int console_init_r(void) { char *stdinname, *stdoutname, *stderrname; struct stdio_dev *inputdev = NULL, *outputdev = NULL, *errdev = NULL; #ifdef CONFIG_CONSOLE_MUX int iomux_err = 0; #endif /* set default handlers at first */ gd->jt->getc = serial_getc; gd->jt->tstc = serial_tstc; gd->jt->putc = serial_putc; gd->jt->puts = serial_puts; gd->jt->printf = serial_printf; /*--------------------------以上为代码段1--------------------------------------------*/ /* stdin stdout and stderr are in environment */ /* scan for it */ stdinname = getenv("stdin"); stdoutname = getenv("stdout"); stderrname = getenv("stderr"); //setenv stdout serial,vga标准输出被重载,如果u-boot中环境变量stdou被设定,那么stdout就被重定位 if (OVERWRITE_CONSOLE == 0) { /* if not overwritten by config switch */ 这里OVERWRITE_CONSOLE值为1 inputdev = search_device(DEV_FLAGS_INPUT, stdinname); outputdev = search_device(DEV_FLAGS_OUTPUT, stdoutname); errdev = search_device(DEV_FLAGS_OUTPUT, stderrname); #ifdef CONFIG_CONSOLE_MUX //如setenv stdout serial,vga iomux_err = iomux_doenv(stdin, stdinname); iomux_err += iomux_doenv(stdout, stdoutname); iomux_err += iomux_doenv(stderr, stderrname); if (!iomux_err) /* Successful, so skip all the code below. */ goto done; #endif } /*--------------------------以上为代码段2--------------------------------------------*/ /* if the devices are overwritten or not found, use default device */ if (inputdev == NULL) { inputdev = search_device(DEV_FLAGS_INPUT, "serial"); } if (outputdev == NULL) { outputdev = search_device(DEV_FLAGS_OUTPUT, "serial"); } if (errdev == NULL) { errdev = search_device(DEV_FLAGS_OUTPUT, "serial"); } /*--------------------------以上为代码段3--------------------------------------------*/ /* Initializes output console first */ if (outputdev != NULL) { /* need to set a console if not done above. */ console_doenv(stdout, outputdev); } if (errdev != NULL) { /* need to set a console if not done above. */ console_doenv(stderr, errdev); } if (inputdev != NULL) { /* need to set a console if not done above. */ console_doenv(stdin, inputdev); } /*--------------------------以上为代码段4--------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef CONFIG_CONSOLE_MUX done: #endif #ifndef CONFIG_SYS_CONSOLE_INFO_QUIET /*defined*/ stdio_print_current_devices(); #endif /* CONFIG_SYS_CONSOLE_INFO_QUIET */ #ifdef CONFIG_SYS_CONSOLE_ENV_OVERWRITE /*no defined*/ /* set the environment variables (will overwrite previous env settings) */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { setenv(stdio_names[i], stdio_devices[i]->name); } #endif /* CONFIG_SYS_CONSOLE_ENV_OVERWRITE */ /*defined*/ gd->flags |= GD_FLG_DEVINIT; /* device initialization completed */ print_pre_console_buffer(PRE_CONSOLE_FLUSHPOINT2_EVERYTHING_BUT_SERIAL); /*--------------------------以上为代码段5--------------------------------------------*/ return 0; }上述程序按其实现的功能可分为5部分,为了便于分析,我们下面仅以stdout设备为例,逐步进行讨论:
stdinname =getenv("stdin"); stdoutname = getenv("stdout"); stderrname = getenv("stderr"); /*setenv stdout serial,vga标准输出被重载,如果u-boot中环境变量stdou被设定,那么stdout就被重定位*/ if (OVERWRITE_CONSOLE == 0) { /* if not overwritten by config switch */ /* OVERWRITE_CONSOLE或为宏定义,或为函数返回值,这里为返回值1*/ inputdev = search_device(DEV_FLAGS_INPUT, stdinname); outputdev = search_device(DEV_FLAGS_OUTPUT, stdoutname); errdev = search_device(DEV_FLAGS_OUTPUT, stderrname); #ifdef CONFIG_CONSOLE_MUX //如setenv stdout serial,vga iomux_err = iomux_doenv(stdin, stdinname); iomux_err += iomux_doenv(stdout, stdoutname); iomux_err += iomux_doenv(stderr, stderrname); if (!iomux_err) /* Successful, so skip all the code below. */ goto done; #endif如我们曾在u-boot中执行命令:
