//10.1为复习题5类提供定义,并演示 #include <iostream> using namespace std; class BankAccount { string m_name; string m_num; unsigned m_balance; public: BankAccount (string name, string num, unsigned balance) { m_name = name; m_num = num; m_balance = balance; } void show () const { cout << m_name << endl; cout << m_num << endl; cout << m_balance << endl; } void incDeposit (unsigned amount) { m_balance += amount; } void decDeposit (unsigned amount) { if (m_balance <= amount) m_balance = 0; else m_balance -= amount; } }; int main () { BankAccount bank("Tom", "1", 1024); bank.show(); bank.incDeposit(128); bank.show(); bank.decDeposit(2048); bank.show(); }
//10.2根据以下类定义和例子,完成类方法定义 #include <iostream> #include <cstring> using namespace std; class Person { static const unsigned LIMIT = 25; string lname; char fname[LIMIT]; public: Person() {lname = ""; fname[0] = ‘\0‘; } // #1 Person(const string & ln, const char * fn = "Heyyou"); // the following methods display lname and fname void Show() const; // firstname lastname format void FormalShow() const; // lastname, firstname format }; Person::Person(const string & ln, const char * fn) { lname = ln; strcpy(fname, fn); } void Person::Show() const { cout << fname << ‘ ‘ << lname << endl; } void Person::FormalShow() const { cout << lname << ", " << fname << endl; } int main () { Person one; Person two("Smythecraft"); Person three("Dimwiddy", "Sam"); three.Show(); three.FormalShow(); }
//10.3编写golf类,包含姓名和成绩两个数据,并实现调用 #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; const int Len = 40; class golf { string fullname; int handicap; public: golf ():fullname("no"),handicap(0) {} golf (const char * name, int hc) { fullname = name; handicap = hc; } void showgolf() { cout << fullname << ‘\t‘ << handicap << endl; } }; int main () { golf golfer; golf golfers("tom",100); golfer.showgolf(); golfers.showgolf(); }
//10.4根据编程练习9.4,用Sales类完成 #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Sales { static const int QUARTERS = 4; double sales[QUARTERS]; double size; double average; double max; double min; public: Sales (double arr[], int n) { unsigned times = n < QUARTERS ? (unsigned)n : QUARTERS; for (unsigned i = 0; i < times; ++i) sales[i] = arr[i]; for (unsigned i = times; i < QUARTERS; ++i) sales[i] = 0; size = times; average = calcAverage(); max = calcMax(); min = calcMin(); } void setSales() { cout << "输入" << QUARTERS << "个销售记录:"; size = QUARTERS; for (unsigned i = 0; i < QUARTERS; ++i) { cin >> sales[i]; if (!cin) { size = i; break; } } for (unsigned i = (unsigned)size; i < QUARTERS; ++i) sales[i] = 0; cin.clear(); average = calcAverage(); max = calcMax(); min = calcMin(); } double calcAverage () const { double sum = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < size; ++i) sum += sales[i]; return (sum / size); } double calcMax () const { unsigned idxMax = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < size; ++i) if (sales[i] > sales[idxMax]) idxMax = i; return (sales[idxMax]); } double calcMin () const { unsigned idxMin = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < size; ++i) if (sales[i] < sales[idxMin]) idxMin = i; return (sales[idxMin]); } void showSales () const { cout << "sales: "; for (const auto& e : sales) cout << e << ‘ ‘; cout << endl; cout << "average: " << average << endl; cout << "max: " << max << endl; cout << "min: " << min << endl; } }; int main () { double salesLst[] = {12.2, 11.16, 10.61, 16.24, 11.53}; Sales salesBook(salesLst, sizeof(salesLst)/sizeof(salesLst[0])); salesBook.showSales(); }
