[root@localhost ansible]# pwd
[root@localhost ansible]# tree -L 3 roles/
├── base
│ ├── files
│ │ ├── mage6.repo
│ │ └── mage7.repo
│ └── tasks
│ └── main.yml
├── db
│ ├── files
│ │ ├── my6.cnf
│ │ └── my7.cnf
│ ├── handlers
│ │ └── main.yml
│ └── tasks
│ └── main.yml
├── http+php
│ ├── handlers
│ │ └── main.yml
│ ├── tasks
│ │ └── main.yml
│ ├── templates
│ │ ├── httpd.conf6.j2
│ │ └── httpd.conf7.j2
│ └── vars
│ └── main.yml
├── keepalived
│ ├── handlers
│ │ └── main.yml
│ ├── tasks
│ │ └── main.yml
│ └── templates
│ └── keepalived.conf.j2
├── nginx
│ ├── handlers
│ │ └── main.yml
│ ├── tasks
│ │ └── main.yml
│ ├── templates
│ │ └── nginx.conf.j2
│ └── vars
│ └── main.yml
└── webdata
├── files
│ ├── index.html
│ ├── index.php
│ └── wordpress
└── tasks
└── main.yml
[root@localhost ansible]# vim hosts
[keepnginx] hhname=kepnx1.zou.com state=MASTER pri=100 hhname=kepnx2.zou.com state=BACKUP pri=98
[httphp] hhname=hp1.zou.com hhname=hp2.zou.com
[db] hhname=db.zou.com
├── files
│ ├── mage6.repo
│ └── mage7.repo
└── tasks
└── main.yml
[root@localhost roles]# vim base/tasks/main.yml
- name: install repo-file copy: src=mage7.repo dest=/etc/yum.repos.d/ when: ansible_distribution_major_version == "7" - name: install repo source for yum copy: src=mage6.repo dest=/etc/yum.repos.d/ when: ansible_distribution_major_version == "6" - name: rm some file of repos shell: rm -rf /etc/yum.repos.d/C* - name: set hostname hostname: name={{ hhname }} tags: sethostname - name: install killall for ckeck servers‘s state yum: name=psmisc state=latest - name: install bash-completion yum: name=bash-completion state=latest |
之后准备好两个可以yum安装册仓库源设置好mage6.repo 和 mage7.repo
├── handlers
│ └── main.yml
├── tasks
│ └── main.yml
├── templates
│ ├── httpd.conf6.j2
│ └── httpd.conf7.j2
└── vars
└── main.yml
[root@localhost roles]# vim http+php/handlers/main.yml
- name: restart httpd service: name=httpd state=restarted |
[root@localhost roles]# vim http+php/tasks/main.yml
- name: install http yum: name=httpd state=latest - name: install php yum: name=php state=latest - name: install php-mysql yum: name=php-mysql state=latest - name: install php-gd yum: name=php-gd state=latest - name: install php-mbsting yum: name=php-mbstring state=latest when: ansible_distribution_major_version == "7" - name: install php-xml yum: name=php-xml state=latest - name: mkdir web‘ file file: path={{ htdocumentroot }} state=directory - name: install httpd.conf template: src=httpd.conf6.j2 dest=/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf notify: restart httpd tags: rehttpdconf when: ansible_distribution_major_version == "6" - name: install httpd.conf template: src=httpd.conf7.j2 dest=/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf notify: restart httpd tags: rehttpdconf when: ansible_distribution_major_version == "7" - name: start httpd service: name=httpd state=started |
[root@localhost roles]# vim http+php/templates/httpd.conf6.j2
Listen {{ htport }}
DocumentRoot "{{ htdocumentroot }}"
<Directory "{{ htdocumentroot }}">
ErrorLog {{ htdocumentroot }}/error_log
CustomLog {{ htdocumentroot }}/access_log combined
[root@localhost roles]# vim http+php/templates/httpd.conf7.j2
Listen {{ htport }}
User {{ htuser }}
Group {{ htgroup }}
ServerName {{ hhname }}:80
DocumentRoot "{{ htdocumentroot }}"
<Directory "{{ htdocumentroot }}">
<Directory "{{ htdocumentroot }}">
ErrorLog "{{ htdocumentroot }}/error_log"
CustomLog "{{ htdocumentroot }}/access_log" combined
[root@localhost roles]# vim http+php/vars/main.yml
htuser: apache htgroup: apache htport: 80 htdocumentroot: /data/www |
├── files
│ ├── my6.cnf
│ └── my7.cnf
├── handlers
│ └── main.yml
└── tasks
└── main.yml
[root@localhost db]# vim files/my6.cnf
[mysqld] datadir=/data/db socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock user=mysql innodb_file_per_table=ON skip_name_resolve=ON # Disabling symbolic-links is recommended to prevent assorted security risks symbolic-links=0 [mysqld_safe] log-error=/var/log/mysqld.log pid-file=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid |
[root@localhost db]# vim files/my7.cnf
[mysqld] datadir=/data/db socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock innodb_file_per_table=ON skip_name_resolve=ON # Disabling symbolic-links is recommended to prevent assorted security risks symbolic-links=0 # Settings user and group are ignored when systemd is used. # If you need to run mysqld under a different user or group, # customize your systemd unit file for mariadb according to the # instructions in http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Systemd [mysqld_safe] log-error=/var/log/mariadb/mariadb.log pid-file=/var/run/mariadb/mariadb.pid # # include all files from the config directory # !includedir /etc/my.cnf.d |
vim handlers/main.yml
- name: restart mariadb service: name=mariadb state=restarted - name: restart mysql service: name=mysqld state=restarted |
[root@localhost db]# vim tasks/main.yml