stdoutname = getenv("stdout"); /*setenv stdout serial,vga标准输出被重载,如果u-boot中环境变量stdou被设定,那么stdout就被重定位*/ ... if (OVERWRITE_CONSOLE == 0) { /* if not overwritten by config switch */ /* OVERWRITE_CONSOLE或为宏定义,或为函数返回值,这里为返回值1*/ #ifdef CONFIG_CONSOLE_MUX //如setenv stdout serial,vga iomux_err = iomux_doenv(stdin, stdinname); ... if (!iomux_err) /* Successful, so skip all the code below. */ goto done; #endif inputdev = search_device(DEV_FLAGS_INPUT, stdinname); ...这样,当定义了CONFIG_CONSOLE_MUX时,如果iomux_doenv的执行没有错误,那么跳过search_device。如果有错误,则进一步执行search_device段代码。
#ifdef CONFIG_CONSOLE_MUX /* This tries to preserve the old list if an error occurs. */ int iomux_doenv(const int console, const char *arg) { char *console_args, *temp, **start; int i, j, k, io_flag, cs_idx, repeat; struct stdio_dev *dev; struct stdio_dev **cons_set; console_args = strdup(arg); ... i = 0; temp = console_args; for (;;) { temp = strchr(temp, ','); if (temp != NULL) { i++; temp++; continue; } /* There's always one entry more than the number of commas. */ i++; break; } start = (char **)malloc(i * sizeof(char *)); ... /* setenv stdout serial,vga 几个用逗号分隔的参数*/ i = 0; start[0] = console_args; for (;;) { temp = strchr(start[i++], ','); if (temp == NULL) break; *temp = '\0'; start[i] = temp + 1; } /*start是一个指向字符串的指针数组。这里start[0]指向serial, start[1]指向vga*/ /*--------------------------以上为代码段2.1 --------------------------------------------*/ cons_set = (struct stdio_dev **)calloc(i, sizeof(struct stdio_dev *)); /*...cons_set检查,出错返回1*/ switch (console) { case stdout: io_flag = DEV_FLAGS_OUTPUT; break; default: /*...释放资源start,console_args,cons_set*/ return 1; } cs_idx = 0; for (j = 0; j < i; j++) { dev = search_device(io_flag, start[j]); if (dev == NULL) continue; repeat = 0; for (k = 0; k < cs_idx; k++) { if (dev == cons_set[k]) { repeat++; break; } } if (repeat) continue; if (console_assign(console, start[j]) < 0) continue; cons_set[cs_idx++] = dev; } /*--------------------------以上为代码段2.2 --------------------------------------------*/ free(console_args); free(start); /* failed to set any console */ if (cs_idx == 0) { free(cons_set); return 1; } else { console_devices[console] = (struct stdio_dev **)realloc(console_devices[console], cs_idx * sizeof(struct stdio_dev *)); if (console_devices[console] == NULL) { free(cons_set); return 1; } memcpy(console_devices[console], cons_set, cs_idx * sizeof(struct stdio_dev *)); cd_count[console] = cs_idx; } free(cons_set); /*--------------------------以上为代码段2.3 --------------------------------------------*/ return 0; } #endif /* CONFIG_CONSOLE_MUX */上述程序中的stdin,stdout,stderr在include/common.h中定义:
int console_assign(int file, const char *devname) { int flag; struct stdio_dev *dev; /* Check for valid file */ switch (file) { case stdin: flag = DEV_FLAGS_INPUT; break; case stdout: case stderr: flag = DEV_FLAGS_OUTPUT; break; default: return -1; } /* Check for valid device name */ dev = search_device(flag, devname); if (dev) return console_setfile(file, dev); return -1; }为了此处的讨论尽可能清晰简单,search_device函数我们放在后面分析。
