Window Name:
Window Type :
Screen Number:
Width and height:
Fixed size:
Channel Name.
Observer Name.
Sensor. Use the sensor configured for the current observer, or override the observer
and use one of the listed sensors.
Projection Units – field of view, in angles, or database, in meters.
Projection Resize Policy – fixed, vertical, or horizontal.
Frustum (Left, Right, Top, and Bottom) (field of view).
Z Near and Z Far (clipping planes).
Near Far Clip Policy.
Reduce Z Fighting Ratio.
Dynamic Near Clip Attached Policy.
Attached Near Clip Altitude.
Fixed Near Clip When Attached.
Dynamic Water Visibility Enabled.
Dynamic Water Visibility Maximum.
Camera Position Offset (X, Y, Z).
Camera Orientation Offset (Psi (heading), Theta (pitch), Phi (roll)).
Viewport (Left, Right, Bottom, Top).
Keywords – keywords to associate with the channel, for example, “showCockpits”.
Clipping Planes(切割面):
Frustum (视锥体(视野)):
Water Visibility(水可见性):
Camera Position Orientation(相机位置和方向):
Left: 0 Right: 50 Top: 100 Bottom: 50 |
Left: 50 Right: 100 Top: 100 Bottom: 50 |
Left: 0 Right: 50 Top: 50 Bottom: 0 |
Left: 50 Right: 100 Top: 50 Bottom: 0 |