这道题是典型的深度优先搜索的问题, 可以多拿出来看看,和我之前做的subset以及permutation不一样的是这道题其实是排列组合中如何切数组的问题
[a,a,a,a]-- [a|a|a|a] -> [a|a|aa] -> [a|aa|a] -> [a|aaa] ->[aa|a|a] ->[aa|aa] -> [aaa|a] ->[aaaa]
public class Solution { /** * @param s: A string * @return: A list of lists of string */ public List<List<String>> partition(String s) { // write your code here List<List<String>> result = new ArrayList<List<String>>(); if("".equals("s")){ return result; } List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); helper(result, list, s, 0); return result; } private void helper(List<List<String>> result, List<String> list, String s, int pos){ if(pos == s.length()){ result.add(new ArrayList<String>(list)); return; } for(int i = pos; i < s.length(); i++){ String sub = s.substring(pos, i+1); if(!isPalindrome(sub)){ continue; } list.add(sub); helper(result, list, s, i+1); list.remove(list.size() -1); } } private boolean isPalindrome(String s){ int low = 0; int high = s.length() - 1; while(low < high){ if(s.charAt(low) != s.charAt(high)){ return false; } low++; high--; } return true; } }