static int console_setfile(int file, struct stdio_dev * dev) { int error = 0; if (dev == NULL) return -1; switch (file) { case stdin: case stdout: case stderr: /* Start new device */ if (dev->start) { error = dev->start(dev); /* If it's not started dont use it */ if (error < 0) break; } /* Assign the new device (leaving the existing one started) */ stdio_devices[file] = dev; /* * Update monitor functions * (to use the console stuff by other applications) */ switch (file) { case stdin: gd->jt->getc = getc; ... break; case stdout: ... gd->jt->printf = printf; break; } break; default: /* Invalid file ID */ error = -1; } return error; }首先尝试启动入口参数中的stdio设备。需要注意的是,在前面"stdio_add_devices"一节stdio设备的注册中,只是填充了相关的结构体,如果其后没有被使用(如serial就曾被使用了),就还未真正实际启动被注册的设备。而这里,为console分配stdio设备时,就要启动它(实际是初始化该硬件设备),因为接下就要使用该硬件完成stdio实际的硬件输入输出操作。上述dev->start代码中,一旦启动失败(有可能已启动,或硬件自身的原因),函数console_setfile就立即返回,返回值为0。console_setfile的上层函数也返回0,这样就回到代码段2.2,但接下来还是会填充cons_set,但不会在函数console_setfile中接着填充下面的stdio_devices。
这里的console即stdin,stdout,stderr常量之一。当这三者之一拥有多个stdio设备时,console_devices[console]会保存这多个设备,且用cd_count[console]来记录设备个数。如环境变量stdout的值为serial,vga,那么console_devices[1]指向的struct stdio_dev结构体指针数组中会包含两个指针,分别指向serial和vga设备对应的结构体地址。
static void console_puts(int file, const char *s) { int i; struct stdio_dev *dev; for (i = 0; i < cd_count[file]; i++) { dev = console_devices[file][i]; if (dev->puts != NULL) dev->puts(dev, s); } }函数iomux_doenv总结:
struct stdio_dev *search_device(int flags, const char *name) { struct stdio_dev *dev; dev = stdio_get_by_name(name); if (dev && (dev->flags & flags)) return dev; return ((void *)0); }函数stdio_get_by_name在common/stdio.c中实现:
struct stdio_dev* stdio_get_by_name(const char *name) { struct list_head *pos; struct stdio_dev *dev; if(!name) return NULL; list_for_each(pos, &(devs.list)) { dev = list_entry(pos, struct stdio_dev, list); if(strcmp(dev->name, name) == 0) return dev; } return NULL; }在前面"stdio_add_devices"函数讨论的一节中,所有注册的stdio设备使用全局变量devs.list链表串接起来,stdio_get_by_name函数就是在此链表中查找名字为涵参name的stdio设备。我们继续跟踪list_entry,可以看到其定义为:
#define list_entry(ptr, type, member) container_of(ptr, type, member)container_of和linux驱动中用法一致,也是通过结构体成员来查找结构体自身的首址。我们在前面的"stdio_add_devices" 一节中也曾经提及过,devs.list的链表成员只是struct stdio_dev结构体的成员变量list,而非struct stdio_dev结构体变量本身。所以要使用container_of查找描述stdio设备的struct stdio_dev变量自身。stdio_get_by_name执行完返回到search_device后,如果找到设备,还会核对查找到的设备属性标志是否和输入参数的标志一致,设备属性标志在该设备注册时设置。
static inline void console_doenv(int file, struct stdio_dev *dev) { console_setfile(file, dev); }函数console_setfile将上述查找到的设备最终存储在全局变量stdio_devices中。这我们在上面代码段2.2已经讨论过。最终将默认的serial设备赋值到stdio_devices中去。
void puts(const char *s) { ... if(!gd->have_console) return pre_console_puts(s); if (gd->flags & GD_FLG_DEVINIT) { /* Send to the standard output */ fputs(stdout, s); } else { /* Send directly to the handler */ pre_console_puts(s); serial_puts(s); } }上述代码中,如果gd->flags & GD_FLG_DEVINIT为真时,将使用fputs执行信息输出,fputs定义为:
void fputs(int file,constchar*s) { if (file < MAX_FILES) console_puts(file, s); }函数console_puts我们在代码段2.2中粗略提及过,其具体实现如下:
static void console_puts(int file, const char *s) { int i; struct stdio_dev *dev; for (i = 0; i < cd_count[file]; i++) { dev = console_devices[file][i]; if (dev->puts != NULL) dev->puts(dev, s); } }
可见,gd->flags & GD_FLG_DEVINIT为真时,最终将使用console_devices中注册过的控制台函数执行相关操作。也即是,执行了代表gd->flags |= GD_FLG_DEVINIT后,gd->flags & GD_FLG_DEVINIT为真 ,代表console控制台中的相关操作函数可用了。否则使用默认的串口输出函数serial_puts。
gd->flags |= GD_FLG_DEVINIT;