//10.5编写一个程序,从栈中添加和删除customer结构(包括全名和数量两个成员),每删除一个结构,把数量计入总数。 #include <iostream> using namespace std; struct customer{ char fullname[35]; double payment; }; typedef customer Item; class Stack{ Item items[10]; int top; public: Stack() :top(0){ } bool isEmpty() const { return top==0; } bool isFull() const { return top==10; } bool push(const Item &item) { if(isFull()) { cout<<"Error !Stack is full!"<<endl; return false; } else items[top++]=item; return true; } bool pop(Item &item) { if(top<=0) { cout<<"Error !Stack is empty"<<endl; return false; } else { item=items[--top]; return true; } } }; int main () { static int total=0; Stack sc; customer c[5]={ {"I",10}, {"II",20}, {"III",40}, {"IV",50}, {"V",60} }; customer s[10];//用于存储pop出来的customer for(int i=0;i<5;i++) { sc.push(c[i]); cout<<"now push "<<c[i].fullname<<" payment is "<<c[i].payment<<endl; } for(int i=0;i<5;i++) { sc.pop(s[i]); total+=s[i].payment; cout<<"total="<<total<<endl; } }
//10.6根据以下类编写测试 #include <iostream> #include <cstring> using namespace std; class Move { double m_x; double m_y; public: Move (double a, double b) { m_x = a; m_y = b; } void showMove () const { cout << ‘(‘ << m_x << ", " << m_y << ‘)‘; } Move add (const Move& m) const { return (Move(m.m_x + m_x, m.m_y + m_y)); } void reset (double a, double b) { m_x = a; m_y = b; } }; int main () { Move one(12, 4); one.showMove(); cout << endl; Move two(1, 1); one.add(two).showMove(); cout << endl; one.reset(3,4); one.showMove(); cout << endl; }
//10.7编写类Plorg和函数实现plorg这些特征: //数据:名称不超过19字符;有满意指数整数CI //操作:新的plorg有名称,CI值50;CI可修改;plorg可报告名称和CI;默认名称为“Plorga” #include <iostream> #include <cstring> using namespace std; class Plorg { char _name[20]; unsigned CI; public: Plorg () : CI(50) { strcpy(_name,"Plorga"); } Plorg (const char* name) { CI = 50; strcpy(_name, name); _name[19] = ‘\0‘; } void setCI (unsigned ci) { CI = ci; } void showPlorg () const { cout << _name << ‘ ‘ << CI << endl; } }; int main () { Plorg plorg; plorg.showPlorg(); plorg.setCI(12); plorg.showPlorg(); }
#include <iostream> #include <cstring> using namespace std; class TList { public: typedef int Item; public: TList (const Item arr[] = NULL, unsigned n = 0); bool isFull (void) const; bool isEmpty (void) const; bool append (const Item& item); void visit (void (*pf) (Item& item)); private: static const unsigned mk_capacity = 4; private: Item m_content[mk_capacity]; unsigned m_size; }; TList::TList (const Item arr[], unsigned n) { if (NULL == arr) { m_size = 0; return; } m_size = mk_capacity < n ? mk_capacity : n; for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_size; ++i) { m_content[i] = arr[i]; } } bool TList::isFull (void) const { return (mk_capacity == m_size); } bool TList::isEmpty (void) const { return (0 == m_size); } bool TList::append (const Item& item) { if (isFull()) { return (false); } m_content[m_size++] = item; return (true); } void TList::visit (void (*pf) (Item& item)) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_size; ++i) { pf(m_content[i]); } } static void show (TList::Item& item) { cout << item << ‘ ‘; } int main (void) { TList one; one.visit(show); cout << endl; cout << "是否空:" << boolalpha << one.isEmpty(); cout << endl << "=========" << endl; TList::Item arr[] = {1, 2, 3}; TList two(arr, sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0])); two.visit(show); cout << endl; cout << "是否满:" << two.isFull(); cout << endl; cout << "是否空:" << two.isEmpty(); cout << endl; cout << "追加一项:" << two.append(16); cout << endl; two.visit(show); cout << endl; }
c++ primer plus(第6版)中文版 第十章编程练习答案,布布扣,bubuko.com
c++ primer plus(第6版)中文版 第十章编程练习答案