Public Sub GetParameters() Dim Para As String Para = Command$() gstrUserID = GetCommandPara(Para, 1) gstrDSN = GetCommandPara(Para, 2) gstrSQLUserID = GetCommandPara(Para, 3) gstrPassWord = GetCommandPara(Para, 4) gstrServerName = GetCommandPara(Para, 5) gstrDataBaseName = GetCommandPara(Para, 6) gstrCompanyCode = GetCommandPara(Para, 7) gblnAllowAdd = IIf(UCase(GetCommandPara(Para, 8)) = "Y", True, False) gblnAllowEdit = IIf(UCase(GetCommandPara(Para, 9)) = "Y", True, False) gblnAllowDelete = IIf(UCase(GetCommandPara(Para, 10)) = "Y", True, False) gblnAllowSpecial = IIf(UCase(GetCommandPara(Para, 11)) = "Y", True, False) End Sub Public Function GetCommandPara(CommandStr As String, ParaNum As Integer) As String #If c_IssueVersion Then On Error GoTo GetCommandPara_Err #End If Dim OrigCmdStr As String Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer ReDim PosArray(0 To 20) OrigCmdStr = RTrim$(LTrim$(CommandStr)) PosArray(0) = 0 j = 1 For i = 1 To Len(OrigCmdStr) If Mid$(OrigCmdStr, i, 1) = "~" Then PosArray(j) = i j = j + 1 End If Next i PosArray(j) = Len(OrigCmdStr) + 1 GetCommandPara = Mid$(OrigCmdStr, PosArray(ParaNum - 1) + 1, PosArray(ParaNum) - PosArray(ParaNum - 1) - 1) Exit Function GetCommandPara_Err: Call ErrHandler("The application can not get information to Login Server!", "Load Form") End Function