1 <?php 2 header("content-type:text/html; charset=utf-8"); 3 /** 4 * 包裹重量异常 5 */ 6 class HeavyParcelException extends Exception {} 7 8 /** 9 * 包裹类 10 */ 11 class Parcel { 12 13 /** 14 * 包裹寄送目的地地址 15 */ 16 public $address; 17 18 /** 19 * 包裹重量 20 */ 21 public $weight; 22 } 23 24 /** 25 * 派送员 26 */ 27 class Courier { 28 29 /** 30 * 运送 31 */ 32 public function ship(Parcel $parcel) { 33 //check we have an address 34 //如果包裹的目的地为空 35 if(empty($parcel->address)) { 36 throw new Exception(‘address not Specified(未填写地址)!‘); 37 } 38 39 //check the weight 40 //如果重量超过5 41 if($parcel->weight > 5) { 42 throw new HeavyParcelException(‘Parcel exceeds courier limit(包裹超过运送上限)!‘); 43 } 44 45 //otherwise we‘re coll 46 return true; 47 } 48 } 49 50 $myCourier = new Courier(); 51 $parcel = new Parcel(); 52 //add the address if we have it 为了测试这里不填写地址 53 $parcel->weight = 7; 54 try { 55 $myCourier->ship($parcel); 56 echo "parcel shipped"; 57 } catch (HeavyParcelException $e) {//捕获HeavyParcelException 不写这个异常的类型名字,就跑到普通Exception抛出去了 58 echo "Parcel weight error(重量错误): " . $e->getMessage(); 59 //redirect them to choose another courier 60 } catch (Exception $e) { 61 echo "Someting went wrong(地址错误): " . $e->getMessage(); 62 //exit so we don‘t try to proceed any further 63 exit; 64 } 65 echo ‘<br/>‘; 66 $a = 123; 67 echo $a;
55 >
32 >
35(ship方法中先检查的是地址为空,这里会抛出Exception,而非57行的HeavyParcelException) >
60(捕获到Exception) >
616263 输出地址错误 exit;不会输出65到67行了
1.捕获的顺序,要看try中的代码中throw的是哪个类型的Exception,然后才看 catch里的顺序。