在上一篇<Git.Framework 框架随手记--ORM新增操作>中简单记录了如何对数据进行删除和修改,其用法都非常简单,在文章中提到了Where()方法,本文将详述Where() 等条件函数。
一. SQL 条件分析
SELECT [ID],[UserName],[PassWord],[UserCode],[RealName],[Email],[Mobile],[Phone],[CreateTime],[CreateIp],[CreateUser],[LoginCount],[Picture],[UpdateTime],[IsDelete],[Status],[DepartNum],[ParentCode],[RoleNum],[Remark] FROM [JooShowGit].[dbo].[Admin] WHERE [UserCode]=@UserCode AND [IsDelete]=@IsDelete OR [Phone]=@Phone
SQL语句中后面起始条件关键字必定是WHERE,这个毋庸置疑。如果后面要跟其他的条件我们就可以使用AND 或者 OR 关键字将其连接起来。SQL条件语句基本可以归纳为如下
SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE [表达式] (AND|OR) [表达式] ....
SELECT [ID],[UserName],[PassWord],[UserCode],[RealName],[Email],[Mobile],[Phone],[CreateTime],[CreateIp],[CreateUser],[LoginCount],[Picture],[UpdateTime],[IsDelete],[Status],[DepartNum],[ParentCode],[RoleNum],[Remark] FROM [JooShowGit].[dbo].[Admin] WHERE ([UserCode]=@UserCode1 OR [UserCode]=@UserCode2) AND [IsDelete]=@IsDelete
语句是什么意思,看官一看就能够明白,我们看重点部分 ,这个SQL语句使用了 () 运算符, 两个条件 () 和 [IsDelete]=@IsDelete 使用AND连接的,在()运算符中又是多个单个表达式的组合。
WHERE [UserCode]=@UserCode AND [IsDelete]=@IsDelete OR [Phone]=@Phone
表达式可以抽象理解为 字段 [运算符] 值 这种情况。在SQL中有很多运算符,这里我们看看详细:
+(加)、―(减)、(乘)、(除)、%(取余)>(大于)<(小于)、= (等于)、>=(大于等于)、<=(小于等于)、<> (不等于)、!=(不等于)、!>(不大于)!<( 不小于)
当然其他的运算符(AND OR 也称作运算符),我们先做一些简单的。
二. 框架中提供的条件方法
public enum ECondition { /// <summary> /// AND /// </summary> //And =1 , /// <summary> /// OR /// </summary> //Or =2 , /// <summary> /// LIKE /// </summary> Like = 3, /// <summary> /// IN /// </summary> In = 4, /// <summary> /// 大于 > /// </summary> Gth = 5, /// <summary> /// 小于 < /// </summary> Lth = 6, /// <summary> /// 等于 = /// </summary> Eth = 7, /// <summary> /// 大于等于 >= /// </summary> Geth = 8, /// <summary> /// 小于等于 <= /// </summary> Leth = 9, /// <summary> /// 不等于 != /// </summary> NotEth = 10, /// <summary> /// Is 关键字 /// </summary> Is = 11, /// <summary> /// Is Not 关键字 /// </summary> IsNot = 12, /// <summary> /// Between AND关键字 /// </summary> Between = 13, /// <summary> /// OR LIKE /// </summary> OrLike = 14, /// <summary> /// OR IN /// </summary> OrIn = 15, /// <summary> /// OR 字段> /// </summary> OrGth = 16, OrLth = 17, OrEth = 18, OrGeth = 19, OrLeth = 20, OrNotEth = 21, OrIs = 22, OrIsNot = 23, OrBetween = 24, /// <summary> /// += /// </summary> AddEth=25, /// <summary> /// -= /// </summary> SubtractEth=26, /// <summary> /// *= /// </summary> MultiplyEth=27, /// <summary> /// /= /// </summary> DivideEth=28, /// <summary> /// % /// </summary> Modulo=29, /// <summary> /// + /// </summary> Add=30, /// <summary> /// - /// </summary> Subtract = 31, /// <summary> /// * /// </summary> Multiply = 32, /// <summary> /// / /// </summary> Divide=33 }
其中有些枚举值有点奇怪,当时为了配合理解SQL语法,其中在对() 运算的时候采用了特殊的标记,我们会使用特定的方法来代替。
public void Or(string propertyName, ECondition condition); public void Or(string propertyName, ECondition condition, params object[] values); public void OrBegin();public void Where(string propertyName, ECondition condition); public void Where(string propertyName, ECondition condition, params object[] values); public void WhereBegin(); public void And(string propertyName, ECondition condition); public void And(string propertyName, ECondition condition, params object[] values); public void AndBegin(); public void Begin();public void End();
