$ wget $ tar zxvf luarocks-2.2.2.tar.gz $ cd luarocks-2.2.2 $ ./configure sudo make bootstrap
$ sudo luarocks install luasocket
$ lua
> require "socket"
zfydeMacBook-Pro:luarocks-2.2.2 zfy$ ./configure --help Configure LuaRocks. --help This help. --prefix=DIR Prefix where LuaRocks should be installed. Default is /usr/local --sysconfdir=DIR Location where the config file should be installed. Default is $PREFIX/etc/luarocks Where to install files installed by rocks, to make the accessible to Lua and your $PATH. Beware of clashes between files installed by LuaRocks and by your system‘s package manager. --rocks-tree=DIR Root of the local tree of installed rocks. Default is $PREFIX --lua-version=VERSION Use specific Lua version: 5.1, 5.2, or 5.3 Default is "5.1" --lua-suffix=SUFFIX Versioning suffix to use in Lua filenames. Default is "" (lua...) --with-lua=PREFIX Use Lua from given prefix. Default is auto-detected (the parent directory of $LUA_BINDIR). --with-lua-bin=DIR You can also specify Lua‘s bin dir. Default is the directory of the auto-detected Lua interpreter, or $LUA_DIR/bin if --with-lua is used. --with-lua-include=DIR You can also specify Lua‘s includes dir. Default is $LUA_DIR/include --with-lua-lib=DIR You can also specify Lua‘s libraries dir. Default is $LUA_DIR/lib --with-downloader=TOOL Which tool to use as a downloader. Valid options are: curl, wget. Default is to auto-detect. --with-md5-checker=TOOL Which tool to use as a downloader. Valid options are: md5sum, openssl Default is to auto-detect. --versioned-rocks-dir Use a versioned rocks dir, such as $PREFIX/lib/luarocks/rocks-5.1/. Default is to auto-detect the necessity. --force-config Use a single config location. Do not use the $LUAROCKS_CONFIG variable or the user‘s home directory. Useful to avoid conflicts when LuaRocks is embedded within an application.
这里我们主要关注--prefix = DIR 和 --with-lua = PREFIX.
设置 Luarocks 安装路径,--with-lua
指定 Luarocks 依赖的 Lua 安装路径。
设置 prefix 会自动将 Luarocks 以及往后使用 Luarocks 安装的 Lua 包,LuaC 包都安装到 Luarocks 安装路径下的相应位置,否则相关的包文件散落在文件系统中,显得杂乱不便于管理,如果所安装的 Lua 模板包含 bin 文件,则会自动安装到此目录下的 bin 路径,与 Luarocks 可执行文件同一路径,更便于管理、使用。
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/luarocks-2.2.2 --with-lua=/Users/zfy/Downloads/lua-5.3.3//我电脑上luarocks和lua的相应版本
make build make install