- name: install mariadb-server yum: name=mariadb-server state=latest when: ansible_distribution_major_version == "7" - name: install mysql-server yum: name=mysql-server state=latest when: ansible_distribution_major_version == "6" - name: build data file file: path=/data/db owner=mysql group=mysql state=directory - name: install mariadb conf copy: src=my7.cnf dest=/etc/my.cnf notify: restart mariadb tags: remariadbconf when: ansible_distribution_major_version == "7" - name: install mysql conf copy: src=my6.cnf dest=/etc/my.cnf notify: restart mysql tags: remysqlconf when: ansible_distribution_major_version == "6" - name: start mariadb service: name=mariadb state=started when: ansible_distribution_major_version == "7" - name: start mysql service: name=mysqld state=started when: ansible_distribution_major_version == "6" |
├── files
│ ├── index.html
│ ├── index.php
│ └── wordpress
└── tasks
└── main.yml
[root@localhost roles]# vim webdata/tasks/main.yml
- name: web of index.html for test copy: src=index.html dest=/data/www - name: web of index.php for test copy: src=index.php dest=/data/www - name: web of wordpress copy: src=wordpress dest=/data/www/ tags: copywordpress |
[root@localhost roles]# vim webdata/files/index.html
web form {{ hhname }} the version is {{ ansible_distribution_major_version }};
[root@localhost roles]# vim webdata/files/index.ph
echo ok;
echo the web from {{ hhname }};
echo fault;
├── handlers
│ └── main.yml
├── tasks
│ └── main.yml
├── templates
│ └── nginx.conf.j2
└── vars
└── main.yml
[root@localhost nginx]# vim tasks/main.yml
- name: install nginx package yum: name=nginx state=present - name: install conf file template: src=nginx.conf.j2 dest=/etc/nginx/nginx.conf notify: restart nginx tags: reinstallconf - name: start nginx service: name=nginx state=started enabled=true |
[root@localhost nginx]# cat handlers/main.yml
- name: restart nginx
service: name=nginx state=restarted
[root@localhost nginx]# cat vars/main.yml
username: nginx
[root@localhost nginx]# grep -v ‘^[[:space:]]\+#‘ templates/nginx.conf.j2
user {{ username }}; worker_processes {{ ansible_processor_vcpus }}; error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log warn; pid /var/run/nginx.pid; events { worker_connections 1024; } http { include /etc/nginx/mime.types; default_type application/octet-stream; log_format main ‘$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" ‘ ‘$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" ‘ ‘"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"‘; access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log main; sendfile on; keepalive_timeout 65; gzip on; upstream backend { server; server weight=2; } include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf; ######################################################################### #sorry nginx # ################### server { listen 80; server_name {{ hhname }}; # location / { proxy_pass http://backend; index index.html index.php; } error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html; } } |
├── handlers
│ └── main.yml
├── tasks
│ └── main.yml
└── templates
└── keepalived.conf.j2
[root@localhost keepalived]# vim tasks/main.yml
- name: install the keepalived yum: name=keepalived state=latest - name: install ntpdate yum: name=ntpdate state=latest - name: make time to equal shell: ntpdate - name: install the conf_file template: src=keepalived.conf.j2 dest=/etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf notify: restart keepalived tags: rekeepconf - name: start keepalived service: name=keepalived state=started enabled=true |
[root@localhost keepalived]# vim handlers/main.yml
- name: restart keepalived service: name=keepalived state=restarted |
global_defs { notification_email { root@localhost } notification_email_from keepalived@localhost smtp_server smtp_connect_timeout 30 router_id {{ hhname }} vrrp_mcast_group4 } vrrp_script chk_nginx { script "killall -0 nginx && exit 0 || exit 1" interval 1 weight -5 } track_script { chk_nginx } vrrp_instance VI_1 { state {{ state }} interface eno16777736 virtual_router_id 101 priority {{ pri }} advert_int 1 authentication { auth_type PASS auth_pass 123.com } virtual_ipaddress { } track_script { chk_nginx } } |
├── base.yml
├── db.yml
├── hp+webdata.yml
├── http+php.yml
└── keng.yml
[root@localhost myansible]# cat base.yml
- hosts: all
remote_user: root
- base
[root@localhost myansible]# cat http+php.yml
- hosts: httphp
remote_user: root
- http+php
[root@localhost myansible]# cat db.yml
- hosts: db
remote_user: root
- db
[root@localhost myansible]# cat hp+webdata.yml
- hosts: httphp
remote_user: root
- webdata
[root@localhost myansible]# cat keng.yml
- hosts: keepnginx
remote_user: root
- keepalived
- { role: nginx, username: nginx, when: "ansible_distribution_major_version == ‘7‘" }
[root@localhost myansible]# ansible-playbook base.yml --check
[root@localhost myansible]# ansible-playbook base.yml
[root@localhost myansible]# ansible-playbook http+php.yml --check
[root@localhost myansible]# ansible-playbook http+php.yml
[root@localhost myansible]# ansible-playbook db.yml --check
[root@localhost myansible]# ansible-playbook db.yml
[root@localhost myansible]# ansible-playbook hp+webdata.yml --check
[root@localhost myansible]# ansible-playbook hp+webdata.yml
[root@localhost myansible]# ansible-playbook keng.yml --check
[root@localhost myansible]# ansible-playbook keng.yml
本文出自 “北极的linux” 博客,请务必保留此出处http://941012521.blog.51cto.com/9253690/1841164