1\UI Slider
需要用到 UI组件 -Slider Slider本身是一个可拖动的进度条,分为三部分 Background 背景(底部层) FillArea(填充层 ) Handle Slide Area(滑动条)
这次用不着 Handle Slide Area ,Delete 删去
Property: | Function: |
Interactable | Will this component accept input? See Interactable. |
Transition | Properties that determine the way the control responds visually to user actions. See Transition Options. |
Navigation | Properties that determine the sequence of controls. See Navigation Options. |
Fill Rect | The graphic used for the fill area of the control. |
Handle Rect | The graphic used for the sliding “handle” part of the control |
Direction | The direction in which the slider’s value will increase when the handle is dragged. The options are Left To Right, Right To Left, Bottom To Top and Top To Bottom. |
Min Value | The value of the slider when the handle is at its extreme lower end (determined by the Direction property). |
Max Value | The value of the slider when the handle is at its extreme upper end (determined by the Direction property). |
Whole Numbers | Should the slider be constrained to integer values? |
Value | Current numeric value of the slider. If the value is set in the inspector it will be used as the initial value, but this will change at runtime when the value changes. |
由于 这次作为血条 ,并不需要读取输入 ,所以 Interactable 不勾选 Transition 选择None
Background 和Fill 选择预先导入的 环形图片
Fill 中 ImageType 设为Filled ,Fill Origin 进度条起点 和Clockwise 看个人喜好设置。
UI 基本设置完毕。
由于血条 本身是 Tank 的子对象 ,所以 坦克的旋转会使 血条跟着旋转,因而视觉上会给玩家造成困扰。
所以需要添加一个 UIRotationController
using UnityEngine; public class UIDirectionControl : MonoBehaviour { public bool m_UseRelativeRotation = true; private Quaternion m_RelativeRotation; private void Start() { m_RelativeRotation = transform.parent.localRotation; //获取Tank初始旋转角度 } private void Update() { if (m_UseRelativeRotation) transform.rotation = m_RelativeRotation; //恒成立语句 使自身旋转角始终等于 Tank初始旋转角度 } }
3\ public static Color Lerp(Color a, Color b, float t);
返回的颜色 由 Color a --------> Color b
取决于 float t t 为 0时 为Color a t为 1时 为Color b
在这边也就是 t = 实际生命值/初始生命值
Unity3d 札记-Tanks Tutorial 知识点汇总---如何设置生命条