshd"|wc -l` [ $service_num -eq 4 ] && action "Optimize services: " /bin/true || action "Optimize services: " /bin/false } check_history(){ [ $HISTSIZE -eq 10000 ] && action "Setting history: " /bin/true || action "Setting history: " /bin/false } check_kernel(){ conn_num=`ulimit -n` [ $conn_num -eq 2097152 ] && action "Optimize kernel: " /bin/true || action "Optimize kernel: " /bin/false } check_hostname(){ [ $HOSTNAME != ‘localhost.localdomain‘ ] && action "Change hostname: " /bin/true || action "Change hostname: " /bin/false } check_iptables check_selinux check_addusers check_install check_repos check_time check_services check_history check_kernel check_hostname
本文出自 “IT小二郎” 博客,请务必保留此出处http://jerry12356.blog.51cto.com/4308715/1839284