Implement a basic calculator to evaluate a simple expression string.
The expression string contains only non-negative integers, +
, -
, *
, /
operators and empty spaces
. The integer division should truncate toward zero.
You may assume that the given expression is always valid.
Some examples:
"3+2*2" = 7 " 3/2 " = 1 " 3+5 / 2 " = 5
Note: Do not use the eval
built-in library function.
Special thanks to @ts for adding this problem and creating all test cases.
Whether we can perform a+b depends on the operator after b, so for a+b*c*d/e+f+g, we just calculate like a+(b*c*d/e)+f+g.
public class Solution { int index; public int calculate(String s) { if (s.isEmpty()) return 0; s = s.trim(); int preValue = 0; char preOper = ‘+‘; index = 0; while (index < s.length()) { // Get next number & operator. int nextNum = getInt(s); char nextOper = getOperator(s); if (nextOper == ‘n‘) { preValue = operate(preValue, nextNum, preOper); break; } // if nextOper is ‘+‘ or ‘-‘, perform operation immediately. if (nextOper == ‘*‘ || nextOper == ‘/‘) { int nnNum = getInt(s); char nnOper = getOperator(s); // keep calculating until reaching ‘+‘,‘-‘, or end of string while (nnOper == ‘*‘ || nnOper == ‘/‘) { nextNum = operate(nextNum, nnNum, nextOper); nextOper = nnOper; nnNum = getInt(s); nnOper = getOperator(s); } nextNum = operate(nextNum, nnNum, nextOper); nextOper = nnOper; } preValue = operate(preValue, nextNum, preOper); preOper = nextOper; } return preValue; } public char getOperator(String s) { char oper = ‘n‘; skipSpace(s); if (index < s.length()) { oper = s.charAt(index++); } return oper; } public int operate(int num1, int num2, char operator) { switch (operator) { case ‘+‘: return num1 + num2; case ‘-‘: return num1 - num2; case ‘*‘: return num1 * num2; case ‘/‘: return num1 / num2; } return 0; } public int getInt(String s) { skipSpace(s); int val = 0; while (index < s.length() && s.charAt(index) >= ‘0‘ && s.charAt(index) <= ‘9‘) { val = val * 10 + (s.charAt(index++) - ‘0‘); } return val; } public void skipSpace(String s) { while (index < s.length() && s.charAt(index) == ‘ ‘) { index++; } } }