这个地方有点意思,我们将WHERE,AND,OR三个连接运算符映射成了相应的方法,其中更加奇怪的是有OrBegin(),WhereBegin(),AndBegin(),Begin(),End()几个方法。上面在分析SQL的时候主要到了() 运算符,这几个方法就是为了对()特殊优待,当时设计的时候为了更好的理解() ,将()分为了两部分 ,分别对应 Begin() ,End(); 也就是前 "(" 和 ")" 而其余的几个就是对其扩展 。
WHERE ([UserCode]=@UserCode1 OR [UserCode]=@UserCode2) AND [IsDelete]=@IsDelete
其实也就可以立即为 WhereBegin(); ANND(); OR (); END(); 这种调用就好比将写SQL的手法转化为命令模式。 很多对此不能够很好的理解,也对此嗤之以鼻,不要紧这只是理解的角度不一样而已,而且在对WHERE等方法向Lambda表达式转化的时候强制不能使用复合条件,避免Linq和EF中的太多层次的嵌套导致自己也晕了。
public static T And<T>(this T entity, Expression<Func<T, bool>> func) where T : BaseEntity; public static T And<T>(this T entity, string propertyName, ECondition condition) where T : BaseEntity; public static T And<T>(this T entity, string propertyName, ECondition condition, params object[] values) where T : BaseEntity; public static T AndBegin<T>(this T entity) where T : BaseEntity; public static T Begin<T>(this T entity) where T : BaseEntity; public static T Between<T>(this T entity, string propertyName, object[] items) where T : BaseEntity; public static T End<T>(this T entity) where T : BaseEntity; public static T Or<T>(this T entity, Expression<Func<T, bool>> func) where T : BaseEntity; public static T Or<T>(this T entity, string propertyName, ECondition condition) where T : BaseEntity; public static T Or<T>(this T entity, string propertyName, ECondition condition, params object[] values) where T : BaseEntity; public static T OrBegin<T>(this T entity) where T : BaseEntity; public static T Where<T>(this T entity, Expression<Func<T, bool>> func) where T : BaseEntity; public static T Where<T>(this T entity, string propertyName, ECondition condition) where T : BaseEntity; public static T Where<T>(this T entity, string propertyName, ECondition condition, params object[] values) where T : BaseEntity; public static T WhereBegin<T>(this T entity) where T : BaseEntity;
三. 使用实例
entity.IncludeAll(); entity.Where(a => a.IsDelete == (int)EIsDelete.NotDelete);
这个条件语句在之前已经解析过了,就是WHERE [IsDelete]= (int)EIsDelete.NotDelete .
entity.IncludeAll(); entity.Where("IsDelete", ECondition.Eth,(int)EIsDelete.NotDelete);
SELECT t0.[ID],t0.[UserName],t0.[PassWord],t0.[UserCode],t0.[RealName],t0.[Email],t0.[Mobile],t0.[Phone],t0.[CreateTime],t0.[CreateIp],t0.[CreateUser],t0.[LoginCount],t0.[Picture],t0.[UpdateTime],t0.[IsDelete],t0.[Status],t0.[DepartNum],t0.[ParentCode],t0.[RoleNum],t0.[Remark],t1.[RoleName] AS RoleName FROM [dbo].[Admin] AS t0 LEFT JOIN [dbo].[SysRole] AS t1 ON t0.[RoleNum]=t1.[RoleNum] WHERE t0.[IsDelete]=@0_t0_ISDelete
DateTime beginTime = ConvertHelper.ToType<DateTime>(begin); DateTime endTime = ConvertHelper.ToType<DateTime>(end); entity.And<T_EXECUTEEntity>("execute_start_time", ECondition.Between, beginTime, endTime).And<T_EXECUTEEntity>("execute_end_time", ECondition.IsNot, null); ;
Git.Framework 框架随手记--ORM条件组合,布布扣,bubuko.com