字符串哈希到整数函数,算法 :http://blog.csdn.net/hzhsan/article/details/25552153
Hash算法冲突解决方法分析 :http://blog.csdn.net/hzhsan/article/details/25555127
// 假设现在要实现一个存储学生信息的hash内存表,封装hash值的存储与获取,并通过拉链法解决地址冲突。 #include <stdio.h> #include <string> using std::string; // 定义hash表初始开辟内存空间元素的个数。这里只用1000做测试。 #define BUFF_COUNT 1000 // 学生信息结构 struct Student_info { string name; int age; }; // 实际存储元素结构 struct Store_info { string key; // 将key做存储,目的是为了判断冲突问题 struct Student_info stu; // 实际需要存储的数据信息 Store_info *pNext; // 当发生冲突时用以形成链表 Store_info():pNext(NULL){} }; Store_info *buff; //之后用于申请大片存储数据的内存 // BKDRHash函数,得到一个字符串所对应的整型,用于计算hash值。此函数见:http://blog.csdn.net/hzhsan/article/details/25552153 unsigned int BKDRHash(char *str) { unsigned int seed = 131; // 31 131 1313 13131 131313 etc.. unsigned int hash = 0; while (*str) { hash = hash * seed + (*str++); } return (hash & 0x7FFFFFFF); } bool Hash_set(string key, const Student_info& student) { // 计算实际的hash值,除以BUFF_COUNT是为了使hash的映射到一个较小的范围。 unsigned int hash_index = BKDRHash((char*)key.c_str())%BUFF_COUNT; Store_info *pStore = &buff[hash_index]; while ((pStore->key != key) && (pStore->pNext != NULL)) // if some key exists, store to the link list { pStore = pStore->pNext; } if (pStore->key == key) { pStore->stu = student; return true; } Store_info *pNewStore = new Store_info(); pNewStore->key = key; pNewStore->stu = student; pStore->pNext = pNewStore; return true; } Student_info* Hash_get(string key) { unsigned int hash_index = BKDRHash((char*)key.c_str())%BUFF_COUNT; Store_info *pStore = &buff[hash_index]; if ((pStore->key != key) && (pStore->pNext != NULL)) { pStore = pStore->pNext; } if (pStore->key == key) { return &pStore->stu; } return NULL; } int main() { buff = new Store_info[BUFF_COUNT]; Student_info stu1; stu1.name = "hu"; stu1.age = 11; Hash_set("key1", stu1); Student_info stu2 = stu1; stu2.age = 22; Hash_set("key2", stu2); Student_info stu3 = stu1; stu3.age = 33; Hash_set("key2", stu3); Student_info *pstu = Hash_get("key2"); if (pstu == NULL) { printf("ERROR:Get NULL\n"); } else { printf("name:%s\nage:%d\n",pstu->name.c_str(),pstu->age); } printf("end~\n"); delete[] buff; return 0; }