Problem DescriptionA wqb-number, or B-number for short, is a non-negative integer whose decimal form contains the sub- string "13" and can be divided by 13. For example, 130 and 2613 are wqb-numbers, but 143 and 2639 are not. Your task is to calculate how many wqb-numbers from 1 to n for a given integer n.
InputProcess till EOF. In each line, there is one positive integer n(1 <= n <= 1000000000).
OutputPrint each answer in a single line.
Sample Input13 100 200 1000
Sample Output1 1 2 2
我还是too naive啊,一开始弄k表示状态想得超复杂,觉得要记录含不含k以及上一位是什么,其实很多状态是没用的嘛,只要知道上一位是不是1就好了,我是如此搞笑!
1 #include<cstdio> 2 #include<cstdlib> 3 #include<cstring> 4 #include<iostream> 5 #include<algorithm> 6 #include<queue> 7 #include<cmath> 8 using namespace std; 9 #define LL long long 10 11 int f[20][20][3],a[20]; 12 int c; 13 14 LL ffind(int n,int k,int tt,bool flag) 15 { 16 if(n==0) return (tt==2&&k==0); 17 if(!flag&&f[n][k][tt]!=-1) return f[n][k][tt]; 18 LL ans=0; 19 int ed=flag?a[n]:9; 20 for(int i=0;i<=ed;i++) 21 { 22 int nt=0; 23 if(i==1) nt=1; 24 if(tt==1&&i==3) nt=2; 25 if(tt==2) nt=2; 26 ans+=ffind(n-1,(k*10+i)%13,nt,(flag&&(i==ed))); 27 } 28 if(!flag) f[n][k][tt]=ans; 29 return ans; 30 } 31 32 LL get_ans(int n) 33 { 34 int x=n; 35 c=0; 36 while(x) a[++c]=x%10,x/=10; 37 return ffind(c,0,0,1); 38 } 39 40 int main() 41 { 42 memset(f,-1,sizeof(f)); 43 int n; 44 while(scanf("%d",&n)!=EOF) 45 { 46 LL ans=get_ans(n); 47 printf("%lld\n",ans); 48 } 49 return 0; 50 }
2016-10-08 21:28:51