1 import threading
1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 import queue 3 q = queue.Queue(2) 4 print(q.empty()) #验证队列是否为空,返回True或者False 5 q.put(1) #向对列中放置一个消息,可以是任何类型 6 q.put(2) #在放一个 7 print(q.qsize()) #检测当前队列中任务的个数 8 print(q.get()) #获取一个任务,遵循先进先出的规律,因此出来的是1 9 print(q.empty()) 10 q.put(3, block=True, timeout=2) #当队列中的任务已经到达队列可容纳上限后之后的任务就会等待 11 # 可以设置超时时间,或者选择不等待他 12 print(q.qsize())
1 C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35\python.exe C:/Users/Administrator/PycharmProjects/ACE/study11/s2.py 2 True 3 2 4 1 5 False 6 2 7 8 Process finished with exit code 0
1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 import queue 3 import threading 4 import time 5 q = queue.Queue() 6 7 8 def productor(arg): 9 q.put(str(arg) + ‘--食物‘) 10 11 for i in range(300): 12 t = threading.Thread(target=productor, args=(i, )) 13 t.start() 14 15 16 def cousumer(arg): 17 while True: 18 print(arg, q.get()) 19 time.sleep(0.1) 20 21 for j in range(3): 22 t = threading.Thread(target=cousumer, args=(j, )) 23 t.start()
1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 import threading 3 import time 4 5 NUM = 10 6 7 8 def func(lock): 9 global NUM 10 lock.acquire() #上锁,acquire()固定写法 11 NUM -= 1 12 time.sleep(1) 13 print(NUM) 14 lock.release() #开锁,release()固定写法 15 16 # lock = threading.BoundedSemaphore(5) #信号量,可每次释放指定个数的线程 17 lock = threading.RLock() #互斥锁,每次只会释放一个线程,可复用,包含了threading.Lock()功能 18 lock = threading.Lock() #互斥锁,每次只会释放一个线程,不可复用,一般不用 19 for i in range(30): 20 t = threading.Thread(target=func, args=(lock,)) 21 t.start()
1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 from threading import Timer #定时器,线程相关的都在threading类内 3 4 5 def hello(): 6 print(‘hello world‘) 7 8 t = Timer(1, hello) #1秒后执行hello函数 9 t.start()
1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 import threading 3 4 5 def func(i, con): 6 print(i) 7 con.acquire() 8 con.wait() 9 print(i + 100) 10 con.release() 11 12 c = threading.Condition() #条件 13 for i in range(10): 14 t = threading.Thread(target=func, args=(i, c,)) 15 t.start() 16 17 while True: 18 inp = input(‘>>>‘) 19 if inp == ‘q‘: 20 break 21 else: 22 c.acquire() #固定写法 23 c.notify(int(inp)) #每次放行几个线程 24 c.release() #固定写法
1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 import threading 3 4 5 def func(i, e): 6 print(i) 7 e.wait() #检测此时锁的状态 8 print(i + 100) 9 10 event = threading.Event() #事件 11 for i in range(10): 12 t = threading.Thread(target=func, args=(i, event)) 13 t.start() 14 15 event.clear() #线程禁止通行,默认状态 16 inp = input(‘>>>‘) 17 if inp == ‘1‘: 18 event.set() #线程放行
1 C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35\python.exe C:/Users/Administrator/PycharmProjects/ACE/study11/s5.py 2 0 3 1 4 2 5 3 6 4 7 5 8 6 9 7 10 8 11 9 12 >>>1 13 100 14 103 15 104 16 107 17 108 18 101 19 105 20 109 21 102 22 106 23 24 Process finished with exit code 0
1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 from multiprocessing import Pool #进程池 3 import time 4 5 6 def f1(arg): 7 time.sleep(1) 8 print(arg) 9 10 if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: 11 pool = Pool(5) #存放指定个数的进程 12 for i in range(30): 13 # pool.apply(func=f1, args=(i,)) #每次只释放一个进程 14 pool.apply_async(func=f1, args=(i,)) #多个进程同时启用 15 time.sleep(2) 16 pool.terminate() #立即终止 17 # pool.close() #等所有任务结束后执行 18 pool.join()
协程相关:首先要下载gevent模块,在cmd中执行pip install gevent即可,这是一条线程持续执行的过程,效率较高,遇到IO会自动切换
1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 from gevent import monkey; monkey.patch_all() 3 import gevent 4 import requests 5 6 7 def f(url): 8 print(‘get %s‘ % url) 9 resp = requests.get(url) 10 data = resp.text 11 print(‘%d bytes from %s‘ % (len(data), url)) 12 13 gevent.joinall([ 14 gevent.spawn(f, ‘http://www.baidu.com‘), 15 gevent.spawn(f, ‘http://www.163.com‘), 16 gevent.spawn(f, ‘http://www.xy2.com‘), 17 ])
1 C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35\python.exe C:/Users/Administrator/PycharmProjects/ACE/study11/s11.py 2 get http://www.baidu.com 3 get http://www.163.com 4 get http://www.xy2.com 5 2381 bytes from http://www.baidu.com 6 95564 bytes from http://www.xy2.com 7 721371 bytes from http://www.163.com 8 9 Process finished with exit code 0